Colleges admit blacks get bonus 230 points on SAT test. Hispanics get 185

Tell us what antonym means and then explain again how equality and diverse are antonyms. Can you do that?

Sorry, class is over for today.
Thats great. I thought I was going to have to waste class time teaching you the meaning of antonym

OK, class is back in session. Listen up:

Diversity describes a nonuniform distribution of data points along one or more value scales. By definition, these data points do not all have the same value. Hence, they are not equal. (If they were equal, they would have a uniform distribution.) Since diversity (nonuniformity) and equality (uniformity) are opposites, they are also antonyms.
Tell us what antonym means and then explain again how equality and diverse are antonyms. Can you do that?

Sorry, class is over for today.
Thats great. I thought I was going to have to waste class time teaching you the meaning of antonym

OK, class is back in session. Listen up:

Diversity describes a nonuniform distribution of data points along one or more value scales. By definition, these data points do not all have the same value. Hence, they are not equal. (If they were equal, they would have a uniform distribution.) Since diversity (nonuniformity) and equality (uniformity) are opposites, they are also antonyms.
You're late for class and like most know it all students your logic is faulty.

Diversity doesnt mean a non uniform distribution. It means variety. For example. An apple, a pear, an orange. Those are all equally fruits...diverse but equal.
That wont work. White people did pretty good with welfare and affirmative action. How has it hurt whites?

Whites have never gotten affirmative action. And there are only a handful of whites on welfare. Nearly all welfare bums the govt says are white are actually hispanic.
That wont work. White people did pretty good with welfare and affirmative action. How has it hurt whites?

Whites have never gotten affirmative action. And there are only a handful of whites on welfare. Nearly all welfare bums the govt says are white are actually hispanic.
Whites got affirmative action the day the constitution designated Black people as 3/5ths a person and let the people enslaving them use their voting power to keep them enslaved because they were too lazy and uneducated to do the work themselves. They solidified it with Jim Crow.
What happens to American Blacks happens long before they demand anything.
They are isolated from American society via Identity Politics and PC before they can even speak a word.
The soft bigotry of reduced expectations handicaps them from Day One, and it's imposed on them.


It's not imposed on them. Blacks have earned the reduced expectations people have of them. When most adults in a group can't read or count or even tell time, no one is gonna think much of them
That wont work. White people did pretty good with welfare and affirmative action. How has it hurt whites?

Whites have never gotten affirmative action. And there are only a handful of whites on welfare. Nearly all welfare bums the govt says are white are actually hispanic.
Whites got affirmative action the day the constitution designated Black people as 3/5ths a person and let the people enslaving them use their voting power to keep them enslaved because they were too lazy and uneducated to do the work themselves. They solidified it with Jim Crow.
So you would have preferred the US Constitution count blacks as whole persons as so the Southern states could have had more representatives in the Congress to maintain slavery indefinitely? You scraggly ass uncle tom house nigga.

But seriously you do realize Abolitionists wanted to count blacks as 0/5ths of a person right? Abolitionists, dey be rayciss n sheeeit. lol
Pure blatant racism but it's allowed in america.

For Asian Americans a changing landscape on college admissions - LA Times

feb 21 2015
Lee's next slide shows three columns of numbers from a Princeton University study that tried to measure how race and ethnicity affect admissions by using SAT scores as a benchmark. It uses the term “bonus” to describe how many extra SAT points an applicant's race is worth.

African Americans received a “bonus” of 230 points, Lee says.

“Hispanics received a bonus of 185 points.”

Asian Americans, Lee says, are penalized by 50 points — in other words, they had to do that much better to win admission.
American colleges seek to have a diverse population. Period. They will, for example, have limits on accepting international students from some countries. They will make a great effort to have students from countries that have less applicants. There is more to education than test scores. Bottom line. Understand: there is more to education than test scores--far more.

In the Asian educational system, facts, figures and test scores are of prime importance. Students completing high school in an Asian country and taking up studies in an American university, for example, have no discussion skills. That is, they have been taught to absorb facts but have not been taught critical thinking skills. I know of a specific high school student from Europe who was taken to a math and science competition in India. He was the strongest math and science student in his small school in Europe. At the competition in India, except for one other school from Europe, all the representatives were from Asian countries. They were faster at answering the questions, but not more correct. Because he was slower, stopping to question his answers, he did not win any competitions. However, he was easily accepted to Cambridge University in England and is now studying physics there. In his European school, critical thinking skills were emphasized, in math and sciences as well as other courses: teaching those skills in all disciplines was a core part of the program. I would be wary of an Asian country ruling the world because of the lack of that kind of approach to education and the resulting society: people who do not question authority, for example.

SAT only tests math and English skills.
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Race Genes Intelligence - Facts Are Facts

Created Equal Race, Genes And Intelligence
By William Saletan
Slate Online

"Among white Americans, the average IQ, as of a decade or so ago, was 103. Among Asian-Americans, it was 106. Among Jewish Americans, it was 113. Among Latino Americans, it was 89. Among African-Americans, it was 85. Around the world, studies find the same general pattern: whites 100, East Asians 106, sub-Sarahan Africans 70. One IQ table shows 113 in Hong Kong, 110 in Japan, and 100 in Britain. White populations in Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States score closer to one another than to the worldwide black average. It's been that way for at least a century."
Its sad so much ignorance is still running around the world unchecked. My guess would be you consider yourself intelligent?

IQ scores not accurate marker of intelligence study shows - CBS News
I agree completely: IQ scores are not an accurate marker of intelligence. For one thing, your IQ score improves after higher education. A person who takes an IQ test before acquiring a college education, for example, will have a higher IQ score after his college education.
But, we are all intellectually equal, amirite?

Of course we are. The reason negros and hispos do so poorly on all standardized tests is because there's a giant conspiracy among white people to hold down their scores. Either that or it's the space aliens doing it.
You do know, of course, that studies show people who are racists are statistically lower in IQ and education than people who are not racist: you being such a completely entrenched racist, I'm sure you know about those statistics.
Equality and diversity are antonyms.
You must not know what antonym means.

You must not understand logic or mathematics. Are all people "equal" with respect to height, weight, or any other characteristic?
Tell us what antonym means and then explain again how equality and diverse are antonyms. Can you do that?
LOL He wouldn't be doing very well on an SAT test, which has a strong emphasis on vocabulary.
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Pure blatant racism but it's allowed in america.

For Asian Americans a changing landscape on college admissions - LA Times

feb 21 2015
Lee's next slide shows three columns of numbers from a Princeton University study that tried to measure how race and ethnicity affect admissions by using SAT scores as a benchmark. It uses the term “bonus” to describe how many extra SAT points an applicant's race is worth.

African Americans received a “bonus” of 230 points, Lee says.

“Hispanics received a bonus of 185 points.”

Asian Americans, Lee says, are penalized by 50 points — in other words, they had to do that much better to win admission.
This is good news seeing as how many Asians cheat on their SAT's

Back atcha.
You must not know what antonym means.
Looks like you don't. You must be a Harvard AA grad.
If it looks like I dont, you must not be a high school grad.
You certainly misinterpreted the antonym for not being an antonym.
Show me where equality and diversity are antonyms moron. I'll wait

You repeatedly look like a fool because of your inferior communication/syntax/grammar/vocabulary skills.

See it's not just me. Weren't we having this convo just yesterday, when you did the same thing only in a different convo? You eschew reality for dem talking points, and it permeates your writing and makes you incomprehensible.
What a load of BS. Where did you get that from -- all your inarticulate and illiterate RW friends? Too funny.
You must not know what antonym means.
Looks like you don't. You must be a Harvard AA grad.
If it looks like I dont, you must not be a high school grad.
You certainly misinterpreted the antonym for not being an antonym.
Show me where equality and diversity are antonyms moron. I'll wait

You repeatedly look like a fool because of your inferior communication/syntax/grammar/vocabulary skills.

See it's not just me. Weren't we having this convo just yesterday, when you did the same thing only in a different convo? You eschew reality for dem talking points, and it permeates your writing and makes you incomprehensible.
You repeatedly look like a fool, KG, on all points.
SAT and IQ tests indicate similar results across demographics. Same with the achievement gap. There is too much evidence at this point.

Black activists complain about the high tech companies not hiring black engineers..

Like there's thousands of black engineers begging to be hired. Fact is there are very very few black engineers and the few that do exist got their degree thru affirmative action and can barely read.
I know someone who is an engineer and makes a nice big salary. However, he is a moron. He's an idiot in every other facet of life. I like intelligent men--not automatons who only know basic facts but men who can think.
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SAT and IQ tests indicate similar results across demographics. Same with the achievement gap. There is too much evidence at this point.

SAT only tests English and math skills. There is more to life than that. As well, American universities seek a diverse population. All truly good universities around the world base their acceptance of students on far more than test scores.
Liberals will have to come up with a way of giving IQ-point bonuses. If you spot blacks 25 points, Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin could be as smart as the average white. If you deduct say 10 points from Asians, Brown would be as smart as the Asians he bullied.

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