College gal films porn in campus library

I think confidence is an individual thing and not at all based upon your age.

I meant where sex was concerned. A 21 year old is far less likely to openly express what she wants than a 45 year old. Plus, I find the older women more attractive. It is not just about tits that sit up high. The mind is the most important sexual organ on either gender.

Hmm. I don't think that's so much the case nowadays. Younger woman are FAR more aggressive sexually nowadays. Obviously. Lol. :D
A guy I used to work with filmed a porno on a floor we abandoned that was sitting empty over a weekend about 10 years ago. He asked a gay guy that we worked with if he wanted to be a fluffer.
I think confidence is an individual thing and not at all based upon your age.

I meant where sex was concerned. A 21 year old is far less likely to openly express what she wants than a 45 year old. Plus, I find the older women more attractive. It is not just about tits that sit up high. The mind is the most important sexual organ on either gender.

Hmm. I don't think that's so much the case nowadays. Younger woman are FAR more aggressive sexually nowadays. Obviously. Lol. :D

As are older women.
Another interesting thought, some people might actually go through with doing things that they REALLY don't want to do because they LACK confidence. IOW, they only do something to please the other person? To perhaps hold onto that person or something? I think that makes a lot of sense in some cases as well.

That is not impossible. But that is also their responsibility to speak up and say what they want or don't want. I have found older women more likely to do that.

But there is also the possibility that someone would do something that doesn't interest them because they want to please their partner. There is nothing wrong with that.

I don't know. I tend to disagree. I've found both older and younger people to vary in self-confidence levels. I think sometimes older women might tend to lose a lot of confidence as they age and looks begin to fade.
Another interesting thought, some people might actually go through with doing things that they REALLY don't want to do because they LACK confidence. IOW, they only do something to please the other person? To perhaps hold onto that person or something? I think that makes a lot of sense in some cases as well.

That is not impossible. But that is also their responsibility to speak up and say what they want or don't want. I have found older women more likely to do that.

But there is also the possibility that someone would do something that doesn't interest them because they want to please their partner. There is nothing wrong with that.

I don't know. I tend to disagree. I've found both older and younger people to vary in self-confidence levels. I think sometimes older women might tend to lose a lot of confidence as they age and looks begin to fade.

I guess it then becomes a personal preference. I prefer women closer to my age.
Another interesting thought, some people might actually go through with doing things that they REALLY don't want to do because they LACK confidence. IOW, they only do something to please the other person? To perhaps hold onto that person or something? I think that makes a lot of sense in some cases as well.

That is not impossible. But that is also their responsibility to speak up and say what they want or don't want. I have found older women more likely to do that.

But there is also the possibility that someone would do something that doesn't interest them because they want to please their partner. There is nothing wrong with that.

I don't know. I tend to disagree. I've found both older and younger people to vary in self-confidence levels. I think sometimes older women might tend to lose a lot of confidence as they age and looks begin to fade.

I guess it then becomes a personal preference. I prefer women closer to my age.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that, but I don't think they are more confident. I will give you this much, they are probably a LOT more mature. :D

They probably won't be on line showing their boobies and their vagina to everyone. Lol.
Another interesting thought, some people might actually go through with doing things that they REALLY don't want to do because they LACK confidence. IOW, they only do something to please the other person? To perhaps hold onto that person or something? I think that makes a lot of sense in some cases as well.

That is not impossible. But that is also their responsibility to speak up and say what they want or don't want. I have found older women more likely to do that.

But there is also the possibility that someone would do something that doesn't interest them because they want to please their partner. There is nothing wrong with that.

I don't know. I tend to disagree. I've found both older and younger people to vary in self-confidence levels. I think sometimes older women might tend to lose a lot of confidence as they age and looks begin to fade.

I guess it then becomes a personal preference. I prefer women closer to my age.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that, but I don't think they are more confident. I will give you this much, they are probably a LOT more mature. :D

They probably won't be on line showing their boobies and their vagina to everyone. Lol.

You might be surprised. Although, they ARE far less likely to let it get out in public. But I know know a few who enjoy being watched.

There are as many variations on sex as there are variations in people. Luckily, it is easier to find what you want now than it ever has been.
Another interesting thought, some people might actually go through with doing things that they REALLY don't want to do because they LACK confidence. IOW, they only do something to please the other person? To perhaps hold onto that person or something? I think that makes a lot of sense in some cases as well.

That is not impossible. But that is also their responsibility to speak up and say what they want or don't want. I have found older women more likely to do that.

But there is also the possibility that someone would do something that doesn't interest them because they want to please their partner. There is nothing wrong with that.

I don't know. I tend to disagree. I've found both older and younger people to vary in self-confidence levels. I think sometimes older women might tend to lose a lot of confidence as they age and looks begin to fade.

I guess it then becomes a personal preference. I prefer women closer to my age.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that, but I don't think they are more confident. I will give you this much, they are probably a LOT more mature. :D

They probably won't be on line showing their boobies and their vagina to everyone. Lol.

You might be surprised. Although, they ARE far less likely to let it get out in public. But I know know a few who enjoy being watched.

There are as many variations on sex as there are variations in people. Luckily, it is easier to find what you want now than it ever has been.

Yeah, most women that age are probably too smart to let that stuff out in public, I would hope. Once it's there, it's there to stay forever. You can't change your mind later when you grow up and mature a little bit. That's the problem with these kids and the internet. They do stupid things and a lot of times they don't think about the consequences of their actions.
That is not impossible. But that is also their responsibility to speak up and say what they want or don't want. I have found older women more likely to do that.

But there is also the possibility that someone would do something that doesn't interest them because they want to please their partner. There is nothing wrong with that.

I don't know. I tend to disagree. I've found both older and younger people to vary in self-confidence levels. I think sometimes older women might tend to lose a lot of confidence as they age and looks begin to fade.

I guess it then becomes a personal preference. I prefer women closer to my age.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that, but I don't think they are more confident. I will give you this much, they are probably a LOT more mature. :D

They probably won't be on line showing their boobies and their vagina to everyone. Lol.

You might be surprised. Although, they ARE far less likely to let it get out in public. But I know know a few who enjoy being watched.

There are as many variations on sex as there are variations in people. Luckily, it is easier to find what you want now than it ever has been.

Yeah, most women that age are probably too smart to let that stuff out in public, I would hope. Once it's there, it's there to stay forever. You can't change your mind later when you grow up and mature a little bit. That's the problem with these kids and the internet. They do stupid things and a lot of times they don't think about the consequences of their actions.

I agree, to a point. But there is also so much out there, the likelihood of it haunting you after a year or so, is not very good. But it is certainly possible.

If it does come back to haunt her, I suggest she just write it off as a youthful indiscretion. No harm no foul.
I don't know. I tend to disagree. I've found both older and younger people to vary in self-confidence levels. I think sometimes older women might tend to lose a lot of confidence as they age and looks begin to fade.

I guess it then becomes a personal preference. I prefer women closer to my age.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that, but I don't think they are more confident. I will give you this much, they are probably a LOT more mature. :D

They probably won't be on line showing their boobies and their vagina to everyone. Lol.

You might be surprised. Although, they ARE far less likely to let it get out in public. But I know know a few who enjoy being watched.

There are as many variations on sex as there are variations in people. Luckily, it is easier to find what you want now than it ever has been.

Yeah, most women that age are probably too smart to let that stuff out in public, I would hope. Once it's there, it's there to stay forever. You can't change your mind later when you grow up and mature a little bit. That's the problem with these kids and the internet. They do stupid things and a lot of times they don't think about the consequences of their actions.

I agree, to a point. But there is also so much out there, the likelihood of it haunting you after a year or so, is not very good. But it is certainly possible.

If it does come back to haunt her, I suggest she just write it off as a youthful indiscretion. No harm no foul.

Unfortunately, I don't know if that will be the case here. This seems to be spreading like wildfire. Lol. We've got guys here using her as an avatar for goodness sakes! :D

I don't know. Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but I would feel embarrassed if it were me.
I guess it then becomes a personal preference. I prefer women closer to my age.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that, but I don't think they are more confident. I will give you this much, they are probably a LOT more mature. :D

They probably won't be on line showing their boobies and their vagina to everyone. Lol.

You might be surprised. Although, they ARE far less likely to let it get out in public. But I know know a few who enjoy being watched.

There are as many variations on sex as there are variations in people. Luckily, it is easier to find what you want now than it ever has been.

Yeah, most women that age are probably too smart to let that stuff out in public, I would hope. Once it's there, it's there to stay forever. You can't change your mind later when you grow up and mature a little bit. That's the problem with these kids and the internet. They do stupid things and a lot of times they don't think about the consequences of their actions.

I agree, to a point. But there is also so much out there, the likelihood of it haunting you after a year or so, is not very good. But it is certainly possible.

If it does come back to haunt her, I suggest she just write it off as a youthful indiscretion. No harm no foul.

Unfortunately, I don't know if that will be the case here. This seems to be spreading like wildfire. Lol. We've got guys here using her as an avatar for goodness sakes! :D

I don't know. Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but I would feel embarrassed if it were me.

No problem. But for some it is a turn-on, and others just don't mind either way. To each their own.

I know a number of women who relish the power their sexuality gives them. Of course, a few of those also like to have a man tied to the bed and getting spanked. lol But that is for them to enjoy as they see fit.
That's fine. Most men wouldn't be interested in a woman with such loose morals. Most men (and women) want a partner who saves their body for only them. That is what makes it special. If you share it with everyone else, it isn't so special anymore.

This sums up my thoughts nicely...
Well I see you in the morning
Putting on your pretty clothes
And I watch you do your makeup
Like they do in all those fashion shows
Then you turn to me so that I can see
If you put your self together right
Then you go away and you're gone all day
But I know you're coming home tonight

And when you're home, darling all you've got to be is you
But when in Rome, do as the Romans do

??? Get lost weirdo.

Not complicated: don't care who looks...she's coming home with ME.
Sorry if some of you find it offensive that I would want my man to be fantasizing about me and to have some standards, but that is just the way it is. :D

No need to apologize. I have no problem if you and your man want to be as you say. I just dislike the judgemental nature of some of the posts. Knowing so little about this girl certainly didn't stop some people from making outrageous claims about her motivations and about her character.

Everything I said was the truth. I said MOST men would not want a serious relationship with a woman who is nude all over the internet, or a woman who would do that, and I think that is the truth. Not to say that NO men would be with her. Let's be honest here.

Be honest? How can you honestly know she would cheat on her man? How can you honestly know she is an attention whore? How can you honestly know she is loose? How can you honestly know a lot of the things you said.

After all, you also said that most people don't fantasize while having sex, and I showed you that was inaccurate.

This girl was enjoying a non-contact sexual encounter. That so many choose to judge her shows more about them than about her.

I did? No, I said I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who is fantasizing about someone else. That is not for me.

You also don't want to be the thought police.

Actually, yes, she clearly DOES!
Look, I've read studies about men and how they lose interest in their spouses as they age. Men are very visual creatures. A lot of men would probably be looking at this girl because they aren't attracted to their spouse anymore. Correct? :D
No, not correct. Unless he's gay a guy is going to look. And I do think women take it personally if she catches her guy eyeballing someone else. BUT just because we look at Ferraris doesn't mean we want to get one.

My wife just laughs...occasionally, I'll get something along the line of, "Behave!"
Look, I've read studies about men and how they lose interest in their spouses as they age. Men are very visual creatures. A lot of men would probably be looking at this girl because they aren't attracted to their spouse anymore. Correct? :D
No, not correct. Unless he's gay a guy is going to look. And I do think women take it personally if she catches her guy eyeballing someone else. BUT just because we look at Ferraris doesn't mean we want to get one.

Well, I've read differently. I've read that men lose interest in their spouses as they age, gain weight, etc. Men are naturally attracted to youth because of their urge to "spread their seed" so to speak. Lol. Of course, they are most interested in women who are still in their childbearing years. Don't get mad at me, I'm just the messenger. :D

She looks pretty good to me...age 57:
Look, I've read studies about men and how they lose interest in their spouses as they age. Men are very visual creatures. A lot of men would probably be looking at this girl because they aren't attracted to their spouse anymore. Correct? :D
No, not correct. Unless he's gay a guy is going to look. And I do think women take it personally if she catches her guy eyeballing someone else. BUT just because we look at Ferraris doesn't mean we want to get one.

My wife just laughs...occasionally, I'll get something along the line of, "Behave!"
Look, I've read studies about men and how they lose interest in their spouses as they age. Men are very visual creatures. A lot of men would probably be looking at this girl because they aren't attracted to their spouse anymore. Correct? :D
No, not correct. Unless he's gay a guy is going to look. And I do think women take it personally if she catches her guy eyeballing someone else. BUT just because we look at Ferraris doesn't mean we want to get one.

Well, I've read differently. I've read that men lose interest in their spouses as they age, gain weight, etc. Men are naturally attracted to youth because of their urge to "spread their seed" so to speak. Lol. Of course, they are most interested in women who are still in their childbearing years. Don't get mad at me, I'm just the messenger. :D

She looks pretty good to me...age 57:

That's supermodel Christie Brinkley, you moron. Lol. Most women over 40 don't look like that, as I'm sure you are WELL aware.
That's fine. Most men wouldn't be interested in a woman with such loose morals. Most men (and women) want a partner who saves their body for only them. That is what makes it special. If you share it with everyone else, it isn't so special anymore.

This sums up my thoughts nicely...
Well I see you in the morning
Putting on your pretty clothes
And I watch you do your makeup
Like they do in all those fashion shows
Then you turn to me so that I can see
If you put your self together right
Then you go away and you're gone all day
But I know you're coming home tonight

And when you're home, darling all you've got to be is you
But when in Rome, do as the Romans do

??? Get lost weirdo.

Not complicated: don't care who looks...she's coming home with ME.

I never even asked you, nor do I want to know about your relationship. I don't really like your crappy attitude either, so get lost.
What some people will do for attention.

Either that or what they will do for excitement. I remember fooling around in the stacks when I was at UA. And that was a LONG time ago. The technology is new, but the adventures are as old as humanity.

She's your kind of skank, huh? Lol.

Why is she a skank? Why the negative?

How did she harm anyone? She enjoys her sexuality. Why is that bad? She looked like she was careful to avoid being seen by others in the library. What exactly did she do wrong? Is it that she didn't wait until her wedding night to do anything sexual?

Let's put it to you this way. Would you want a girlfriend/wife who shared her body with every other man on the planet? Or would you like that to be just for you?

As long as there is an epic demand for nudes and porn, different types of women will be drawn into it. Many billions of dollars are spent each year.
What some people will do for attention.

Either that or what they will do for excitement. I remember fooling around in the stacks when I was at UA. And that was a LONG time ago. The technology is new, but the adventures are as old as humanity.

She's your kind of skank, huh? Lol.

Why is she a skank? Why the negative?

How did she harm anyone? She enjoys her sexuality. Why is that bad? She looked like she was careful to avoid being seen by others in the library. What exactly did she do wrong? Is it that she didn't wait until her wedding night to do anything sexual?

Let's put it to you this way. Would you want a girlfriend/wife who shared her body with every other man on the planet? Or would you like that to be just for you?

As long as there is an epic demand for nudes and porn, different types of women will be drawn into it. Many billions of dollars are spent each year.

I'm aware of that. As far as I'm aware though, this girl is just a college student who did something kind of stupid, like lots of teenage girls do.
Look, I've read studies about men and how they lose interest in their spouses as they age. Men are very visual creatures. A lot of men would probably be looking at this girl because they aren't attracted to their spouse anymore. Correct? :D
No, not correct. Unless he's gay a guy is going to look. And I do think women take it personally if she catches her guy eyeballing someone else. BUT just because we look at Ferraris doesn't mean we want to get one.

My wife just laughs...occasionally, I'll get something along the line of, "Behave!"
Look, I've read studies about men and how they lose interest in their spouses as they age. Men are very visual creatures. A lot of men would probably be looking at this girl because they aren't attracted to their spouse anymore. Correct? :D
No, not correct. Unless he's gay a guy is going to look. And I do think women take it personally if she catches her guy eyeballing someone else. BUT just because we look at Ferraris doesn't mean we want to get one.

Well, I've read differently. I've read that men lose interest in their spouses as they age, gain weight, etc. Men are naturally attracted to youth because of their urge to "spread their seed" so to speak. Lol. Of course, they are most interested in women who are still in their childbearing years. Don't get mad at me, I'm just the messenger. :D

She looks pretty good to me...age 57:

That's supermodel Christie Brinkley, you moron. Lol. Most women over 40 don't look like that, as I'm sure you are WELL aware.

No shit, bitch.
Look, I've read studies about men and how they lose interest in their spouses as they age. Men are very visual creatures. A lot of men would probably be looking at this girl because they aren't attracted to their spouse anymore. Correct? :D
No, not correct. Unless he's gay a guy is going to look. And I do think women take it personally if she catches her guy eyeballing someone else. BUT just because we look at Ferraris doesn't mean we want to get one.

My wife just laughs...occasionally, I'll get something along the line of, "Behave!"
Look, I've read studies about men and how they lose interest in their spouses as they age. Men are very visual creatures. A lot of men would probably be looking at this girl because they aren't attracted to their spouse anymore. Correct? :D
No, not correct. Unless he's gay a guy is going to look. And I do think women take it personally if she catches her guy eyeballing someone else. BUT just because we look at Ferraris doesn't mean we want to get one.

Well, I've read differently. I've read that men lose interest in their spouses as they age, gain weight, etc. Men are naturally attracted to youth because of their urge to "spread their seed" so to speak. Lol. Of course, they are most interested in women who are still in their childbearing years. Don't get mad at me, I'm just the messenger. :D

She looks pretty good to me...age 57:

That's supermodel Christie Brinkley, you moron. Lol. Most women over 40 don't look like that, as I'm sure you are WELL aware.

No shit, bitch.

NOT an adequate representation of an average 57 year old woman.

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