College president says campus no place for free speech.

Why dont left wingers admit they are full blown commie elitists?

The leaders of the "free speech movement" from back in the Berkeley days must be scratching their heads over what's become of what they started! If you'd told them back then that it would be liberals shutting down free speech on campus I'm pretty sure they would have told you that would NEVER happen!

There are limits to free speech both legal and practical. When the intention of speech becomes to provoke violence rather than a healthy discussion of issues or when that speech takes the form of rallies and demonstrations that causes disruptions in campus activities and classes, then the courts will hold that it is not covered by the 1st amendment.

The news media seek stories that get attention or promotes an agenda. If a story fails, then the media either drops it or massages the facts to fit their purpose. Always look at the backstory, the complete quotes and the reason for the action. That is where the truth lies. And you're unlikely to see that on Fox News or any other news outlet that has an agenda.

Always look at the backstory, the complete quotes and the reason for the action. That is where the truth lies

About President Harris | Union College

"He also established the new position of chief diversity officer and launched Bridging Differences, an initiative to encourage informed discussion around challenging topics.

From 2003 to 2012, Harris was at Cornell University, first as a professor of sociology and later as founding director of Cornell’s Institute for the Social Sciences. From 2010 to 2011, he served as deputy assistant secretary for human services policy at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. His scholarship has focused on race and ethnicity, social stratification and public policy."


The world order was Europe and the rest of the Western world allowing the American taxpayers to pay for their defense, and using the money they save to fund cradle-to-grave social programs. So good, let's get rid of that system and let the rest of the world pay its own way.

Undoubtedly the producers of Airplane knew how funny, farcical and ridiculous it would be for a non black to try and ingratiate herself with the brothers and sisters they put this bit of ignorant presumption in their movie.

Too bad Ocasio-Cortez was so stupid and tone deaf she didn't realize she was making an ass of herself.

It was funny because it was Barbara Billingsley, Leave it to Beaver's mom from that popular show. Very out of character for her. The irony was the reason it was funny, and it was neither ignorant nor presumptive. Plus it was a COMEDY. Maybe you're too young to remember that.
Yes, a speaking to an audience of blacks like they were all the two stereotyped black characters in Airplane.
The obvious presumptive opinion of her audience makes Ocasio-Cortez look like a tone deaf
racially insensitive clown, to say the least.

Can you imagine addressing a group of Asians in a "me likee" pigeon English dialect?

You get an A for effort and a D for results.

Why dont left wingers admit they are full blown commie elitists?

The leaders of the "free speech movement" from back in the Berkeley days must be scratching their heads over what's become of what they started! If you'd told them back then that it would be liberals shutting down free speech on campus I'm pretty sure they would have told you that would NEVER happen!

There are limits to free speech both legal and practical. When the intention of speech becomes to provoke violence rather than a healthy discussion of issues or when that speech takes the form of rallies and demonstrations that causes disruptions in campus activities and classes, then the courts will hold that it is not covered by the 1st amendment.

The news media seek stories that get attention or promotes an agenda. If a story fails, then the media either drops it or massages the facts to fit their purpose. Always look at the backstory, the complete quotes and the reason for the action. That is where the truth lies. And you're unlikely to see that on Fox News or any other news outlet that has an agenda.

CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, PBS and the others have much more of an agenda than Fox. You're just a Lib that wants to censor what you don't like. Dishonest.
Of all of the programs on Cable TV, there is just one show that has some comedy on Progressive Socialists. And it is shown as one episode per week at the end of the week. Everything else with comedy that has political chatter is Progressive Socialist.
I believe this college president is indicative of most. They are for the most part, Far Leftists that believe Socialism is more fair than Capitalism, and the restricted free speech is fine if it is speech in which THEY disagree, So if you challenge:

Illegal Aliens (amnesty/open borders)
Man Made Climate Change
Social Engineering programs
Higher Taxes/New Taxes
Affirmative Action
Globalism (reducing American Sovereignty)
Statism (worshipping the state not God)

And many others. This is not tolerated on college campuses today. You can not challenge Progressive thought.
If the students start wearing red scarfs, that is when we better run for the hills.

The civil war will be reaching bloody in T minus 5 years.
What is "free speech"? If one's "free speech" attacks someone else, shouldn't those attacked have "free speech" to counter it?

Not to do with "free speech" on campus, is everyone aware that "free speech" on the subject of abortion is being censored by federal and state governments, and threats and laws are in place to use denial of public funds to censor speech on this matter? Some states even have laws in place to require doctors to give government-dictated speeches to patients, and one state, I believe South Dakota, has passed a law prohibiting doctors to tell patients that the state politicians have dictated this speech.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that there will be responses to "stick to the topic" and the topic is "on campus." But freedom of speech is everywhere on any and every topic. If there should be no "gag rules" on campus, there also should be none in other places.
And many others. This is not tolerated on college campuses today. You can not challenge Progressive thought.
At the bottom line progressivism is fascism. Diversity of thought is not appreciated or permitted in a perfect progressive world and any political ideology that cannot stand up to criticism or examination doesn't deserve to exist.

Yet progressivism will flourish because it appeals on a purely emotional and childish level encouraging simplistic virtue signaling minds to believe they are really on to something wonderful.

It is a booby trapped philosophy wrapped in a nice pretty bow that simpletons love.
What is "free speech"? If one's "free speech" attacks someone else, shouldn't those attacked have "free speech" to counter it?

Not to do with "free speech" on campus, is everyone aware that "free speech" on the subject of abortion is being censored by federal and state governments, and threats and laws are in place to use denial of public funds to censor speech on this matter? Some states even have laws in place to require doctors to give government-dictated speeches to patients, and one state, I believe South Dakota, has passed a law prohibiting doctors to tell patients that the state politicians have dictated this speech.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that there will be responses to "stick to the topic" and the topic is "on campus." But freedom of speech is everywhere on any and every topic. If there should be no "gag rules" on campus, there also should be none in other places.
OK, "funny" folks. Why censor speech and then bitch about supposed censorship? In fractured language, either you is or you ain't.
2 Timothy 2:16-17 New International Version (NIV)

16 Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly. 17 Their teaching will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus,

2 Timothy 2:16-17 New International Version (NIV)

16 Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly. 17 Their teaching will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus,

How is this related ?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that there will be responses to "stick to the topic" and the topic is "on campus." But freedom of speech is everywhere on any and every topic. If there should be no "gag rules" on campus, there also should be none in other places.
Is the abortion industry suffering due to a lack of "free speech"?
That seems like a hilarious absurd proposition.
2 Timothy 2:16-17 New International Version (NIV)

16 Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly. 17 Their teaching will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus,


Who is this timothy? What does he know? Sounds like some ancient busy-body.
As expected. I read his op-ed. It was a nuanced discussion and he is not against the idea of free speech.

He is certainly against free speech on campus, moron, and his op-ed stated this is no uncertain terms.
My question is why do you and this pukey president think a college campus should be exempt from constitutional free speech guarantees? What makes his campus a special rights free zone and what other rights should not apply there?

A really committed anti free speech progressive who is so deep down the rabbit hole he can actually rationalize his feelings to the extent he feels like he can justify his stance, though he truly can't, is against free speech in his little domain and a hopeless case to be sure.

And that's all that matters to him. At least I can respect this president to the extent he has the guts to actually admit he doesn't want free speech for students.

As for you there is no respect for compliant sheep at all.
You just stand in line and follow the others not knowing why or where you are going at all.
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Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that there will be responses to "stick to the topic" and the topic is "on campus." But freedom of speech is everywhere on any and every topic. If there should be no "gag rules" on campus, there also should be none in other places.
Is the abortion industry suffering due to a lack of "free speech"?
That seems like a hilarious absurd proposition.

It is not an "industry" except to some weirdo cultists. Even if it were, why the violation of free speech? Don't we have a First Amendment? People do keep bringing up the subject of Free Speech rights under the First Amendment, and then back down. Free speech, or not?

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