College Should Be Free! (For Americans)

There are other countrues where college is free. France for one. I suppose they think that having highly educated people is good for their society in general. I might have even stayed in school if I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of my ever being able to afford college.
I will say the same thing about health care as higher education. Change the system so they are really truly affordable, don't play shell games. Look into why colleges or health care providers charge so much and trim the phony baloney charges and the fat, make them both TRULY affordable.

I agree with you to a point. Because when you have nothing, it doesn't really matter how "affordable" things are.
There are other countrues where college is free. France for one. I suppose they think that having highly educated people is good for their society in general. I might have even stayed in school if I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of my ever being able to afford college.

Free? Who pays for the building? The professors?

In the countries that provide a free college education, ask them who pays for their buildings.
It's sad when someone takes a serious topic like this and becomes a troll with it. If you are going to argue for free college education, at least bring good arguments to the table.

Again, are you talking to me? If so, what is it that you think I said that isn't serious?

Giving everybody a check for $10,000? For example. If you are going to bring anything to the table in this debate, you need to point out literacy numbers, or world rankings in education. For example, did you know that North Korea is one crappy country, but they have nearly a 100% adult literacy rate?

North Korea Adult Literacy Rate (Yearly, NSA, Percent of People Aged 15+)

I can't help it if you don't know what discussions are happening. It just so happens that I brought up giving everybody (who doesn't already have it of course) 10,000 dollars is because in talking about giving people a free college education, somehow, the economy and the ability to pay for it was brought up. Also, the U.S. is basically a third world country. Given their size, Germany and Japan kick America's ass when it comes to the yearly value of our exports. This may be going off on another tangent, but a multiethnic society is to blame.

Giving everyone $10,000 isn't going to solve any problems. It'll just be like a second "tax refund" season for all those dead beats who have a bunch of kids just for the benefits and then they would spend all the money on drugs and things they don't need that will be trash in a matter of less than 6 months.

It is likely that some of the money would go to drug dealers. But most of the money would be used to buy things. And if most of the things people buy weren't made overseas, that would help out our manufacturers and retail stores a lot. I seem to remember hearing about the government trying out some sort of "stimuls package" before. But it didn't do shit for me. Now $10,000 cash, that would be something. I could put down a payment on a mobile home or something with that kind of money. Maybe even buy myself a new matterss. The one I have had for the last ten years keeps popping out springs that I have to snip off.
WHY is anything in this country worth having priced almost out our grasp? It never used to be this way, you work hard, didn't mean going into debt for health care, a home or a college education? Why don't we stop providing assistance to help pay off debts when we should actually ( take a deep breath here) ACTUALY reduce the OVERALL cost and stop the price gouging?

Outsourcing is the cause of most of this country's problems.
There are two sides to the "Free College" coin. Americans like to embrace the "free" side, but the "college" side - not so much.

Because we have universally adopted the ridiculous notion that a college education should be available for anyone who wants one. Consequently, our colleges cater to millions of young "adults" who are, to put it bluntly, "not college material." They teach remedial courses, their level of academic rigor is a joke, and most of the offered college majors are irrelevant, worthless nonsense. Ethnic studies? Are you kidding me?

Germany has "free" universities, but the requirements for admission are rigorous, and not subject to distortion based on race, gender, or other extraneous factors.

I would wholeheartedly support "free" college at state schools for the top 20% of 18-year-olds, based on QUANTITATIVE criteria - mainly objective test scores. For the other 80%, they would be free to go anywhere they could afford to go - at their own expense, with no government loans or subsidies.

And I submit that diplomas from such state colleges would be quite valuable, as employers would know that the students are all top-notch, and the coursework is no nonsense.

But of course, excellence in education is a fantastical pipe dream as long as Lefties control Academe. They would insist on "diversity" in the "free" state universities, which would in-turn require watered-down course work, bullshit majors, and we would be no better off than we are now.
Please explain how you plan on paying for free college.

please tell me how you plan to keep costs under control.

Please explain why we should listing to a lazy, whinny college drop out?

I will respond to your last statement first. I'm not a college dropout. I'm a highschool dropout. I dropped out of highschool in my third year with three years of credits to make up for. That is why I can intellectually spank those who debat me.

As for paying for college, money is a farce to begin with. Our country is over 18 trillion dollars in debt and has around 65 trillion dollars worth of unfunded obligations. Just add a few trillion to the 18 trillion. It doesn't matter if our country is 21 trillion dollars in debt or 41 trillion dollars in debt. It's all just numbers on a piece of paper. As for keeping the costs under control, there are many ways. But I have a simple idea. For example, if you want to learn how to dig a ditch, just learn from those who already dig ditches. So if you want to see how to keep costs down in providing free college to students, instead of just free highschool, see how the countries that provide free college to students do so.
you're an idiot and should go back to HS, take some economic courses, like math, not algebra, as that's to advanced.

and stop doing drugs
Please explain how you plan on paying for free college.

please tell me how you plan to keep costs under control.

Please explain why we should listing to a lazy, whinny college drop out?

Just because it would be free doesn't mean everyone would be able to complete it. It still takes hard work and dedication...
That's true.

There would be so much waste and abuse it's mind boggling.

why, finally, graduate when you can live for free just b/c you take classes?
There are other countrues where college is free. France for one. I suppose they think that having highly educated people is good for their society in general. I might have even stayed in school if I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of my ever being able to afford college.

Free? Who pays for the building? The professors?

In the countries that provide a free college education, ask them who pays for their buildings.

I'll ask one of the gazillion of those students that come here for their education.
There are other countrues where college is free. France for one. I suppose they think that having highly educated people is good for their society in general. I might have even stayed in school if I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of my ever being able to afford college.

First, don't call it free. Nothing about it is free, the professors get paid, the books cost money, the dorm has to be built with materials and labor that have a cost. Be honest and say you want someone else to pay for it.

Secondly, people like you who don't have a true desire to learn are the last people we should be paying for to go thru college. There are numerous ways to extend your education with little cost from community college to online classes, get a library card and check out some books, assuming that is what you really want.

You said you might have stayed in school if you thought you could afford college. Did you drop out of high school? If so, is your attitude if I can't go to a 4 year university there is no point in having a high school degree? That is beyond sad!

It should be free for students. After that, it doesn't matter who pays for it. Because having more educated people is good for society in general. That includes those who would pay for it. Next, that's right! CRACK that motherfucking whip!!! But something tell me that if somebody decided to go to college, they would have a desire to do so. Or is it that you just expect them to act like many of the students in "Animal House" did. Next, online education from what I hear just doesn't work. Except for those trying to sell it. Next, I said what I said. There was no point in contiuning high school seeing how going to college was so very very far out of reach.

Well, I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you have a fulfilling, happy and productive life. Remember, if you can die with self respect, then it was all worth it. You voting for Bernie?
When you give something away you negate all its value.

Making college "free" for everyone would result in just another 4 years of high school and the people attending would not be any better educated

No, just no. It would help the United States to catch up with the education of the rest of the world. Here are the current standings for the United States as far as education is concerned.

From this article in 2015, the United States ranked 29th out of 76 countries. If education stays like that, we are going to become a shit hole as the rest of the world grows around us.

Interactive map ranks school standards around the world
You are equating elementary and secondary education with college

Basically you are calling for free college as a means to make secondary education better so like I said another 4 years of high school
There are other countrues where college is free. France for one. I suppose they think that having highly educated people is good for their society in general. I might have even stayed in school if I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of my ever being able to afford college.

I agree, colleges should stop collecting tuition.

No. The government just should pick up the tab. Just as it does with police or the military.

No. The government just should pick up the tab.

Why should the government pay for stuff that's free?

Students being in debt up to their eyebrows for getting a college education doesn't sound very free to me.
you can go to college part time and get a degree with no debt at all
You can technically buy life insurance on other people.

Grim Risks of Reaping Death's Rewards

These life settlements are not the same as buying insurance on other people.

The people who own these whole life policies with significant cash value in them are selling off what is merely one of their assets.

You cannot take out a life insurance policy on a person without the consent of that person AND a definable insurable interest
Regardless,the military is a great place to learn a career, our nephew goes into the USAF in August and they have his entire training and education already planned for him.

Military Tuition Assistance |

Military life isn't for everyone, and just because someone can't adjust to the regimented lifestyle doesn't mean that they should have to pay for a higher education while others don't. If you look at the map of the countries who outperform the United States in Education performance, most... *drum roll* have free higher education, including, (nasty word coming so cover your children's ears) those that are considered socialist countries.

Except it's not free, nothing is ever free

Yes, it does end up being free because it is basically a cycle. Sure YOU might be the successfully hard working taxpayer NOW, but when some of your tax dollars goes into providing a free college education for someone else, then they become a successful hard working tax payer... and I think you get the gist of where I am going with this. But who ends up being the winner? We ALL do because in the end more jobs come to the United States because we have a better educated workforce to provide employees for companies. More companies, more jobs, more money flowing into the tax coffers. You see how this works?

I see how you think it will work but I doubt it would work. You take care of you and your children's education needs and we will do the same, I have no desire to fund you and yours...or anyone else

But you forget that the economic system we live in is symbiotic. Your kid's degrees won't be any good if there are no jobs for them to use them with. Otherwise you are proud of a couple of kids that have engineering degrees and manage at MacDonald's. As a nation we need to have a larger, more educated talent pool to offer companies that otherwise are building their businesses in Asian countries where they have a smarter workforce.

We have a dire need in this country for skilled tradesmen

Electricians, mechanics, plumbers, carpenters, etc

Pumping out more useless BA degrees will do nothing but increase the number of educated baristas and cashiers
I can't help it if you don't know what discussions are happening. It just so happens that I brought up giving everybody (who doesn't already have it of course) 10,000 dollars is because in talking about giving people a free college education, somehow, the economy and the ability to pay for it was brought up. Also, the U.S. is basically a third world country. Given their size, Germany and Japan kick America's ass when it comes to the yearly value of our exports. This may be going off on another tangent, but a multiethnic society is to blame.

You are an ignorant sot, that's for sure.
you're an idiot and should go back to HS, take some economic courses, like math, not algebra, as that's to advanced.

and stop doing drugs

I already offered him a link to perhaps the best teacher on the planet, Sal Khan, offering college level courses, free of charge.

Khan Academy

Will he bother to take any of the courses? Of course not, that would require effort.
There are other countrues where college is free. France for one. I suppose they think that having highly educated people is good for their society in general. I might have even stayed in school if I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of my ever being able to afford college.

I doubt school could have helped you much.

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