College Football

Tonight we get the first playoff committee rankings.

I think the top 4 will be Alabama, Clemson, Notre Dame, and Michigan. With Georgia and LSU falling into the next 2 slots.
To add to the Bama/LSU conversation, I don't think it will be close. LSU has a good defense. But Alabama can run and pass. There is no way to load up on any single receiver and be effective, since Tua has used so many. And Bama's defense can hold LSU to low numbers.

I predict Bama is ahead by 3 TDs at halftime.
GAME DAY!! A lot will be decided today.

Bama v. LSU will basically decide the SEC West champion.

Georgia v. Kentucky will decide the SEC East Champion.

Michigan v. Penn State will help decide the BIG10 eastern division champ (Michigan v. Ohio State will finalize it) This game will also either keep Michigan's hopes for a playoff spot on track or see them dashed.

OK v. Texas Tech will see if Oklahoma can hold on to their prayers for a playoff spot and a place in the BIG12 championship game.
Georgia is killing Kentucky.............Looks like Michigan dominating so far against Penn State

Auburn big comeback.......takes Texas A and M
LSU is playing some of the stupidest football I've ever seen them play.
LSU is playing some of the stupidest football I've ever seen them play.
They are choking the best amongst the games so far
I missed the Iowa game, and looking at the score, I missed a good one, even though My Hawkeye lost.
I am watching Texass Tech push Okiehoma around.
Yeah, that looked to be a major upset, but from the last score I looked at, OU was climbing back into it.
LSU is playing some of the stupidest football I've ever seen them play.
They are choking the best amongst the games so far
I missed the Iowa game, and looking at the score, I missed a good one, even though My Hawkeye lost.
I am watching Texass Tech push Okiehoma around.
Yeah, that looked to be a major upset, but from the last score I looked at, OU was climbing back into it.
Tech plays a hell of a pass game..
Tonight we get the first playoff committee rankings.

I think the top 4 will be Alabama, Clemson, Notre Dame, and Michigan. With Georgia and LSU falling into the next 2 slots.
Hands down, the Top 4 teams in the nation are Alabama, Clemson, Georgia, and Oklahoma. Just like last season. Those teams still have the most studs on their rosters.

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