Cold Antarctic Bottom Water is warming up

Did you read it before you posted this LIE.
The Antarctic ice sheet is ice thousands of feet thick on top of the Antarctic continent. It is not floating anywhere.
You are an ignorant jackass. Sea ice and the ice sheet are two different things.

Sea ice is frozen seawater that floats on the ocean surface. It forms in both the Arctic and the Antarctic in each hemisphere’s winter; it retreats in the summer, but does not completely disappear. This floating ice has a profound influence on the polar environment, influencing ocean circulation, weather, and regional climate.


Now apologize for having called me a liar before taking the 15 seconds required to see that I was not, asshole.
You are an ignorant jackass. Sea ice and the ice sheet are two different things.

Sea ice is frozen seawater that floats on the ocean surface. It forms in both the Arctic and the Antarctic in each hemisphere’s winter; it retreats in the summer, but does not completely disappear. This floating ice has a profound influence on the polar environment, influencing ocean circulation, weather, and regional climate.

View attachment 810739

Now apologize for having called me a liar before taking the 15 seconds required to see that I was not, asshole.
Not on your life. I suppose you deny that the Antarctic ice shelf is not part of the ice sheet. Run your pompous ass down the road. You've proven for over a week that you lie about what you've read and also what you understand which isn't much.
The conclusions of science regarding how the universe works are the closest thing we have to truth. Certainly some scientists have things they feel strongly about and some of them allow those feelings to affect their work. But the prime purpose of the scientific method is to establish a formal strategy using inductive reasoning free of personal biases to establish actual cause and effect relationships. From What Is the Scientific Method?

Why Is the Scientific Method Important?​

The scientific method is important because:

  • It's a standardized approach. The steps used in the scientific method are systematic, so scientists conduct experiments in a standardized manner. This means that their experiments can become more widespread.
  • It eliminates bias. Bias is the tendency to favor your own point of view over those of others. You can eliminate bias in experiments with the help of a scientific approach because experiments require objectivity. The scientific method requires you to carefully record any experimental detail so that it can be mirrored and publicized. To accomplish this, the results of your experiment should be neutral. The scientific method comes in handy when an organization's or scientist's affiliations may lead to bias.
  • It helps create theories. Theories are general principles obtained from facts that can be used to explain observations and predict future events. When a hypothesis is tested and proven to be right, it is converted into a theory — like Einstein's theory of relativity.
  • It can solve problems. With the knowledge of the scientific method, you may be able to develop important problem-solving skills. For example, if you're trying to solve a problem, you can isolate it by considering or eliminating irrelevant factors using the scientific method. In addition, it can help you in making continuous changes to your solutions and retesting them.
  • It creates predictive power. A hypothesis that is proven to be correct raises the likelihood of an event occurring. This means that you can use the scientific method to predict whether or not an event will occur again in the future.
Politics and federal grant money have co-opted the scientific method.
Politics and federal grant money have co-opted the scientific method.
Evidence? Can you show us a few real world instances in which the scientific method as circumvented due to federal grant money?
Evidence? Can you show us a few real world instances in which the scientific method as circumvented due to federal grant money?
Grants are expected to produce results. many cases of fraud in climate research.

This guys from the University of East Anglia....the same place Michael Mann was caught flubbing the hockey stick graph:

Leaked climate change emails scientist 'hid' data flaws

The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever

The Trick review: How the Climategate scandal rocked the world

Fakegate: The Obnoxious Fabrication of Global Warming

The Stunning Statistical Fraud Behind The Global Warming Scare

List of scientific misconduct incidents - Wikipedia
  • Thanks
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And, of course, we really just needed this.

Their theory is that increasing Co2 in the ATMOSPHERE would warm the ATMOSPHERE (not deep ocean currents or water under Antarctica, their current lying points).

We have TWO and ONLY TWO measures of atmospheric temps, satellites and balloons. Both showed NO WARMING despite rising Co2 with high correlation.


In 2005, the Co2 fraud fudged both series with laughable bullshit easily outed as bullshit.

There is NO EVIDENCE that Co2 causes warming, NONE, just FUDGED FRAUD.

Next issue....
The lack of dissolved nutrients will starve the phytoplankton and that will starve the zooplankton and that will starve the diatoms and that will starve the copepods and that will starve the wee little fish and that will starve the bigger fish all the way up to the ones you'd like to catch. Dead fish don't bite and you're not throwing in enough bait to feed the whole lot - besides which you won't have any bait because they will have starved first. Making humor at catastrophe is not the mark of a clever wit.
You are so full of shit. You know nothing about this other that what someone else told you. Liar.

Cold Antarctic Bottom Water is warming up​

Curious how cold bottom water should be warming up from climate change! I mean, cold salty bottom water ought to STAY cold and salty and not be mixing with fresh water that is less salty, warmer and lighter! That is like mixing oil and vinegar!

That is, unless that cold bottom water is being warmed by an INTERNAL heat source not from Climate Change!
Curious how cold bottom water should be warming up from climate change! I mean, cold salty bottom water ought to STAY cold and salty and not be mixing with fresh water that is less salty, warmer and lighter! That is like mixing oil and vinegar!

That is, unless that cold bottom water is being warmed by an INTERNAL heat source not from Climate Change!
That's a dubious command of basic physics you've got there. Water has an unusual property. Ice floats in water. That does not occur with any other material (that I know of). Water has a polar molecule and its crystalline form is slightly less dense that it's liquid form. Start out with water at 99.9C and start cooling it and it will steadily contract and become more dense. But at 4C, that will stop and it will start to expand and become less dense. So the densest water is 4C. When water at the surface of the ocean (or any lake, stream or puddle) gets down to 4C, it sinks to the bottom. The temperature at the bottom of any ocean is 4C. It's the higher density water sinking that drives the whole current. Warming reduces the amount of water that gets down to 4C and melts lots of ice reducing local and regional salinity and density in that way as well.
That does not occur with any other material (that I know of).
Other substances that expand on cooling are silicon, gallium, germanium, antimony, bismuth, plutonium, etc. More often, substances with tetrahedral structure exhibit this uncanny property.
That's a dubious command of basic physics you've got there. Water has an unusual property. Ice floats in water. That does not occur with any other material (that I know of). Water has a polar molecule and its crystalline form is slightly less dense that it's liquid form. Start out with water at 99.9C and start cooling it and it will steadily contract and become more dense. But at 4C, that will stop and it will start to expand and become less dense. So the densest water is 4C. When water at the surface of the ocean (or any lake, stream or puddle) gets down to 4C, it sinks to the bottom. The temperature at the bottom of any ocean is 4C. It's the higher density water sinking that drives the whole current. Warming reduces the amount of water that gets down to 4C and melts lots of ice reducing local and regional salinity and density in that way as well.
Dear Concerned American,
You tacked a "Fake News" emoticon on this post. I was wondering if you could explain what you were thinking.

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