Colin Kapernik Was Raised In A White Home Yet He Feels This Country Is Oppressive

I am not outraged by his sitting out the national anthem. obubble is the presidunce. As long as a democrat is, there is nothing about this country worth respecting.
You`re having trouble with our language and spelling? Go back to where you came from and make America a better place to live. We have enough garbage of our own.
I'm Iroquois and Chippewa. Get the fuck out of my country and take your leftist democrats with you.

We should bring back scalping.
oh now you are part indian?
Unlike Chero-cheeks Warren, she's telling the truth.
if you say so.....she throws too much bullshit around to take her word for it....
It's the internet, so of course anyone can misrepresent themselves. Out of sheer charity, I take people's bios as they represent them to be unless I have a really good reason to doubt it.
Idiot has single handedly destroyed the 49er's fan base.. A big FUCK YOU coming his way and well deserved.
Idiot has single handedly destroyed the 49er's fan base.. A big FUCK YOU coming his way and well deserved.
The 69ers have fans?
Don't look at me.. I'm a Packers fan.. through and through ♥
You like the FudgePackers?

You must be one to be so curious.. Leave your twisted fantasies in your den of trans tricks rot dick and barf up another tree.
Idiot has single handedly destroyed the 49er's fan base.. A big FUCK YOU coming his way and well deserved.
The 69ers have fans?
Don't look at me.. I'm a Packers fan.. through and through ♥
You like the FudgePackers?

You must be one to be so curious.. Leave your twisted fantasies in your den of trans tricks rot dick and barf up another tree.
I just wanted to get a rise out of your skirt, toots. I thought you were a die hard Cowboys fan.
Idiot has single handedly destroyed the 49er's fan base.. A big FUCK YOU coming his way and well deserved.
The 69ers have fans?
Don't look at me.. I'm a Packers fan.. through and through ♥
You like the FudgePackers?

You must be one to be so curious.. Leave your twisted fantasies in your den of trans tricks rot dick and barf up another tree.
I just wanted to get a rise out of your skirt, toots. I thought you were a die hard Cowboys fan.

I'm not your "toots" dumbo.. what the fuck is a toots?
The 69ers have fans?
Don't look at me.. I'm a Packers fan.. through and through ♥
You like the FudgePackers?

You must be one to be so curious.. Leave your twisted fantasies in your den of trans tricks rot dick and barf up another tree.
I just wanted to get a rise out of your skirt, toots. I thought you were a die hard Cowboys fan.

I'm not your "toots" dumbo.. what the fuck is a toots?
It is a northern term for transgendered.
Idiot has single handedly destroyed the 49er's fan base.. A big FUCK YOU coming his way and well deserved.
No, I've been a fan since 1983. This asshat too shall pass.
It figures.. Not surprised.. you pretty much suck at everything.
Sounds like you need a penis to play with. You don't need to vent your sexual frustrations on me.

I guess that leaves you out then.. Vagina Monologues..
The OP is confused because he just can't comprehend that a person might care about more than his own personal situation. Anything other than "I got mine" is just not a possibility in his twisted little world view.

But he did get his (all along) and then some, and he's basically coming off like a spoiled brat. What's he doing to make the world better besides throwing tantrums? Is he giving away all his money in the name of equality? No? Then, he should probably STFU.
Idiot has single handedly destroyed the 49er's fan base.. A big FUCK YOU coming his way and well deserved.
No, I've been a fan since 1983. This asshat too shall pass.
It figures.. Not surprised.. you pretty much suck at everything.
Sounds like you need a penis to play with. You don't need to vent your sexual frustrations on me.

I guess that leaves you out then.. Vagina Monologues..
When your washing machine breaks down during the spin cycle, I'm sure that will be the ultimate rejection for you. You'll have nothing left.
Idiot has single handedly destroyed the 49er's fan base.. A big FUCK YOU coming his way and well deserved.
No, I've been a fan since 1983. This asshat too shall pass.
It figures.. Not surprised.. you pretty much suck at everything.
Sounds like you need a penis to play with. You don't need to vent your sexual frustrations on me.

I guess that leaves you out then.. Vagina Monologues..
When your washing machine breaks down during the spin cycle, I'm sure that will be the ultimate rejection for you. You'll have nothing left.
LMFAO You SUCK so bad.. get lost Homer and get someone to write your retorts..

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