Colleges admit blacks get bonus 230 points on SAT test. Hispanics get 185

Race Genes Intelligence - Facts Are Facts

Created Equal Race, Genes And Intelligence
By William Saletan
Slate Online

"Among white Americans, the average IQ, as of a decade or so ago, was 103. Among Asian-Americans, it was 106. Among Jewish Americans, it was 113. Among Latino Americans, it was 89. Among African-Americans, it was 85. Around the world, studies find the same general pattern: whites 100, East Asians 106, sub-Sarahan Africans 70. One IQ table shows 113 in Hong Kong, 110 in Japan, and 100 in Britain. White populations in Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States score closer to one another than to the worldwide black average. It's been that way for at least a century."
Its sad so much ignorance is still running around the world unchecked. My guess would be you consider yourself intelligent?

IQ scores not accurate marker of intelligence study shows - CBS News
"This issue of cheating on the SAT in some Asian countries has been a problem for the College Board and ETS for years. In 2013, the October administration of the SAT led to allegations in South Korea that questions from earlier tests were obtained by “cram schools” and given to students before they took the exam."

HAHAHA. That's not cheating you ignorant jackass. It says the questions were from EARLIER TESTS. Well hell - you can go into any book store and for 20 bucks get a buck with complete SAT tests from earlier years.
I taught in majority black, 95%+ free lunch schools for 23 or my 25 years.

I am convinced from observation that there are some things you cannot teach a black, like how to pronounce shrimp or Shreveport.
If you cant pronounce those words why would you think you could teach anyone to pronounce them?
"This issue of cheating on the SAT in some Asian countries has been a problem for the College Board and ETS for years. In 2013, the October administration of the SAT led to allegations in South Korea that questions from earlier tests were obtained by “cram schools” and given to students before they took the exam."

HAHAHA. That's not cheating you ignorant jackass. It says the questions were from EARLIER TESTS. Well hell - you can go into any book store and for 20 bucks get a buck with complete SAT tests from earlier years.

I guess this is proof SS has an IQ that is on par with his shoe size.
Pure blatant racism but it's allowed in america.

For Asian Americans a changing landscape on college admissions - LA Times

feb 21 2015
Lee's next slide shows three columns of numbers from a Princeton University study that tried to measure how race and ethnicity affect admissions by using SAT scores as a benchmark. It uses the term “bonus” to describe how many extra SAT points an applicant's race is worth.

African Americans received a “bonus” of 230 points, Lee says.

“Hispanics received a bonus of 185 points.”

Asian Americans, Lee says, are penalized by 50 points — in other words, they had to do that much better to win admission.

That shows how low PU opinion is about blacks and latinos.

Of course it's racism.
What if you are bi racial? do you only get half the bonus?
Wad up wid dat?
Why would you get half points if you were white and asian?

If the person is half black or half hispanic?
Do they only get half the bonus?
I would give them the full allotment depending on how they classify themselves. Many biracial kids that are Black/white identify with being Black. Those I would give full points. The ones that claim biracial I would give half and those that claim white would get nada. Hispanic is not a race so that would be a case by case basis.
Yep. Racism is long as its used against whites. And Asians now apparently.
What if you are bi racial? do you only get half the bonus?
Wad up wid dat?
Why would you get half points if you were white and asian?

If the person is half black or half hispanic?
Do they only get half the bonus?
I would give them the full allotment depending on how they classify themselves. Many biracial kids that are Black/white identify with being Black. Those I would give full points. The ones that claim biracial I would give half and those that claim white would get nada. Hispanic is not a race so that would be a case by case basis.

What about white African-Americans like me? I can claim albino and praise the motherland.

What can an albino black claim? His skin is lilly white. So...hes not black.
HAHAHA. That's not cheating you ignorant jackass. It says the questions were from EARLIER TESTS. Well hell - you can go into any book store and for 20 bucks get a buck with complete SAT tests from earlier years.

I guess this is proof SS has an IQ that is on par with his shoe size.

The board notes your evasion of my question. It must really suck to be a hater.
What if you are bi racial? do you only get half the bonus?
Wad up wid dat?
Why would you get half points if you were white and asian?

If the person is half black or half hispanic?
Do they only get half the bonus?
I would give them the full allotment depending on how they classify themselves. Many biracial kids that are Black/white identify with being Black. Those I would give full points. The ones that claim biracial I would give half and those that claim white would get nada. Hispanic is not a race so that would be a case by case basis.

What about white African-Americans like me? I can claim albino and praise the motherland.

What can an albino black claim? His skin is lilly white. So...hes not black.
Afrikaners get the same as whites. They are white after all.
You must not understand logic or mathematics. Are all people "equal" with respect to height, weight, or any other characteristic?

Of course not you insect. Different races have different heights and skin color and hair and many other differing physical characteristics. But you brainless libs tell us that mentally all the races are the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The idea is absurd.
HAHAHA. That's not cheating you ignorant jackass. It says the questions were from EARLIER TESTS. Well hell - you can go into any book store and for 20 bucks get a buck with complete SAT tests from earlier years.

I guess this is proof SS has an IQ that is on par with his shoe size.

The board notes your evasion of my question. It must really suck to be a hater.
More proof of low IQ. You didnt ask a question. Usually those are denoted by a question mark. All you did is make certain everyone knows your brain functions on the same level as a plant.
Jeez, even our colleges dont think black people are equal? Is it racism, or is it just being realistic? Either way, that is awfully embarrassing for the black community.

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