Colege Kids Sign Petition to Have Gun Owners Executed in FEMA Camps

There is no communist indoctrination in the US. All you'd need to do to discredit communism is point at Russia and China. One's failed already, the other's failing. Communism doesn't work. End of concern.

You call China's emergence in the 21st century as a super power "failing"?
The stunt was good for some laughs, but it really seemed more an indictment on the credibility of petitions than anything else.

It's a pretty safe bet that most of those kids were just out to placate some pushy stranger in the least confrontational way possible, and I'd be willing to bet that more than a couple used phony signatures to do it.

The reaction of the guy pushing green initiatives with summer jobs sort of blows the premise of the parody out of the water. Not all of us 'liberals' are out to abolish the 2nd Amendment.

it crack me up when I see these gun owners say stupid shit like this ... so the ole sarcastic button gets pushed ... I can't believe that these gun owners are so ignorant to believe that we Liberals want to do this kind of shit ... it's beyond me ... but every day they show us their ignorance about what we are about, so sarcastic button here comes out ...
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World knew cruelty and war and murder a LONG time before gunpowder was invented. Things might be better without guns, but they also might be worse. If ending crime isn't a pistol shot away and we're back to swords and maces, ending a violent crime will be back to only the strong being able to. And everyone who isn't physically strong and capable being at the mercy of those that are.
There is no communist indoctrination in the US. All you'd need to do to discredit communism is point at Russia and China. One's failed already, the other's failing. Communism doesn't work. End of concern.

What's happening if anything, is people are reacting emotionally instead of rationally. Simple ask anyone who supports this kind of ridiculousness, "if someone's mugging your Mom, what do you do?" If they say go save Mom, ask them how. Does the mugger have a weapon? Do you? If not how exactly do you propose to help her? Call 911? Why? Because they have guns? :)

Sounds good to me ... I'll be glad to be the guy who goes and removes it from their cold dead fingers ... I just got a brand new bolt cutter ... one quick snap, cold dead finger removed ... gun in custody ...
Guns are here to stay. If you were able to ban them, only the criminals would have guns you dumb MF.

Keep your children away from liberals - they will turn them against our Constitution; make them anti american!
you people supporting cheating in elections .

that is how morally bankrupt you all are
We will END your cheating and you will never again win an election

Then some of you nut balls will kill your fellow Americans.
Need a NRA-backed movie akin to the "Day Without a Mexican" one which depicted California sans Mexicans. :) "Day Without Guns" showing the utter mayhem which would ensue now that criminals can rob a bank more or less without fear since afew cops or feds shwoing up have to subdue them with swords and halberds instead of firearms. :)
I know a lot of people like to laugh this stuff off, but is it really so funny? It's not a joke. The Communist Globalists are serious about disarming Citizens. And these people vote for them. Always keep that in mind.

so come with us lets go on across the US in every state and get these guns .. taken them away ... we CAN DO IT !!! cause the commies are coming to get you....

[ame=]Napoleon XIV: 'They're coming to take me away' - YouTube[/ame]
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dear right wing idiots

those people laughed at that fool with the petition.

I sign petitions I don't believe in all the time.

It puts it on the ballot NOT makes it law you idiots
you guys don't like the people voting huh.

Its why you cheat people out of their right to vote
These students are the result of 12 years of Government Indoctrination Camps.

This is what preceeded Hitler in Germany.

no .... these students are hired actors .... by the gun lobby you idiot ... its nothing more then to get your craw up ... and they have
succeeded hitler now thats funn cause hitler made it so you had to own a gun ...Hitler !!! BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAH
thats right say HITLER and that makes you credible ... idiot
World knew cruelty and war and murder a LONG time before gunpowder was invented. Things might be better without guns, but they also might be worse. If ending crime isn't a pistol shot away and we're back to swords and maces, ending a violent crime will be back to only the strong being able to. And everyone who isn't physically strong and capable being at the mercy of those that are.

The old saying, "God created Man, but Winchester made him equal" is far more true than people realize.

Before the gun, people had swords. And about the only people who could afford swords were the wealthier people.

Yeah, the poor could manage a shovel or an axe, but they would have no chance against a man with a sword.

Not talking a Broad Sword. I'm talking a fighting sword.

The term 'swashbuckler' came about because young men would wear fighting swords on their hips along with a small shield. And when they walked, you could hear them coming from a distance because of the distinctive noise they made of the sword and shiled clanging together.

And those guys? They'd just as soon run a peasant through as look at him.

In fact, the greatest tool ever invented for keeping the lower classes down is disarming them.

In Asia, it led to the Martial Arts. Kung Fu, Karate, Judo, Ju Jitsu, etc.

These all came about because the elites took weapons away from everybody but themselves.

If you've ever studied Asian Martial Arts, you'll see many and varied lithographs, paintings, etc of Men fighting with Farm Implements or sticks.

The sword was kept away from the common man on penalty of death.

Same thing here. Our resident dimocrap scum want to disarm everybody but themselves.

They think they're the elites... But they're not. It's a myth they cling to that enables them to justify their lies.

They're just mindless drones doing the bidding of their Masters.
They will be placed in FEMA Death Camps for their own protection and re-education
World knew cruelty and war and murder a LONG time before gunpowder was invented. Things might be better without guns, but they also might be worse. If ending crime isn't a pistol shot away and we're back to swords and maces, ending a violent crime will be back to only the strong being able to. And everyone who isn't physically strong and capable being at the mercy of those that are.

The old saying, "God created Man, but Winchester made him equal" is far more true than people realize.


I thought Colt made them equal

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