Cold Sun... What if Global Cooling is in our Future...

Don't hang your hat on an obvious bullshitter. Your case will sink with him.

Use real facts, not some hoaxster, to prove your case.

And that pretty sums up the point of all of my posts on this forum. :lol:

Show me one lab experiment that demonstrates increase CO2 by a few hundred PPM will raise temperature.

Can you do that even once?
Don't hang your hat on an obvious bullshitter. Your case will sink with him.

Use real facts, not some hoaxster, to prove your case.

And that pretty sums up the point of all of my posts on this forum. :lol:

Show me one lab experiment that demonstrates increase CO2 by a few hundred PPM will raise temperature.

Can you do that even once?

[ame=]Richard Alley: "The Biggest Control Knob: Carbon Dioxide in Earth's Climate History" - YouTube[/ame]
Don't hang your hat on an obvious bullshitter. Your case will sink with him.

Use real facts, not some hoaxster, to prove your case.

And that pretty sums up the point of all of my posts on this forum. :lol:

Show me one lab experiment that demonstrates increase CO2 by a few hundred PPM will raise temperature.

Can you do that even once?

the point is even if it does the relationship is not linear - it peaks at about 400 ppm ( which e have already almost reached) and then flattens - to the flat lines. there is no increase in "greenhouse effect" beyond CO2 400 ppm
I know this is difficult for you MMGW'ers to swallow, but for a minute... Imagine that you are wrong... Imagine that the Sun is the biggest contributing factor to the temperatures on Earth... Then imagine that the guy who wrote this book knows what the fuck he's talking about and you might not...

About the Book

Is the answer to start poluting again?... Because burning fossil fuels and using hair spray was apparently causing "Global Warming"... Amirite?

Are we to assume it could combat Global Cooling?



Pure bullshit.

Acclaim for the Book

Scientists, leaders and experts from around the world have given praise for Cold Sun and its author John Casey. Regardless of the author’s extensive background in the space program involving advisory work at some of the highest levels of the US government, this level of acclamation for a new author in the highly charged field of climate research is unique. The depth and sincerity of the endorsements are rarely ever read about any scientist or researcher, especially for a subject matter where the ground was supposedly well plowed and the conventional thinking has been that “…the science has been settled.”

If you have something that is real, you name names, and list journals where your book or works are referanced. Just another peice of pseudoscientific shit for the ignorant.

Why are you so fucking angry?... :dunno:

Oh yeah... your dogma was successfully challenged... :rofl:

Get back to me when you have substance you toothless stain.


the main question is - how much money one can get on a scare of global cooling. It did not work well for the scaremongers in the 70s when "global cooling" because of the fossils and CO2 was already tried.
Isn't it pretty funny the reason we were going into an ice age is fossil fuels and pollution. Now it's the reason we are going to get warmer. All while seeing global warming retards stuck in the ice in an ice breaker.

The first rule of being a climatard is you have to ignore the climate. Then you just spout off a lot of stupid about the climate and try to make it anything you have to to sell it to people. It's like the old circus side shows with fake mummies and shit. What it is doesn't matter, how many people you can fuck into paying to see it is the goal.

Nuclear war was the reason for the ice age theory .

Not back then, the pollution was going to block the suns rays and doom us all to an icey grave. Nuclear war is why we practiced diving under our desks like a 1/2" fucking piece of wood was going to save us.
Don't hang your hat on an obvious bullshitter. Your case will sink with him.

Use real facts, not some hoaxster, to prove your case.

And that pretty sums up the point of all of my posts on this forum. :lol:

Show me one lab experiment that demonstrates increase CO2 by a few hundred PPM will raise temperature.

Can you do that even once?

[ame=]Richard Alley: "The Biggest Control Knob: Carbon Dioxide in Earth's Climate History" - YouTube[/ame]

Sorry, is there a lab experiment in that hour long drone?

How much of an increase does each 200PPM of additional CO2 cause?

Tell me how you can do what the earth does within a small lab? Geological record is the closes we can come to that.
Don't hang your hat on an obvious bullshitter. Your case will sink with him.

Use real facts, not some hoaxster, to prove your case.

And that pretty sums up the point of all of my posts on this forum. :lol:

Golly I just wish we were ALL as smart as you think you are :)

GW is dead to all but the "true believers".

It'd be satisfied if you could be at least half as smart.

Oh ouch...mommy he hurt me.....
What if we were able to start getting rid of as many mountains as we could by blowing them up into
smaller pieces.Then the Earth wil become lighter.That way it would be possible for the planet to move closer to the Sun and that's the end of the Ice age we seem to be heading toward..

Would Al Gore and the Democrats go for that?

You have to be careful of that. That might cause the continent to capsize. The thread of Guam capsizing is bad enough:)
Tell me how you can do what the earth does within a small lab? Geological record is the closes we can come to that.

With that logic, let's just abolish all labs. They are useless anyway
The way it is is all the money spent under the false belief that our actions (cars) will cause these terrible things to happen needs to be given back to the people---like maybe refunds from all the scientist and others who preached on there soap box and influenced all the pollution bull shit that was added to cars and other crap.

Sound like hundreds of millions if not billions wasted under magical phony beliefs.
Oh I know if we did not do these magical things the world would have come to an end, people who think like that should be hung in times square for all to see. They are just a guilty of witch craft as the Salem Witches.
I find it humorous that whenever you post a source they IMMEDIATELY respond that it is funded by big something....while virtually EVERY pro GW source is funded by Federal Money....and EVERYBODY knows that THEY only want what's best for us "little" people.
Anyone seen the prophet algore lately? Is he snowed in somewhere? Paying some hooker for a massage? counting his money? dreaming up his next lie? recounting the votes in Palm Beach county? Where is the idiot of AGW?
Anyone seen the prophet algore lately? Is he snowed in somewhere? Paying some hooker for a massage? counting his money? dreaming up his next lie? recounting the votes in Palm Beach county? Where is the idiot of AGW?

I think he and g5000 and Jake are at a GW summit this weekend ;)

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