Cold Antarctic Bottom Water is warming up

No you're not. You're interested in stoking your ego and trolling. I'm not buying your bullshit.
I'm interested in educating the members of the public here whose opinions indicate shortcomings in their grasp of the several topics involved in understanding climate science. It is important because we all need their votes to put people into office who also have reasonable understandings of climate science and will push US, state and local policies in directions they need to go.

Sounds scary if you happen to be an uninformed puppet of the fossil fuel industry.
I'm interested in educating the members of the public here whose opinions indicate shortcomings in their grasp of the several topics involved in understanding climate science. It is important because we all need their votes to put people into office who also have reasonable understandings of climate science and will push US, state and local policies in directions they need to go.

Sounds scary if you happen to be an uninformed puppet of the fossil fuel industry.
Keep following that science. You're no different than Al Gore who has been proved wrong on every one of his predictions. You're an arrogant pompous ass looking for approval.
Keep following that science. You're no different than Al Gore who has been proved wrong on every one of his predictions. You're an arrogant pompous ass looking for approval.
I will keep following the science as your statement seems to admit you are not.
I will keep following the science as your statement seems to admit you are not.
I definitely won't be following the crap that you and your cronies have been promoting as science the last four years especially. Lies. You folks have done more to promote distrust in the scientific community than any other time in the history of mankind.
I definitely won't be following the crap that you and your cronies have been promoting as science the last four years especially.
I see. And are you able to explain why you believe it to be crap?
Or lies?
You folks have done more to promote distrust in the scientific community than any other time in the history of mankind.
That's funny. That is EXACTLY what I might have said to you if you'd had anything more convincing than an unsupported rant to make your case. How exactly does your reasoning go here? I am spreading nothing but mainstream science. I constantly make arguments here that they are conducting research per the scientific method and their results are the best shot we have at the actual truth regarding what's happening on this planet. I am constantly arguing with folks of your ilk that claim scientists are all lying because they want to get rich from research grants or that for some unexplained reason, they want the world to return to the stone age. And then there are folks that believe all the scientists are simply communists attempting to create a global dictatorship led by Joe Biden, John Kerry or Al Gore.

So where do you see MY posts as having promoted distrust in the scientific community and not the folks who claim scientists are all lying and trying to put us back into cave's and animal skins?
I am spreading nothing but mainstream science.
You are spreading msm crap. You asked sometime ago for a case where the "science" was not true to which I responded with "covid" You skirted that very pertinent issue with some flippant irrelevant remark. Why would anyone respond to your garbage. When you are confronted with facts that disagree with your falsehoods, you disparage the person. Run along little troll, you, like the msm, have absolutely no credibility in spite of the cut and pastes that you post but do not read.
You are spreading msm crap.
Mainstream media crap? Do you regard the IPCC's Assessment Reports as mainstream media? How about studies published in Nature, Geophysical Review Letters, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences? Are they mainstream media?
You asked sometime ago for a case where the "science" was not true to which I responded with "covid" You skirted that very pertinent issue with some flippant irrelevant remark.
I would LOVE to debate the COVID-19 pandemic with you, but that would be off-topic for this forum. Believing the COVID pandemic is an instance when science was not true is not evidence that you know what you're talking about.
Why would anyone respond to your garbage.
Because I use excellent sources and I present them well. It's easy to make a good case for something when you have all the world's scientist's behind you.
When you are confronted with facts that disagree with your falsehoods, you disparage the person.
First, I refute their claims and then I disparage them. My mother taught me that. "Refute before you disparage, son", she always used to say to me.
Run along little troll, you, like the msm, have absolutely no credibility in spite of the cut and pastes that you post but do not read.
No. I'm going to remain right here and continue to do what I've been doing for the last few years now. Why don't you go pick up an actual education and then have another look at the world around you? You'd be amazed to see what you've been missing. And who has been lying to you.
I did not miss this. But you missed my central point. The volcano being discussed is under the Southern Ocean, not on the Antarctic continent.
So it’s atmospheric CO2 on a per capita basis heating the deep ocean?
Note the date on this thread Ding

Laura Paddison is a climate, environment and social inequality journalist. She was previously editor of Guardian Sustainable Business. January 2023.

LOL................ :auiqs.jpg:

Laura Paddison is a climate, environment and social inequality journalist. She was previously editor of Guardian Sustainable Business. January 2023.
Shenjie Zhou, an oceanographer at BAS and lead author of the study
Povl Abrahamsen is a physical oceanographer at BAS and co-author of the referenced study
Alessandro Silvano from the University of Southampton in the UK is also a co-author of the study
Holly Ayres, a researcher at the department of meteorology at Reading University in the UK, was not involved in the study

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