College gal films porn in campus library

If I had a boyfriend who didn't care about who saw my body and wanted to just "show me off" I would think he really didn't love me at all. I am just "for show" to him.

He's being supportive.

Well, to me, that should be something special and not shared with everyone. That's my opinion. I find that if someone is willing to share with everyone, they are probably not very trustworthy. That's been my experience.
Sorry if some of you find it offensive that I would want my man to be fantasizing about me and to have some standards, but that is just the way it is. :D

No need to apologize. I have no problem if you and your man want to be as you say. I just dislike the judgemental nature of some of the posts. Knowing so little about this girl certainly didn't stop some people from making outrageous claims about her motivations and about her character.

Everything I said was the truth. I said MOST men would not want a serious relationship with a woman who is nude all over the internet, or a woman who would do that, and I think that is the truth. Not to say that NO men would be with her. Let's be honest here.

Not everything

If you were to be completely honest, I think you would agree that you are turned on by her performance and that makes you really, really uncomfortable.

Here you were just being judgemental- you have no basis to say you know what he actually thinks, anymore than I have a basis to presume that you are secretly turned on by this girl's performance. It would be judgmental of me to say that if you were honest you would say you admire and are jealous that the girl did what she did.
Sorry if some of you find it offensive that I would want my man to be fantasizing about me and to have some standards, but that is just the way it is. :D

No need to apologize. I have no problem if you and your man want to be as you say. I just dislike the judgemental nature of some of the posts. Knowing so little about this girl certainly didn't stop some people from making outrageous claims about her motivations and about her character.

Everything I said was the truth. I said MOST men would not want a serious relationship with a woman who is nude all over the internet, or a woman who would do that, and I think that is the truth. Not to say that NO men would be with her. Let's be honest here.

Be honest? How can you honestly know she would cheat on her man? How can you honestly know she is an attention whore? How can you honestly know she is loose? How can you honestly know a lot of the things you said.

After all, you also said that most people don't fantasize while having sex, and I showed you that was inaccurate.

This girl was enjoying a non-contact sexual encounter. That so many choose to judge her shows more about them than about her.
If I had a boyfriend who didn't care about who saw my body and wanted to just "show me off" I would think he really didn't love me at all. I am just "for show" to him.

He's being supportive.

Well, to me, that should be something special and not shared with everyone. That's my opinion. I find that if someone is willing to share with everyone, they are probably not very trustworthy. That's been my experience.

You have to have a lot of acceptance in a relationship because people change regularly and often make mistakes.
If I had a boyfriend who didn't care about who saw my body and wanted to just "show me off" I would think he really didn't love me at all. I am just "for show" to him.

He's being supportive.

Well, to me, that should be something special and not shared with everyone. That's my opinion. I find that if someone is willing to share with everyone, they are probably not very trustworthy. That's been my experience.

You have to have a lot of acceptance in a relationship because people change regularly and often make mistakes.

This is part of why I think polyamorous relationships are better for some people. No mistakes.
If I had a boyfriend who didn't care about who saw my body and wanted to just "show me off" I would think he really didn't love me at all. I am just "for show" to him.

He's being supportive.

Well, to me, that should be something special and not shared with everyone. That's my opinion. I find that if someone is willing to share with everyone, they are probably not very trustworthy. That's been my experience.

You have to have a lot of acceptance in a relationship because people change regularly and often make mistakes.

This is part of why I think polyamorous relationships are better for some people. No mistakes.

Perhaps, but those are a small portion of society. Most people aren't into that stuff. Most people get jealous and don't want to share their mate, and I think that's normal human behavior, don't you?
If I had a boyfriend who didn't care about who saw my body and wanted to just "show me off" I would think he really didn't love me at all. I am just "for show" to him.

He's being supportive.

Well, to me, that should be something special and not shared with everyone. That's my opinion. I find that if someone is willing to share with everyone, they are probably not very trustworthy. That's been my experience.

You have to have a lot of acceptance in a relationship because people change regularly and often make mistakes.

This is part of why I think polyamorous relationships are better for some people. No mistakes.

Perhaps, but those are a small portion of society. Most people aren't into that stuff. Most people get jealous and don't want to share their mate, and I think that's normal human behavior, don't you?

I don't concern myself with with others consider "normal". My life is not ruled by such notions or fears.

That said, yes, jealousy can be an issue. Poly is not for everyone. But sharing fantasies is perfectly normal, by most standards.
Sorry if some of you find it offensive that I would want my man to be fantasizing about me and to have some standards, but that is just the way it is. :D

No need to apologize. I have no problem if you and your man want to be as you say. I just dislike the judgemental nature of some of the posts. Knowing so little about this girl certainly didn't stop some people from making outrageous claims about her motivations and about her character.

Everything I said was the truth. I said MOST men would not want a serious relationship with a woman who is nude all over the internet, or a woman who would do that, and I think that is the truth. Not to say that NO men would be with her. Let's be honest here.

Be honest? How can you honestly know she would cheat on her man? How can you honestly know she is an attention whore? How can you honestly know she is loose? How can you honestly know a lot of the things you said.

After all, you also said that most people don't fantasize while having sex, and I showed you that was inaccurate.

This girl was enjoying a non-contact sexual encounter. That so many choose to judge her shows more about them than about her.

I did? No, I said I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who is fantasizing about someone else. That is not for me.
He's being supportive.

Well, to me, that should be something special and not shared with everyone. That's my opinion. I find that if someone is willing to share with everyone, they are probably not very trustworthy. That's been my experience.

You have to have a lot of acceptance in a relationship because people change regularly and often make mistakes.

This is part of why I think polyamorous relationships are better for some people. No mistakes.

Perhaps, but those are a small portion of society. Most people aren't into that stuff. Most people get jealous and don't want to share their mate, and I think that's normal human behavior, don't you?

I don't concern myself with with others consider "normal". My life is not ruled by such notions or fears.

That said, yes, jealousy can be an issue. Poly is not for everyone. But sharing fantasies is perfectly normal, by most standards.

You can have fantasies and they don't have to involve other people, but each other. :D You just need to learn how to make yourself the object of your lovers fantasies, I think. You have to be sexy. Lol.
Sorry if some of you find it offensive that I would want my man to be fantasizing about me and to have some standards, but that is just the way it is. :D

No need to apologize. I have no problem if you and your man want to be as you say. I just dislike the judgemental nature of some of the posts. Knowing so little about this girl certainly didn't stop some people from making outrageous claims about her motivations and about her character.

Everything I said was the truth. I said MOST men would not want a serious relationship with a woman who is nude all over the internet, or a woman who would do that, and I think that is the truth. Not to say that NO men would be with her. Let's be honest here.

Be honest? How can you honestly know she would cheat on her man? How can you honestly know she is an attention whore? How can you honestly know she is loose? How can you honestly know a lot of the things you said.

After all, you also said that most people don't fantasize while having sex, and I showed you that was inaccurate.

This girl was enjoying a non-contact sexual encounter. That so many choose to judge her shows more about them than about her.

I did? No, I said I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who is fantasizing about someone else. That is not for me.

Ok, then don't be in one. I have no problem with that. I simply choose to challenge those who judge people who live their own lives and enjoy what they do, as long as it is between consenting adults.
Well, to me, that should be something special and not shared with everyone. That's my opinion. I find that if someone is willing to share with everyone, they are probably not very trustworthy. That's been my experience.

You have to have a lot of acceptance in a relationship because people change regularly and often make mistakes.

This is part of why I think polyamorous relationships are better for some people. No mistakes.

Perhaps, but those are a small portion of society. Most people aren't into that stuff. Most people get jealous and don't want to share their mate, and I think that's normal human behavior, don't you?

I don't concern myself with with others consider "normal". My life is not ruled by such notions or fears.

That said, yes, jealousy can be an issue. Poly is not for everyone. But sharing fantasies is perfectly normal, by most standards.

You can have fantasies and they don't have to involve other people, but each other. :D You just need to learn how to make yourself the object of your lovers fantasies, I think. You have to be sexy. Lol.

Variety is the spice of life. Just because you appreciate the beauty of another person, or are aroused by them, does not mean you have less attraction to your primary mate.
Sorry if some of you find it offensive that I would want my man to be fantasizing about me and to have some standards, but that is just the way it is. :D

No need to apologize. I have no problem if you and your man want to be as you say. I just dislike the judgemental nature of some of the posts. Knowing so little about this girl certainly didn't stop some people from making outrageous claims about her motivations and about her character.

Everything I said was the truth. I said MOST men would not want a serious relationship with a woman who is nude all over the internet, or a woman who would do that, and I think that is the truth. Not to say that NO men would be with her. Let's be honest here.

Be honest? How can you honestly know she would cheat on her man? How can you honestly know she is an attention whore? How can you honestly know she is loose? How can you honestly know a lot of the things you said.

After all, you also said that most people don't fantasize while having sex, and I showed you that was inaccurate.

This girl was enjoying a non-contact sexual encounter. That so many choose to judge her shows more about them than about her.

I did? No, I said I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who is fantasizing about someone else. That is not for me.

Ok, then don't be in one. I have no problem with that. I simply choose to challenge those who judge people who live their own lives and enjoy what they do, as long as it is between consenting adults.

Well, I'm simply being realistic, and I think that more often than not, what I stated is the case. Maybe not all the time, but a lot of the time.
Sorry if some of you find it offensive that I would want my man to be fantasizing about me and to have some standards, but that is just the way it is. :D

No need to apologize. I have no problem if you and your man want to be as you say. I just dislike the judgemental nature of some of the posts. Knowing so little about this girl certainly didn't stop some people from making outrageous claims about her motivations and about her character.

Everything I said was the truth. I said MOST men would not want a serious relationship with a woman who is nude all over the internet, or a woman who would do that, and I think that is the truth. Not to say that NO men would be with her. Let's be honest here.

Be honest? How can you honestly know she would cheat on her man? How can you honestly know she is an attention whore? How can you honestly know she is loose? How can you honestly know a lot of the things you said.

After all, you also said that most people don't fantasize while having sex, and I showed you that was inaccurate.

This girl was enjoying a non-contact sexual encounter. That so many choose to judge her shows more about them than about her.

I did? No, I said I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who is fantasizing about someone else. That is not for me.

You also don't want to be the thought police.

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