College Should Be Free! (For Americans)

No. The government just should pick up the tab.

Why should the government pay for stuff that's free?

The government doesn't have to pay for it, that's why you tax the ones that hide their money off shore or the ones on Wall Street who make millions of dollars betting on companies to fail.

that's why you tax the ones that hide their money off shore

How do you tax hidden money?

or the ones on Wall Street who make millions of dollars betting on companies to fail.

That sounds terrible. Could you explain how you make a bet like that?

I'll take this one. How do you tax money that's hidden? It isn't easy. But it can be done. But there's a simpler solution. Don't let the wealthy get enough money in the first place that they can hide. Also, I was watching a program about the great depression once. There was a super rich guy who had a wife at home that heard about the banking collapse. When her husband got home, she asked him in a worried manner of course about it. He said that he made more money than he ever had before.

Also, there are other financial ways of protecting yourself against some failure other than buying insurance. No doubt in the financial arena, they are basically able to do things that are akin to staking out a life insurance policy on somebody and then having them bumped off.

Don't let the wealthy get enough money in the first place that they can hide.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?

Do you know what the wealth limit is for those who want to be wealthy? I hope not. Because there isn't one. If allowed to, most wealthy people would try to become gods and own slaves. Also, Bill Gates makes about 416,976 dollars per hour. Nobody is worth that kind of money. Also, I heard of some companies limiting the wages of their top executives to just 15 times what an average worker makes. That doesn't exactly put them in the poor house. "Comrade."

Also, Bill Gates makes about 416,976 dollars per hour.

How's he do it?

Nobody is worth that kind of money.

According to you? That's funny.
Nothing is free.

Brainwashing is free. And being a slave is also free. But as far as a college education goes, somebody does have to pay for it. As long as it isn't the students, then everything is fine.

My husband and I paid for ours and we will pay for our children' leeches are on your own

Oh. I see. Just because you and your husband were suckers, everybody has to be suckers. Forever and ever. Until the stars go dark.

Suckers? We applied ourselves, took out loans for our educations (and paid back every penny...early) and in turn got good careers. We are under no obligation to pay for anyone else's anything and that includes college. We started saving for our children's education before they were even born because we know they will need that degree to compete. We struggled through college and when we first started out, that's life, you either apply yourself or you ask for someone to do it for you...if we do it for you then that would make us "suckers".

You want an education? Take out loans or give four years to your nation, the military will train you and then pay for your education,but no,nobody owes it to you

Yes. I said SUCKER. And I meant every letter in the word. Living in a society means living cooporatively. I don't want to hear about your delusions of superiority. I saw a study done once with children. Most often, the children would be willing to take less of something they valued. As long as it meant that some other child would receive nothing at all. This is probably from some sort of instinctual status thing. Which apparently never really goes away. Also, from what you say, if we were to compare humans to the way chimpanzees and bonobos handle conflict, you seem to go along with the chimpanzee way of doing things. But you are right that nobody owes me anything. Though it often works out that when you scratch somebody's back, they will scratch yours.
No, because your kid's degrees will be a dime a dozen compared to the number of jobs out there that actually pay the ratio of value to earnings. If you think otherwise, you are simply chasing the dragon.

If everyone gets free degrees they will be a dime a dozen

No, because there will be more advanced jobs with higher wages. Companies will WANT to move their operations to the united States.

Companies will go where they can pay less in wages,benefits, less regulation, better tax shelters, less in healthcare costs, where they don't have to deal with unions, etc

Not the companies who deal in advanced technologies, which is the wave of the future.

Like I said, you take care of yours and we'll take care of ours. I've no desire to fund anyone, that sham Obamacare is enough and should give you some idea how "free" college would turn out

If you take in all the factors of Obamacare, things have been blown WAY out of proportion. Hospitals are having less loss due to treating patients without health insurance which means costs go down... and this has been shown, as the cost of Obamacare over the years has gone down. This also means more people who have access to healthcare which means a healthier society, which means a healthier workforce, which means better production...

I have to say, elitist negative Nancys like you are more of a problem than any left winger we have in this country. You are only out for yourself and don't see the big picture.
Nothing is free.

Brainwashing is free. And being a slave is also free. But as far as a college education goes, somebody does have to pay for it. As long as it isn't the students, then everything is fine.

My husband and I paid for ours and we will pay for our children' leeches are on your own

Oh. I see. Just because you and your husband were suckers, everybody has to be suckers. Forever and ever. Until the stars go dark.

Suckers? We applied ourselves, took out loans for our educations (and paid back every penny...early) and in turn got good careers. We are under no obligation to pay for anyone else's anything and that includes college. We started saving for our children's education before they were even born because we know they will need that degree to compete. We struggled through college and when we first started out, that's life, you either apply yourself or you ask for someone to do it for you...if we do it for you then that would make us "suckers".

You want an education? Take out loans or give four years to your nation, the military will train you and then pay for your education,but no,nobody owes it to you

Yes. I said SUCKER. And I meant every letter in the word. Living in a society means living cooporatively. I don't want to hear about your delusions of superiority. I saw a study done once with children. Most often, the children would be willing to take less of something they valued. As long as it meant that some other child would receive nothing at all. This is probably from some sort of instinctual status thing. Which apparently never really goes away. Also, from what you say, if we were to compare humans to the way chimpanzees and bonobos handle conflict, you seem to go along with the chimpanzee way of doing things. But you are right that nobody owes me anything. Though it often works out that when you scratch somebody's back, they will scratch yours.

From reading your comments you have nothing to offer....I don't claim "superiority" I claim "we did it ourselves" and you should also. Good're going to need it with that gimme attitude
There are other countrues where college is free. France for one. I suppose they think that having highly educated people is good for their society in general. I might have even stayed in school if I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of my ever being able to afford college.

Free? Who pays for the building? The professors?
If everyone gets free degrees they will be a dime a dozen

No, because there will be more advanced jobs with higher wages. Companies will WANT to move their operations to the united States.

Companies will go where they can pay less in wages,benefits, less regulation, better tax shelters, less in healthcare costs, where they don't have to deal with unions, etc

Not the companies who deal in advanced technologies, which is the wave of the future.

Like I said, you take care of yours and we'll take care of ours. I've no desire to fund anyone, that sham Obamacare is enough and should give you some idea how "free" college would turn out

If you take in all the factors of Obamacare, things have been blown WAY out of proportion. Hospitals are having less loss due to treating patients without health insurance which means costs go down... and this has been shown, as the cost of Obamacare over the years has gone down. This also means more people who have access to healthcare which means a healthier society, which means a healthier workforce, which means better production...

I have to say, elitist negative Nancys like you are more of a problem than any left winger we have in this country. You are only out for yourself and don't see the big picture.

You just blew it and revealed how utterly clueless you are, Obamacare is a disaster....just as we told you it would be. Now don't go whizzing down my back and try to tell me it's raining. for your shit ya lazy bastid
"From what I hear, from what I hear..." Too bad you don't KNOW anything.
No, because there will be more advanced jobs with higher wages. Companies will WANT to move their operations to the united States.

Companies will go where they can pay less in wages,benefits, less regulation, better tax shelters, less in healthcare costs, where they don't have to deal with unions, etc

Not the companies who deal in advanced technologies, which is the wave of the future.

Like I said, you take care of yours and we'll take care of ours. I've no desire to fund anyone, that sham Obamacare is enough and should give you some idea how "free" college would turn out

If you take in all the factors of Obamacare, things have been blown WAY out of proportion. Hospitals are having less loss due to treating patients without health insurance which means costs go down... and this has been shown, as the cost of Obamacare over the years has gone down. This also means more people who have access to healthcare which means a healthier society, which means a healthier workforce, which means better production...

I have to say, elitist negative Nancys like you are more of a problem than any left winger we have in this country. You are only out for yourself and don't see the big picture.

You just blew it and revealed how utterly clueless you are, Obamacare is a disaster....just as we told you it would be. Now don't go whizzing down my back and try to tell me it's raining. for your shit ya lazy bastid

Lazy bastard? You know nothing about me. I work a job and go to school full time as an unconventional student and have gotten a 4.0 average the last two semesters. not to mention I study in a field that my university is one of the top schools in the country. I just believe in living as a part of a society where we have to all live together, and that I can't succeed and do so with a conscience, if there are people in need that I'm not helping to survive. I'm surprised you have kids, you seem like the type of person that would eat your babies.

And no, Obamacare isn't the complete disaster you THOUGHT is would be.

5 Numbers to Know as Obamacare Turns 5
Companies will go where they can pay less in wages,benefits, less regulation, better tax shelters, less in healthcare costs, where they don't have to deal with unions, etc

Not the companies who deal in advanced technologies, which is the wave of the future.

Like I said, you take care of yours and we'll take care of ours. I've no desire to fund anyone, that sham Obamacare is enough and should give you some idea how "free" college would turn out

If you take in all the factors of Obamacare, things have been blown WAY out of proportion. Hospitals are having less loss due to treating patients without health insurance which means costs go down... and this has been shown, as the cost of Obamacare over the years has gone down. This also means more people who have access to healthcare which means a healthier society, which means a healthier workforce, which means better production...

I have to say, elitist negative Nancys like you are more of a problem than any left winger we have in this country. You are only out for yourself and don't see the big picture.

You just blew it and revealed how utterly clueless you are, Obamacare is a disaster....just as we told you it would be. Now don't go whizzing down my back and try to tell me it's raining. for your shit ya lazy bastid

Lazy bastard? You know nothing about me. I work a job and go to school full time as an unconventional student and have gotten a 4.0 average the last two semesters. not to mention I study in a field that my university is one of the top schools in the country. I just believe in living as a part of a society where we have to all live together, and that I can't succeed and do so with a conscience, if there are people in need that I'm not helping to survive. I'm surprised you have kids, you seem like the type of person that would eat your babies.

And no, Obamacare isn't the complete disaster you THOUGHT is would be.

5 Numbers to Know as Obamacare Turns 5

You call me an elitist and I can call you a lazy bastid....after all you don't me either. See how it works?
So simple to understand...


Do any of thise taxpayers make things or provide services that people buy? Well first of all, place tarifs on imported goods so they couldn't be sold for a cheaper price than what they would be if they were made in America. Then take taxpayer money and give everybody a check for 10,000 dollars. That would do to our economy what pouring gasoline onto a fire does for the fire. Tell me the taxpayers wouldn't end up benifiting.

Look, I'm for free education, but how come every time I debunk something you say you don't respond to it and instead use a red herring?

Are you talking to me? If so, what did I say that you debunked. And what is this "red herring" you speak of.

I listed ways people already can get free college education, like the nurses you mentioned, and I also listed free colleges.

A Red Herring is when you make a point, and then someone invalidates your point, and instead of refuting their statements, you lead the conversation off on an unrelated tangent.

You didn't invalidate anything. You just brought up some instances where some people can supposedly get an education. As to how "free" it is, I don't know. Maybe the government just picks up the tab until you get a job, then you have to pay it back. A college education still isn't free in this country. That was the whole point of my thread. Also, if I can remember what lead to what, feel free to tell me what this "unrelated tangent" is. I don't speak in riddles. Everything I say has some bearing on something.
Not the companies who deal in advanced technologies, which is the wave of the future.

Like I said, you take care of yours and we'll take care of ours. I've no desire to fund anyone, that sham Obamacare is enough and should give you some idea how "free" college would turn out

If you take in all the factors of Obamacare, things have been blown WAY out of proportion. Hospitals are having less loss due to treating patients without health insurance which means costs go down... and this has been shown, as the cost of Obamacare over the years has gone down. This also means more people who have access to healthcare which means a healthier society, which means a healthier workforce, which means better production...

I have to say, elitist negative Nancys like you are more of a problem than any left winger we have in this country. You are only out for yourself and don't see the big picture.

You just blew it and revealed how utterly clueless you are, Obamacare is a disaster....just as we told you it would be. Now don't go whizzing down my back and try to tell me it's raining. for your shit ya lazy bastid

Lazy bastard? You know nothing about me. I work a job and go to school full time as an unconventional student and have gotten a 4.0 average the last two semesters. not to mention I study in a field that my university is one of the top schools in the country. I just believe in living as a part of a society where we have to all live together, and that I can't succeed and do so with a conscience, if there are people in need that I'm not helping to survive. I'm surprised you have kids, you seem like the type of person that would eat your babies.

And no, Obamacare isn't the complete disaster you THOUGHT is would be.

5 Numbers to Know as Obamacare Turns 5

You call me an elitist and I can call you a lazy bastid....after all you don't me either. See how it works?

I don't NEED to know you when you say things like, "I'll pay for my kids, you pay for yours." That is what an elitist bastard is.
Like I said, you take care of yours and we'll take care of ours. I've no desire to fund anyone, that sham Obamacare is enough and should give you some idea how "free" college would turn out

If you take in all the factors of Obamacare, things have been blown WAY out of proportion. Hospitals are having less loss due to treating patients without health insurance which means costs go down... and this has been shown, as the cost of Obamacare over the years has gone down. This also means more people who have access to healthcare which means a healthier society, which means a healthier workforce, which means better production...

I have to say, elitist negative Nancys like you are more of a problem than any left winger we have in this country. You are only out for yourself and don't see the big picture.

You just blew it and revealed how utterly clueless you are, Obamacare is a disaster....just as we told you it would be. Now don't go whizzing down my back and try to tell me it's raining. for your shit ya lazy bastid

Lazy bastard? You know nothing about me. I work a job and go to school full time as an unconventional student and have gotten a 4.0 average the last two semesters. not to mention I study in a field that my university is one of the top schools in the country. I just believe in living as a part of a society where we have to all live together, and that I can't succeed and do so with a conscience, if there are people in need that I'm not helping to survive. I'm surprised you have kids, you seem like the type of person that would eat your babies.

And no, Obamacare isn't the complete disaster you THOUGHT is would be.

5 Numbers to Know as Obamacare Turns 5

You call me an elitist and I can call you a lazy bastid....after all you don't me either. See how it works?

I don't NEED to know you when you say things like, "I'll pay for my kids, you pay for yours." That is what an elitist bastard is.

You'll pay for your shit and stop demanding I do.
It's sad when someone takes a serious topic like this and becomes a troll with it. If you are going to argue for free college education, at least bring good arguments to the table.

Again, are you talking to me? If so, what is it that you think I said that isn't serious?

Giving everybody a check for $10,000? For example. If you are going to bring anything to the table in this debate, you need to point out literacy numbers, or world rankings in education. For example, did you know that North Korea is one crappy country, but they have nearly a 100% adult literacy rate?

North Korea Adult Literacy Rate (Yearly, NSA, Percent of People Aged 15+)

I can't help it if you don't know what discussions are happening. It just so happens that I brought up giving everybody (who doesn't already have it of course) 10,000 dollars is because in talking about giving people a free college education, somehow, the economy and the ability to pay for it was brought up. Also, the U.S. is basically a third world country. Given their size, Germany and Japan kick America's ass when it comes to the yearly value of our exports. This may be going off on another tangent, but a multiethnic society is to blame.
It's sad when someone takes a serious topic like this and becomes a troll with it. If you are going to argue for free college education, at least bring good arguments to the table.

Again, are you talking to me? If so, what is it that you think I said that isn't serious?

Giving everybody a check for $10,000? For example. If you are going to bring anything to the table in this debate, you need to point out literacy numbers, or world rankings in education. For example, did you know that North Korea is one crappy country, but they have nearly a 100% adult literacy rate?

North Korea Adult Literacy Rate (Yearly, NSA, Percent of People Aged 15+)

I can't help it if you don't know what discussions are happening. It just so happens that I brought up giving everybody (who doesn't already have it of course) 10,000 dollars is because in talking about giving people a free college education, somehow, the economy and the ability to pay for it was brought up. Also, the U.S. is basically a third world country. Given their size, Germany and Japan kick America's ass when it comes to the yearly value of our exports. This may be going off on another tangent, but a multiethnic society is to blame.

Giving everyone $10,000 isn't going to solve any problems. It'll just be like a second "tax refund" season for all those dead beats who have a bunch of kids just for the benefits and then they would spend all the money on drugs and things they don't need that will be trash in a matter of less than 6 months.
If you take in all the factors of Obamacare, things have been blown WAY out of proportion. Hospitals are having less loss due to treating patients without health insurance which means costs go down... and this has been shown, as the cost of Obamacare over the years has gone down. This also means more people who have access to healthcare which means a healthier society, which means a healthier workforce, which means better production...

I have to say, elitist negative Nancys like you are more of a problem than any left winger we have in this country. You are only out for yourself and don't see the big picture.

You just blew it and revealed how utterly clueless you are, Obamacare is a disaster....just as we told you it would be. Now don't go whizzing down my back and try to tell me it's raining. for your shit ya lazy bastid

Lazy bastard? You know nothing about me. I work a job and go to school full time as an unconventional student and have gotten a 4.0 average the last two semesters. not to mention I study in a field that my university is one of the top schools in the country. I just believe in living as a part of a society where we have to all live together, and that I can't succeed and do so with a conscience, if there are people in need that I'm not helping to survive. I'm surprised you have kids, you seem like the type of person that would eat your babies.

And no, Obamacare isn't the complete disaster you THOUGHT is would be.

5 Numbers to Know as Obamacare Turns 5

You call me an elitist and I can call you a lazy bastid....after all you don't me either. See how it works?

I don't NEED to know you when you say things like, "I'll pay for my kids, you pay for yours." That is what an elitist bastard is.

You'll pay for your shit and stop demanding I do.

You don't get it, and you never will with that attitude. So when your kids can't find a job with their degrees and have to move back in with you at age 25 because they have crappy jobs because they can't find a good one, then just remember, I told you so.
WHY is anything in this country worth having priced almost out our grasp? It never used to be this way, you work hard, didn't mean going into debt for health care, a home or a college education? Why don't we stop providing assistance to help pay off debts when we should actually ( take a deep breath here) ACTUALY reduce the OVERALL cost and stop the price gouging?
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There are other countrues where college is free. France for one. I suppose they think that having highly educated people is good for their society in general. I might have even stayed in school if I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of my ever being able to afford college.

First, don't call it free. Nothing about it is free, the professors get paid, the books cost money, the dorm has to be built with materials and labor that have a cost. Be honest and say you want someone else to pay for it.

Secondly, people like you who don't have a true desire to learn are the last people we should be paying for to go thru college. There are numerous ways to extend your education with little cost from community college to online classes, get a library card and check out some books, assuming that is what you really want.

You said you might have stayed in school if you thought you could afford college. Did you drop out of high school? If so, is your attitude if I can't go to a 4 year university there is no point in having a high school degree? That is beyond sad!

It should be free for students. After that, it doesn't matter who pays for it. Because having more educated people is good for society in general. That includes those who would pay for it. Next, that's right! CRACK that motherfucking whip!!! But something tell me that if somebody decided to go to college, they would have a desire to do so. Or is it that you just expect them to act like many of the students in "Animal House" did. Next, online education from what I hear just doesn't work. Except for those trying to sell it. Next, I said what I said. There was no point in contiuning high school seeing how going to college was so very very far out of reach.
Years ago, and maybe still, they had this thing called a PELL grant. Where if you wre poor, they would pay for your books and things. But it wouldn't have done me any good. Because for one thing, I had to put survival first. You know. Things like eating and paying rent. Also, the only way I could have gotten to the college is to hitchhike. And I wouldn't have cared to do that.

In other words, you were unwilling to do what was necessary to advance your level of education. That is, in part, what higher ed is ... a test of your willingness to sacrifice your present for a brighter future.

BTW, Pell Grants are alive and well and still available only to the financially needy.

That's right. CRACK that motherfucking whip!!! In your best pre-French Revolution aristocrat philisophy, tell me more about what the poor are unwilling to "sacrifice."
No, because your kid's degrees will be a dime a dozen compared to the number of jobs out there that actually pay the ratio of value to earnings. If you think otherwise, you are simply chasing the dragon.

If everyone gets free degrees they will be a dime a dozen

No, because there will be more advanced jobs with higher wages. Companies will WANT to move their operations to the united States.

Companies will go where they can pay less in wages,benefits, less regulation, better tax shelters, less in healthcare costs, where they don't have to deal with unions, etc

Not the companies who deal in advanced technologies, which is the wave of the future.

Like I said, you take care of yours and we'll take care of ours. I've no desire to fund anyone, that sham Obamacare is enough and should give you some idea how "free" college would turn out

Impressive. You would make any chimpanzee proud. Also, obamacare is a sham. He probably still has kiss imprints on his ass from insurance company executives over that. What we should have is what most of the developed countries have. FREE single payer government funded health care. The problem is if we got it, how much more of a draw would that be to overpopulating illegal invader scab scum from south of the border.

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