Colin Kapernik Was Raised In A White Home Yet He Feels This Country Is Oppressive

Hey man, there a some blacks that are rich and one black guy who is POTUS that proves no one in America is oppressed. Some equals all!
It proves repeatedly that those who reject the Democrat Party's politics of victimhood can achieve great things. Tell you what, why don't you watch "Pursuit of Happyness". You might need to watch it a few times over for the lesson to sink in because you're a little dense, but I'm confident my point will finally dawn on you.

You don't assign homework to me fool. Learn to spell Happiness first before trying to assign homework goofy.
Too bad. The movie could have taught you something about personal responsibility, persistence, and refusing to be a victim.
Oh no, I've shown ignorance of a misspelled movie title. Gosh darnnit. That means There's no history of oppression in America!! Womp womp
You can't really be that ignorant. No one can protest history of oppression or history at all. It's not like protest can force history to be changed.

Let's protest blacks for wearing bones in their noses and eating their children.
Guess the forty-whiners shudda found at least 1/2 black coach for this oppressed group of college educated adults.

Wait a minute, Warriors have good black coach. Whew! Thank God......what's'that? Fired? Cause he not embrace Gay horsecrap? Replaced with whitey? Go figger....
He should be grateful for the NFL giving him a chance! God knows it's not like he earned it or something lol
So your point is that regardless of your race if you work hard and have great parents that support can succeed then?
Colin K will love O Canada when he's in the CFL where his level of talent almost assures he'll be able to nail down a starting gig.
Oh no, I've shown ignorance of a misspelled movie title. Gosh darnnit. That means There's no history of oppression in America!! Womp womp
You can't really be that ignorant. No one can protest history of oppression or history at all. It's not like protest can force history to be changed.

Let's protest blacks for wearing bones in their noses and eating their children.

Exactly why no one is protesting history. But thanks tho don't want to know what really goes on out there. You are stuck in 1972. Last season me and whitey were laughing at ALA football, ALA player (star) looked to be about 30 yrs old running thru 19 yr. Old white freshmen.

He took off helmet, damn.....old dude. They flash to stands his girlfriend/wife eith about 7 yr old kid. We done here.

Welp, I guess there's no oppression because you saw some guy you thought was older playing football. Thanks, I've been convinced :afro: don't want to know what really goes on out there. You are stuck in 1972. Last season me and whitey were laughing at ALA football, ALA player (star) looked to be about 30 yrs old running thru 19 yr. Old white freshmen.

He took off helmet, damn.....old dude. They flash to stands his girlfriend/wife eith about 7 yr old kid. We done here.

Welp, I guess there's no oppression because you saw some guy you thought was older playing football. Thanks, I've been convinced :afro:
You keep up the snark, but then fail repeatedly to articulate exactly who's being oppressed and how. When I pressed you on this, you just made some lame remark about how I wouldn't understand it anyway. Everyone here sees through your little act and knows that for all your bluster, you got nothing.
He gets paid a lot so that, to the Op, means that America doesn't oppress anyone! Waka waka!

I don’t agree with his (CK’s) Stance but he has a right to say what he feels. As does Mudwhistle.

What always tickles me is that there are about a gazillion dumbass things said daily by Alt-Right/Right Wing media and right wing pundits. Most of the time they are roundly ignored because seriously, nobody really cares what Pat Sajak thinks about the presidential election or global warming or anything other than whether a letter has been guessed yet on Wheel of Fortune. For example, I was surprised to find out the following:

“ It’s hardly news that “Wheel of Fortune” host Pat Sajak is an ardent conservative. He wrote, for instance, several articles with headlines like “Opposed to Obamacare? Then You Must Be a Racist” for the website Human Events between 2007 and 2013. But his latest rhetorical flourish is the most bizarre yet.”

Never heard of such an article. His name “sajak” is mentioned 20 times (not counting mis-spellings) on this entire board!!!!

Its hilarious how a fairly inconspicuous football player can sit down during the Anthem and have 8 threads made about him by supposedly outraged right wing losers but left wing posters almost as a group, ignore the ramblings of people out of their element when making political statements.
He needs to shut up, complete more of his passes, throw less interceptions and run more which is what he is good at. Social commentary is not his strong point.
I am not outraged by his sitting out the national anthem. obubble is the presidunce. As long as a democrat is, there is nothing about this country worth respecting.
I am not outraged by his sitting out the national anthem. obubble is the presidunce. As long as a democrat is, there is nothing about this country worth respecting.
You`re having trouble with our language and spelling? Go back to where you came from and make America a better place to live. We have enough garbage of our own.
I am not outraged by his sitting out the national anthem. obubble is the presidunce. As long as a democrat is, there is nothing about this country worth respecting.
You`re having trouble with our language and spelling? Go back to where you came from and make America a better place to live. We have enough garbage of our own.
I'm Iroquois and Chippewa. Get the fuck out of my country and take your leftist democrats with you.

We should bring back scalping.
I am not outraged by his sitting out the national anthem. obubble is the presidunce. As long as a democrat is, there is nothing about this country worth respecting.
You`re having trouble with our language and spelling? Go back to where you came from and make America a better place to live. We have enough garbage of our own.
I'm Iroquois and Chippewa. Get the fuck out of my country and take your leftist democrats with you.

We should bring back scalping.
oh now you are part indian?
I am not outraged by his sitting out the national anthem. obubble is the presidunce. As long as a democrat is, there is nothing about this country worth respecting.
You`re having trouble with our language and spelling? Go back to where you came from and make America a better place to live. We have enough garbage of our own.
I'm Iroquois and Chippewa. Get the fuck out of my country and take your leftist democrats with you.

We should bring back scalping.
Damn straight! This is OUR country. Everyone else is a guest.
I am not outraged by his sitting out the national anthem. obubble is the presidunce. As long as a democrat is, there is nothing about this country worth respecting.
You`re having trouble with our language and spelling? Go back to where you came from and make America a better place to live. We have enough garbage of our own.
I'm Iroquois and Chippewa. Get the fuck out of my country and take your leftist democrats with you.

We should bring back scalping.
oh now you are part indian?
Unlike Chero-cheeks Warren, she's telling the truth.
I am not outraged by his sitting out the national anthem. obubble is the presidunce. As long as a democrat is, there is nothing about this country worth respecting.
You`re having trouble with our language and spelling? Go back to where you came from and make America a better place to live. We have enough garbage of our own.
I'm Iroquois and Chippewa. Get the fuck out of my country and take your leftist democrats with you.

We should bring back scalping.
oh now you are part indian?
Unlike Chero-cheeks Warren, she's telling the truth.
if you say so.....she throws too much bullshit around to take her word for it....

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