Colege Kids Sign Petition to Have Gun Owners Executed in FEMA Camps

the good news is the pro gun crowd is growing rapidly. 20,000,000 + new permit applications per year. 47% of housegolds admit to owning a gun. who knows how many have them that won't admit in this gun grabbing environment. gun grabbers are small in number. keep democrats out of office and htey have no power at all. perhaps down the road this rapidly growing pro gun crowd can find a better use for those fema camps and these college kids
Arms in the hands of individual citizens may be used at individual private self-defense.
John Adams, A Defense of the Constitutions of the
Government of the United States of America, 471 (1788)

I'll never understand why people try misconstrue a real quote. :eusa_liar: The actual passage reads:

"To suppose arms in the hands of citizens, to be used at individual discretion, except in private self-defense, or by partial orders of towns, counties or districts of a state, is to demolish every constitution, and lay the laws prostrate, so that liberty can be enjoyed by no man; it is a dissolution of the government. The fundamental law of the militia is, that it be created, directed and commanded by the laws, and ever for the support of the laws."
-- John Adams
its like the bible ...they only use what fits their needs
This is just the kind of reaction the far left is hoping for. I guess we should congratulate the liberal professors on successfully indoctrinating a large number of young people.

They can quit pretending to be tolerant, too. Bill Maher recently stated that he hopes there is a mass shooting at the CMAs. What a complete douche. It's that twisted thinking by liberals that is poisoning the minds of our youth.
It's pretty obvious those people weren't even listening to him as they signed the petition.
This is just the kind of reaction the far left is hoping for. I guess we should congratulate the liberal professors on successfully indoctrinating a large number of young people.

They can quit pretending to be tolerant, too. Bill Maher recently stated that he hopes there is a mass shooting at the CMAs. What a complete douche. It's that twisted thinking by liberals that is poisoning the minds of our youth.

You have something against the First Amendment?
It is just a matter of time before some equally disingenuous leftie goes out and gets kids from some bible college to sign a petition banning the First Amendment to get more God in government and to ban Islam from America.
George Bernard Shaw made a good point!
Germany as no more guilty for WW1 than any other Country. They did the same thing the other European powers did, honored their Treaties. Yet, the German people were victims of unbearable punishment by the Allied powers. The tragedy is that it was Hitler who offered a way out of starvation.
The germans started WW1 b/c they thought they had a "destiny" to rule the world.
The germans started WW11 b/c they believed they had a "destiny" to rule the world.
In both cases the sane people of the world kicked the German's asses.
Like me, EARN a masters degree in world history.
To this day there exists a 'social dynamic' among Germans to be the "Superior race". And they have certainly proved that. The height of human perfection for your average 'pure-lain' German is to produce the best engineered objects ever made and have the most perfect social structure. And they do.
If the rest of the world hadn't stopped Hitler I'd be posting this in 'High German'. And not a Jew or a 'person of color' would be seen anywhere on any street on the planet. Only in slave 'breeding' camps.
George Bernard Shaw made a good point!
Germany as no more guilty for WW1 than any other Country. They did the same thing the other European powers did, honored their Treaties. Yet, the German people were victims of unbearable punishment by the Allied powers. The tragedy is that it was Hitler who offered a way out of starvation.
The germans started WW1 b/c they thought they had a "destiny" to rule the world.
The germans started WW11 b/c they believed they had a "destiny" to rule the world.
In both cases the sane people of the world kicked the German's asses.
Like me, EARN a masters degree in world history.
To this day there exists a 'social dynamic' among Germans to be the "Superior race". And they have certainly proved that. The height of human perfection for your average 'pure-lain' German is to produce the best engineered objects ever made and have the most perfect social structure. And they do.
If the rest of the world hadn't stopped Hitler I'd be posting this in 'High German'. And not a Jew or a 'person of color' would be seen anywhere on any street on the planet. Only in slave 'breeding' camps.

Is that opposite of 'Sober German'?
A good petitioner can get people to sign almost anything - and I'm sure that some Alex Jones diciple knew that when he decided to make this petition and see how many people would sign it.
The stunt was good for some laughs, but it really seemed more an indictment on the credibility of petitions than anything else.

It's a pretty safe bet that most of those kids were just out to placate some pushy stranger in the least confrontational way possible, and I'd be willing to bet that more than a couple used phony signatures to do it.

The reaction of the guy pushing green initiatives with summer jobs sort of blows the premise of the parody out of the water. Not all of us 'liberals' are out to abolish the 2nd Amendment.

it crack me up when I see these gun owners say stupid shit like this ... so the ole sarcastic button gets pushed ... I can't believe that these gun owners are so ignorant to believe that we Liberals want to do this kind of shit ... it's beyond me ... but every day they show us their ignorance about what we are about, so sarcastic button here comes out ...

background checks=registration=confiscation

The stunt was good for some laughs, but it really seemed more an indictment on the credibility of petitions than anything else.

It's a pretty safe bet that most of those kids were just out to placate some pushy stranger in the least confrontational way possible, and I'd be willing to bet that more than a couple used phony signatures to do it.

The reaction of the guy pushing green initiatives with summer jobs sort of blows the premise of the parody out of the water. Not all of us 'liberals' are out to abolish the 2nd Amendment.

it crack me up when I see these gun owners say stupid shit like this ... so the ole sarcastic button gets pushed ... I can't believe that these gun owners are so ignorant to believe that we Liberals want to do this kind of shit ... it's beyond me ... but every day they show us their ignorance about what we are about, so sarcastic button here comes out ...

background checks=registration=confiscation


There's probably some truth in that equation.

New legislation in the wake of the recent rash of shootings allegedly carried out by mentally disturbed perpetrators (Loughner, Holmes, Lanza, Alexis...) will likely continue to be constructed retroactively as a main avenue for confiscating the firearms of many currently legal gun-owners (most notably former soldiers), no matter how long they've lived peacefully as law-abiding citizens following their respective diagnoses/initiations of treatment plans.

The question is: how many of those people probably should be disarmed?

That's a tough one.
There's a lot of intolerance and hate on college campuses. Almost as if they were left wing establishments.
This is funny and not funny at the same time. These people vote for the Communist Globalists who are deadly serious about disarming Citizens. Personally, i feel this is more sad & disturbing than it is funny.
A good petitioner can get people to sign almost anything - and I'm sure that some Alex Jones diciple knew that when he decided to make this petition and see how many people would sign it.

I am willing to sign it right now
The stunt was good for some laughs, but it really seemed more an indictment on the credibility of petitions than anything else.

It's a pretty safe bet that most of those kids were just out to placate some pushy stranger in the least confrontational way possible, and I'd be willing to bet that more than a couple used phony signatures to do it.

The reaction of the guy pushing green initiatives with summer jobs sort of blows the premise of the parody out of the water. Not all of us 'liberals' are out to abolish the 2nd Amendment.

it crack me up when I see these gun owners say stupid shit like this ... so the ole sarcastic button gets pushed ... I can't believe that these gun owners are so ignorant to believe that we Liberals want to do this kind of shit ... it's beyond me ... but every day they show us their ignorance about what we are about, so sarcastic button here comes out ...

background checks=registration=confiscation


NRA Membership= Gun Owner= Confiscation

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