Colleges admit blacks get bonus 230 points on SAT test. Hispanics get 185

I'm 6'2" as well and could have made the NBA if I had not quit after getting injured. I have a BA. in Computer Science and Engineering. I'm well rounded and put the same effort into education as I did at one point regarding basketball.

6' 2" and you say you could have made the NBA!!! HAHAHA.. And if you have BA it's in education - that's where all the tar-babies major.
The fact that blacks would need 230 "extra" points tells me that they're a very stupid people. Time to make the system fair and fuck blacks if they need to cheat.
And does it really matter? I would be embarrassed. Look, after they let the token black people in for the quota.... How many more will get in on merit? 5-10-15. Exactly, most can't cut it and they know it. Big whoop.

Most everyone knows they are just token negros who handicapped in. And then they move into their token black people jobs. And it benefits us white people..... And it has the added benefit of a few little midly intelligent nigglets hoping to work for us and improving our lives While the majority languish in the ghettos.
Love the cognitive dissonance of these universities that on one hand preach equality and diversity and on one hand have to give extra points to certain groups that cant cut it in admissions.

No, it gives an advantage to someone who is equally talented a bump up over someone who has the advantages in place. The Supreme Court has allowed admission policies that use diversity as a factor in a holistic approach to admission.

For instance. Some schools use a point system for admission. Out of 100 points, 5 point may be used for a person who comes from a different group than the majority of students. For instance, Veterinary Schools have been predominantly women for over a decade. They now give diversity points to males and especially males than come from rural backgrounds since there is a need for rural doctors. Same with law schools who need rural attorneys.

The assumption you are making is that NO black person can ever make admission because they are inferior. There may be other factors at play. Poverty is one. You can't study all the time if you have to get a part time job just to eat. Because of that, schools tend to cut some slack on those students in their admission process because its not that they are dumb, but because they have extenuating circumstances that inhibits their ability to do the absolute best they can.
By the end of Obama's term fluency in Ebonics will be a requirement for incoming freshpersons.
Love the cognitive dissonance of these universities that on one hand preach equality and diversity and on one hand have to give extra points to certain groups that cant cut it in admissions.

No, it gives an advantage to someone who is equally talented a bump up over someone who has the advantages in place. The Supreme Court has allowed admission policies that use diversity as a factor in a holistic approach to admission.

For instance. Some schools use a point system for admission. Out of 100 points, 5 point may be used for a person who comes from a different group than the majority of students. For instance, Veterinary Schools have been predominantly women for over a decade. They now give diversity points to males and especially males than come from rural backgrounds since there is a need for rural doctors. Same with law schools who need rural attorneys.

The assumption you are making is that NO black person can ever make admission because they are inferior. There may be other factors at play. Poverty is one. You can't study all the time if you have to get a part time job just to eat. Because of that, schools tend to cut some slack on those students in their admission process because its not that they are dumb, but because they have extenuating circumstances that inhibits their ability to do the absolute best they can.

Individuals aren't equal in ability, nor are groups on average, that is just a fantastical notion on your part. If groups were equal in ability on average, there wouldn't exist these large disparities in test scores and IQ. This isn't an issue of "advantages", this is an issue of engrained biological differences between the races. Obviously intelligence isn't purely heritable and can be affected by variation in environmental factors. No one ever said all blacks are of low intelligence. You are dishonest saying that. What we are talking about is averages. However, the blank slate ideology of liberal left is naive and anti-science. Heritability of intelligence varies in studies from a factor of 0.5 to 0.8.
Heritability of IQ - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If these large disparities between races were due to "advantages" from Whites on average coming from higher income backgrounds, than we wouldn't see for example lower income whites outscore higher income blacks on the SAT.
Achievement gap in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If they were due purely to environmental factors, like differences in upbringing, than you wouldn't see the same differences in IQ between the races persist when blacks and whites, when they are both adopted at birth by upper middle class whites families, as shown by the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study.

The reality is, the group that is harmed most by Affirmative Action policies is not rich whites, but generally poor whites from rural areas who tend to be more conservative.
Affirmative Action in Higher Education Ron Unz Farron and others Occam s Razor

I don't really care what your Supreme Court says on the matter(rulings change all the time). It is a discriminatory policy in stark contrast with biological reality which harms the most economically vulnerable of the white population the most, making them second class citizens in the country their forefathers founded. The policy is inexcusable in both moral and practical terms.
The assumption you are making is that NO black person can ever make admission because they are inferior.

What a brazen liar you are. No one has ever said that. Everyone agrees there are some smart black people. But the percentage is much lower than among other races.
Love the cognitive dissonance of these universities that on one hand preach equality and diversity and on one hand have to give extra points to certain groups that cant cut it in admissions.

No, it gives an advantage to someone who is equally talented a bump up over someone who has the advantages in place. The Supreme Court has allowed admission policies that use diversity as a factor in a holistic approach to admission.

For instance. Some schools use a point system for admission. Out of 100 points, 5 point may be used for a person who comes from a different group than the majority of students. For instance, Veterinary Schools have been predominantly women for over a decade. They now give diversity points to males and especially males than come from rural backgrounds since there is a need for rural doctors. Same with law schools who need rural attorneys.

The assumption you are making is that NO black person can ever make admission because they are inferior. There may be other factors at play. Poverty is one. You can't study all the time if you have to get a part time job just to eat. Because of that, schools tend to cut some slack on those students in their admission process because its not that they are dumb, but because they have extenuating circumstances that inhibits their ability to do the absolute best they can.

Individuals aren't equal in ability, nor are groups on average, that is just a fantastical notion on your part. If groups were equal in ability on average, there wouldn't exist these large disparities in test scores and IQ. This isn't an issue of "advantages", this is an issue of engrained biological differences between the races. Obviously intelligence isn't purely heritable and can be affected by variation in environmental factors. No one ever said all blacks are of low intelligence. You are dishonest saying that. What we are talking about is averages. However, the blank slate ideology of liberal left is naive and anti-science. Heritability of intelligence varies in studies from a factor of 0.5 to 0.8.
Heritability of IQ - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If these large disparities between races were due to "advantages" from Whites on average coming from higher income backgrounds, than we wouldn't see for example lower income whites outscore higher income blacks on the SAT.
Achievement gap in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If they were due purely to environmental factors, like differences in upbringing, than you wouldn't see the same differences in IQ between the races persist when blacks and whites, when they are both adopted at birth by upper middle class whites families, as shown by the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study.

The reality is, the group that is harmed most by Affirmative Action policies is not rich whites, but generally poor whites from rural areas who tend to be more conservative.
Affirmative Action in Higher Education Ron Unz Farron and others Occam s Razor

I don't really care what your Supreme Court says on the matter(rulings change all the time). It is a discriminatory policy in stark contrast with biological reality which harms the most economically vulnerable of the white population the most, making them second class citizens in the country their forefathers founded. The policy is inexcusable in both moral and practical terms.

Intelligence is fluid. Not to mention the issues of testing in impoverish areas. When you didn't get anything to eat in the morning, or you are worried that your family is going to be out on the street, taking the test to the best of your abilities isn't at the forefront of your mind. SO poverty does have a major factor in testing scores, which poverty falls heavily on minorities.

And since racist policies have kept blacks away from educational opportunities, it upon these universities to help right that ship. But this notion that its inherent to their being is the exact thought process that led to Separate but Equal doctrines that perpetuated this notion of inferiority. Which then clouds your opinion of all black people. That they never earned it, but were only admitted because they were black.

There will always be affirmative action. Rich people affirmatively act towards gaining admission for their kids or people they know (ie. Legacies at Yale, Harvard). Most of those are white and when they weren't the best, people still advocate for them. Black people don't have those inherent advantages. That's why they have black student associations or Hispanic student associations.
Love the cognitive dissonance of these universities that on one hand preach equality and diversity and on one hand have to give extra points to certain groups that cant cut it in admissions.

No, it gives an advantage to someone who is equally talented a bump up over someone who has the advantages in place. The Supreme Court has allowed admission policies that use diversity as a factor in a holistic approach to admission.

For instance. Some schools use a point system for admission. Out of 100 points, 5 point may be used for a person who comes from a different group than the majority of students. For instance, Veterinary Schools have been predominantly women for over a decade. They now give diversity points to males and especially males than come from rural backgrounds since there is a need for rural doctors. Same with law schools who need rural attorneys.

The assumption you are making is that NO black person can ever make admission because they are inferior. There may be other factors at play. Poverty is one. You can't study all the time if you have to get a part time job just to eat. Because of that, schools tend to cut some slack on those students in their admission process because its not that they are dumb, but because they have extenuating circumstances that inhibits their ability to do the absolute best they can.

Individuals aren't equal in ability, nor are groups on average, that is just a fantastical notion on your part. If groups were equal in ability on average, there wouldn't exist these large disparities in test scores and IQ. This isn't an issue of "advantages", this is an issue of engrained biological differences between the races. Obviously intelligence isn't purely heritable and can be affected by variation in environmental factors. No one ever said all blacks are of low intelligence. You are dishonest saying that. What we are talking about is averages. However, the blank slate ideology of liberal left is naive and anti-science. Heritability of intelligence varies in studies from a factor of 0.5 to 0.8.
Heritability of IQ - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If these large disparities between races were due to "advantages" from Whites on average coming from higher income backgrounds, than we wouldn't see for example lower income whites outscore higher income blacks on the SAT.
Achievement gap in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If they were due purely to environmental factors, like differences in upbringing, than you wouldn't see the same differences in IQ between the races persist when blacks and whites, when they are both adopted at birth by upper middle class whites families, as shown by the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study.

The reality is, the group that is harmed most by Affirmative Action policies is not rich whites, but generally poor whites from rural areas who tend to be more conservative.
Affirmative Action in Higher Education Ron Unz Farron and others Occam s Razor

I don't really care what your Supreme Court says on the matter(rulings change all the time). It is a discriminatory policy in stark contrast with biological reality which harms the most economically vulnerable of the white population the most, making them second class citizens in the country their forefathers founded. The policy is inexcusable in both moral and practical terms.

Intelligence is fluid. Not to mention the issues of testing in impoverish areas. When you didn't get anything to eat in the morning, or you are worried that your family is going to be out on the street, taking the test to the best of your abilities isn't at the forefront of your mind. SO poverty does have a major factor in testing scores, which poverty falls heavily on minorities.

And since racist policies have kept blacks away from educational opportunities, it upon these universities to help right that ship. But this notion that its inherent to their being is the exact thought process that led to Separate but Equal doctrines that perpetuated this notion of inferiority. Which then clouds your opinion of all black people. That they never earned it, but were only admitted because they were black.

There will always be affirmative action. Rich people affirmatively act towards gaining admission for their kids or people they know (ie. Legacies at Yale, Harvard). Most of those are white and when they weren't the best, people still advocate for them. Black people don't have those inherent advantages. That's why they have black student associations or Hispanic student associations.
If poverty was the cause of poor test scores, than you wouldn't see poor whites outperform higher income blacks on the SAT as the studies I linked show. You need to read my posts before you respond. Because you are repeating points I already addressed, you are saying things that are simply incorrect.

As for segregation. Most educational experts today argue that children, white and nonwhite, are more receptive to teachers of their own race and vice versa. So the consensus in Academia on the matter of race in learning environments is coming back towards more homogeneous learning environments and away from forced integration and assimilation.

Affirmative action doesn't harm white legacies as the study I cited showed. They are not affected in admissions by this policy. Those adversely affected are poorer whites. Once again, you need to read my post and the corresponding links before you repeat incorrect points.
Love the cognitive dissonance of these universities that on one hand preach equality and diversity and on one hand have to give extra points to certain groups that cant cut it in admissions.

No, it gives an advantage to someone who is equally talented a bump up over someone who has the advantages in place. The Supreme Court has allowed admission policies that use diversity as a factor in a holistic approach to admission.

For instance. Some schools use a point system for admission. Out of 100 points, 5 point may be used for a person who comes from a different group than the majority of students. For instance, Veterinary Schools have been predominantly women for over a decade. They now give diversity points to males and especially males than come from rural backgrounds since there is a need for rural doctors. Same with law schools who need rural attorneys.

The assumption you are making is that NO black person can ever make admission because they are inferior. There may be other factors at play. Poverty is one. You can't study all the time if you have to get a part time job just to eat. Because of that, schools tend to cut some slack on those students in their admission process because its not that they are dumb, but because they have extenuating circumstances that inhibits their ability to do the absolute best they can.

Individuals aren't equal in ability, nor are groups on average, that is just a fantastical notion on your part. If groups were equal in ability on average, there wouldn't exist these large disparities in test scores and IQ. This isn't an issue of "advantages", this is an issue of engrained biological differences between the races. Obviously intelligence isn't purely heritable and can be affected by variation in environmental factors. No one ever said all blacks are of low intelligence. You are dishonest saying that. What we are talking about is averages. However, the blank slate ideology of liberal left is naive and anti-science. Heritability of intelligence varies in studies from a factor of 0.5 to 0.8.
Heritability of IQ - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If these large disparities between races were due to "advantages" from Whites on average coming from higher income backgrounds, than we wouldn't see for example lower income whites outscore higher income blacks on the SAT.
Achievement gap in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If they were due purely to environmental factors, like differences in upbringing, than you wouldn't see the same differences in IQ between the races persist when blacks and whites, when they are both adopted at birth by upper middle class whites families, as shown by the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study.

The reality is, the group that is harmed most by Affirmative Action policies is not rich whites, but generally poor whites from rural areas who tend to be more conservative.
Affirmative Action in Higher Education Ron Unz Farron and others Occam s Razor

I don't really care what your Supreme Court says on the matter(rulings change all the time). It is a discriminatory policy in stark contrast with biological reality which harms the most economically vulnerable of the white population the most, making them second class citizens in the country their forefathers founded. The policy is inexcusable in both moral and practical terms.

Intelligence is fluid. Not to mention the issues of testing in impoverish areas. When you didn't get anything to eat in the morning, or you are worried that your family is going to be out on the street, taking the test to the best of your abilities isn't at the forefront of your mind. SO poverty does have a major factor in testing scores, which poverty falls heavily on minorities.

And since racist policies have kept blacks away from educational opportunities, it upon these universities to help right that ship. But this notion that its inherent to their being is the exact thought process that led to Separate but Equal doctrines that perpetuated this notion of inferiority. Which then clouds your opinion of all black people. That they never earned it, but were only admitted because they were black.

There will always be affirmative action. Rich people affirmatively act towards gaining admission for their kids or people they know (ie. Legacies at Yale, Harvard). Most of those are white and when they weren't the best, people still advocate for them. Black people don't have those inherent advantages. That's why they have black student associations or Hispanic student associations.
If poverty was the cause of poor test scores, than you wouldn't see poor whites outperform higher income blacks on the SAT as the studies I linked show. You need to read my posts before you respond. Because you are repeating points I already addressed, you are saying things that are simply incorrect.

As for segregation. Most educational experts today argue that children, white and nonwhite, are more receptive to teachers of their own race and vice versa. So the consensus in Academia on the matter of race in learning environments is coming back towards more homogeneous learning environments and away from forced integration and assimilation.

Affirmative action doesn't harm white legacies as the study I cited showed. They are not affected in admissions by this policy. Those adversely affected are poorer whites. Once again, you need to read my post and the corresponding links before you repeat incorrect points.

The study quoted is from 1995 and its a "Conservative" Tomas Sowell so yeah... That may not be accurate today.

And if you were pro science, you would understand that 1 study from 20 years ago isn't definitive proof to your statement that blacks are inferior to whites.
Love the cognitive dissonance of these universities that on one hand preach equality and diversity and on one hand have to give extra points to certain groups that cant cut it in admissions.

No, it gives an advantage to someone who is equally talented a bump up over someone who has the advantages in place. The Supreme Court has allowed admission policies that use diversity as a factor in a holistic approach to admission.

For instance. Some schools use a point system for admission. Out of 100 points, 5 point may be used for a person who comes from a different group than the majority of students. For instance, Veterinary Schools have been predominantly women for over a decade. They now give diversity points to males and especially males than come from rural backgrounds since there is a need for rural doctors. Same with law schools who need rural attorneys.

The assumption you are making is that NO black person can ever make admission because they are inferior. There may be other factors at play. Poverty is one. You can't study all the time if you have to get a part time job just to eat. Because of that, schools tend to cut some slack on those students in their admission process because its not that they are dumb, but because they have extenuating circumstances that inhibits their ability to do the absolute best they can.

Individuals aren't equal in ability, nor are groups on average, that is just a fantastical notion on your part. If groups were equal in ability on average, there wouldn't exist these large disparities in test scores and IQ. This isn't an issue of "advantages", this is an issue of engrained biological differences between the races. Obviously intelligence isn't purely heritable and can be affected by variation in environmental factors. No one ever said all blacks are of low intelligence. You are dishonest saying that. What we are talking about is averages. However, the blank slate ideology of liberal left is naive and anti-science. Heritability of intelligence varies in studies from a factor of 0.5 to 0.8.
Heritability of IQ - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If these large disparities between races were due to "advantages" from Whites on average coming from higher income backgrounds, than we wouldn't see for example lower income whites outscore higher income blacks on the SAT.
Achievement gap in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If they were due purely to environmental factors, like differences in upbringing, than you wouldn't see the same differences in IQ between the races persist when blacks and whites, when they are both adopted at birth by upper middle class whites families, as shown by the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study.

The reality is, the group that is harmed most by Affirmative Action policies is not rich whites, but generally poor whites from rural areas who tend to be more conservative.
Affirmative Action in Higher Education Ron Unz Farron and others Occam s Razor

I don't really care what your Supreme Court says on the matter(rulings change all the time). It is a discriminatory policy in stark contrast with biological reality which harms the most economically vulnerable of the white population the most, making them second class citizens in the country their forefathers founded. The policy is inexcusable in both moral and practical terms.

Intelligence is fluid. Not to mention the issues of testing in impoverish areas. When you didn't get anything to eat in the morning, or you are worried that your family is going to be out on the street, taking the test to the best of your abilities isn't at the forefront of your mind. SO poverty does have a major factor in testing scores, which poverty falls heavily on minorities.

And since racist policies have kept blacks away from educational opportunities, it upon these universities to help right that ship. But this notion that its inherent to their being is the exact thought process that led to Separate but Equal doctrines that perpetuated this notion of inferiority. Which then clouds your opinion of all black people. That they never earned it, but were only admitted because they were black.

There will always be affirmative action. Rich people affirmatively act towards gaining admission for their kids or people they know (ie. Legacies at Yale, Harvard). Most of those are white and when they weren't the best, people still advocate for them. Black people don't have those inherent advantages. That's why they have black student associations or Hispanic student associations.
If poverty was the cause of poor test scores, than you wouldn't see poor whites outperform higher income blacks on the SAT as the studies I linked show. You need to read my posts before you respond. Because you are repeating points I already addressed, you are saying things that are simply incorrect.

As for segregation. Most educational experts today argue that children, white and nonwhite, are more receptive to teachers of their own race and vice versa. So the consensus in Academia on the matter of race in learning environments is coming back towards more homogeneous learning environments and away from forced integration and assimilation.

Affirmative action doesn't harm white legacies as the study I cited showed. They are not affected in admissions by this policy. Those adversely affected are poorer whites. Once again, you need to read my post and the corresponding links before you repeat incorrect points.

The study quoted is from 1995 and its a "Conservative" Tomas Sowell so yeah... That may not be accurate today.

And if you were pro science, you would understand that 1 study from 20 years ago isn't definitive proof to your statement that blacks are inferior to whites.
You need to learn to read. The link I provided as it pertains to SAT scores, race, and inome isn't a study by Thomas Sowell. These are numbers gathered by the SAT board. These are stats and demographic information . Pure statistical results. Your anti science attitude is reflected in how you keep your head in the sand on this matter by not even reading the material or being dishonest in your characterization of it.
Last edited:
No, it gives an advantage to someone who is equally talented a bump up over someone who has the advantages in place. The Supreme Court has allowed admission policies that use diversity as a factor in a holistic approach to admission.

For instance. Some schools use a point system for admission. Out of 100 points, 5 point may be used for a person who comes from a different group than the majority of students. For instance, Veterinary Schools have been predominantly women for over a decade. They now give diversity points to males and especially males than come from rural backgrounds since there is a need for rural doctors. Same with law schools who need rural attorneys.

The assumption you are making is that NO black person can ever make admission because they are inferior. There may be other factors at play. Poverty is one. You can't study all the time if you have to get a part time job just to eat. Because of that, schools tend to cut some slack on those students in their admission process because its not that they are dumb, but because they have extenuating circumstances that inhibits their ability to do the absolute best they can.

Individuals aren't equal in ability, nor are groups on average, that is just a fantastical notion on your part. If groups were equal in ability on average, there wouldn't exist these large disparities in test scores and IQ. This isn't an issue of "advantages", this is an issue of engrained biological differences between the races. Obviously intelligence isn't purely heritable and can be affected by variation in environmental factors. No one ever said all blacks are of low intelligence. You are dishonest saying that. What we are talking about is averages. However, the blank slate ideology of liberal left is naive and anti-science. Heritability of intelligence varies in studies from a factor of 0.5 to 0.8.
Heritability of IQ - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If these large disparities between races were due to "advantages" from Whites on average coming from higher income backgrounds, than we wouldn't see for example lower income whites outscore higher income blacks on the SAT.
Achievement gap in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If they were due purely to environmental factors, like differences in upbringing, than you wouldn't see the same differences in IQ between the races persist when blacks and whites, when they are both adopted at birth by upper middle class whites families, as shown by the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study.

The reality is, the group that is harmed most by Affirmative Action policies is not rich whites, but generally poor whites from rural areas who tend to be more conservative.
Affirmative Action in Higher Education Ron Unz Farron and others Occam s Razor

I don't really care what your Supreme Court says on the matter(rulings change all the time). It is a discriminatory policy in stark contrast with biological reality which harms the most economically vulnerable of the white population the most, making them second class citizens in the country their forefathers founded. The policy is inexcusable in both moral and practical terms.

Intelligence is fluid. Not to mention the issues of testing in impoverish areas. When you didn't get anything to eat in the morning, or you are worried that your family is going to be out on the street, taking the test to the best of your abilities isn't at the forefront of your mind. SO poverty does have a major factor in testing scores, which poverty falls heavily on minorities.

And since racist policies have kept blacks away from educational opportunities, it upon these universities to help right that ship. But this notion that its inherent to their being is the exact thought process that led to Separate but Equal doctrines that perpetuated this notion of inferiority. Which then clouds your opinion of all black people. That they never earned it, but were only admitted because they were black.

There will always be affirmative action. Rich people affirmatively act towards gaining admission for their kids or people they know (ie. Legacies at Yale, Harvard). Most of those are white and when they weren't the best, people still advocate for them. Black people don't have those inherent advantages. That's why they have black student associations or Hispanic student associations.
If poverty was the cause of poor test scores, than you wouldn't see poor whites outperform higher income blacks on the SAT as the studies I linked show. You need to read my posts before you respond. Because you are repeating points I already addressed, you are saying things that are simply incorrect.

As for segregation. Most educational experts today argue that children, white and nonwhite, are more receptive to teachers of their own race and vice versa. So the consensus in Academia on the matter of race in learning environments is coming back towards more homogeneous learning environments and away from forced integration and assimilation.

Affirmative action doesn't harm white legacies as the study I cited showed. They are not affected in admissions by this policy. Those adversely affected are poorer whites. Once again, you need to read my post and the corresponding links before you repeat incorrect points.

The study quoted is from 1995 and its a "Conservative" Tomas Sowell so yeah... That may not be accurate today.

And if you were pro science, you would understand that 1 study from 20 years ago isn't definitive proof to your statement that blacks are inferior to whites.
You need to learn to read. The link I provided as it pertains to SAT scores, race, and inome isn't a study by Thomas Sowell. These are numbers gathered by the SAT board. These are stats and demographic information . Pure statistical results. Your anti science attitude is reflected in how you keep your head in the sand on this matter by not even reading the material or being dishonest in your characterization of it.

The numbers are from one year that was 20 years ago.

It may have accounted for poverty but that doesn't mean it counted envrionmental factors such as type of education they received, when they took the SAT (sophmore, juniors and seniors take the test), what was the testing conditions, home environment, additional practice SAT courses they took, etc.

There are many, MANY factors you are negating to make your racist point. Judging someone based solely on thier race is wrong and idiotic. They are human beings just like you. Your failure to realize that and assumption that they are not human like you is going to be a HUGE problem in 2040 when they become the majority.
Individuals aren't equal in ability, nor are groups on average, that is just a fantastical notion on your part. If groups were equal in ability on average, there wouldn't exist these large disparities in test scores and IQ. This isn't an issue of "advantages", this is an issue of engrained biological differences between the races. Obviously intelligence isn't purely heritable and can be affected by variation in environmental factors. No one ever said all blacks are of low intelligence. You are dishonest saying that. What we are talking about is averages. However, the blank slate ideology of liberal left is naive and anti-science. Heritability of intelligence varies in studies from a factor of 0.5 to 0.8.
Heritability of IQ - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If these large disparities between races were due to "advantages" from Whites on average coming from higher income backgrounds, than we wouldn't see for example lower income whites outscore higher income blacks on the SAT.
Achievement gap in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If they were due purely to environmental factors, like differences in upbringing, than you wouldn't see the same differences in IQ between the races persist when blacks and whites, when they are both adopted at birth by upper middle class whites families, as shown by the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study.

The reality is, the group that is harmed most by Affirmative Action policies is not rich whites, but generally poor whites from rural areas who tend to be more conservative.
Affirmative Action in Higher Education Ron Unz Farron and others Occam s Razor

I don't really care what your Supreme Court says on the matter(rulings change all the time). It is a discriminatory policy in stark contrast with biological reality which harms the most economically vulnerable of the white population the most, making them second class citizens in the country their forefathers founded. The policy is inexcusable in both moral and practical terms.

Intelligence is fluid. Not to mention the issues of testing in impoverish areas. When you didn't get anything to eat in the morning, or you are worried that your family is going to be out on the street, taking the test to the best of your abilities isn't at the forefront of your mind. SO poverty does have a major factor in testing scores, which poverty falls heavily on minorities.

And since racist policies have kept blacks away from educational opportunities, it upon these universities to help right that ship. But this notion that its inherent to their being is the exact thought process that led to Separate but Equal doctrines that perpetuated this notion of inferiority. Which then clouds your opinion of all black people. That they never earned it, but were only admitted because they were black.

There will always be affirmative action. Rich people affirmatively act towards gaining admission for their kids or people they know (ie. Legacies at Yale, Harvard). Most of those are white and when they weren't the best, people still advocate for them. Black people don't have those inherent advantages. That's why they have black student associations or Hispanic student associations.
If poverty was the cause of poor test scores, than you wouldn't see poor whites outperform higher income blacks on the SAT as the studies I linked show. You need to read my posts before you respond. Because you are repeating points I already addressed, you are saying things that are simply incorrect.

As for segregation. Most educational experts today argue that children, white and nonwhite, are more receptive to teachers of their own race and vice versa. So the consensus in Academia on the matter of race in learning environments is coming back towards more homogeneous learning environments and away from forced integration and assimilation.

Affirmative action doesn't harm white legacies as the study I cited showed. They are not affected in admissions by this policy. Those adversely affected are poorer whites. Once again, you need to read my post and the corresponding links before you repeat incorrect points.

The study quoted is from 1995 and its a "Conservative" Tomas Sowell so yeah... That may not be accurate today.

And if you were pro science, you would understand that 1 study from 20 years ago isn't definitive proof to your statement that blacks are inferior to whites.
You need to learn to read. The link I provided as it pertains to SAT scores, race, and inome isn't a study by Thomas Sowell. These are numbers gathered by the SAT board. These are stats and demographic information . Pure statistical results. Your anti science attitude is reflected in how you keep your head in the sand on this matter by not even reading the material or being dishonest in your characterization of it.

The numbers are from one year that was 20 years ago.

It may have accounted for poverty but that doesn't mean it counted envrionmental factors such as type of education they received, when they took the SAT (sophmore, juniors and seniors take the test), what was the testing conditions, home environment, additional practice SAT courses they took, etc.

There are many, MANY factors you are negating to make your racist point. Judging someone based solely on thier race is wrong and idiotic. They are human beings just like you. Your failure to realize that and assumption that they are not human like you is going to be a HUGE problem in 2040 when they become the majority.
The SAT score gap has remained between the races . As indicated in the OP. You admitted you support affirmative action to close the gap. So on one hand you acknowledge it and support policies to close it. Than on the other you deny the scientific data aggregation on the matter. You can't keep your story straight and keep your head in the sand. Your belief in equality is clouding clear thinking for you and forcing you to contradict yourself.

Now you are all over the place. First you claim low income causes blacks to score lower. When I show poor whites score better, you claim it is no longer income but other factors like education home environment etc. First you said those were attached to low income , now you are separating them because you can't keep your story straight.

But your continued claim that if they had similar environments they would come out similar in cognitive ability was debunked by the Minnesota transracial adoption study I linked above. Black and white children adopted at birth by upper middle class white parents had the same IQ disparities that have been established in other studies.

I know equality makes you feel good. Like creationists you can't break your anti science brainwashing but the science is on my side. There is no evidence for your claims of equality in ability across the races on average.

Blacks, a majority? There are very few blacks in my country, they certainly would be a majority in such a period. Muslims of all backgrounds perhaps. But not blacks. Thankfully that won't be the case or we would become like Zimbabwe or SA.
Blacks, a majority? There are very few blacks in my country, they certainly would be a majority in such a period. Muslims of all backgrounds perhaps. But not blacks. Thankfully that won't be the case or we would become like Zimbabwe or SA.

And there we have it, the racism comes through.

See you want to believe that blacks are inferior to you, that they should be treated adversely because they aren't really humans, they are lesser than you based on skin color alone.

BTW, those African countries were colonized for their resources and when those countries (Belgium, UK, etc.), they left behind no educated population to fend for themselves on how to govern. Those are facts but my guess is you will believe black people are too stupid to govern and how you are so much better than every black person.

I would say you should be ashamed, but my guess is you feel no shame for your overt racism.
Blacks, a majority? There are very few blacks in my country, they certainly would be a majority in such a period. Muslims of all backgrounds perhaps. But not blacks. Thankfully that won't be the case or we would become like Zimbabwe or SA.

And there we have it, the racism comes through.

See you want to believe that blacks are inferior to you, that they should be treated adversely because they aren't really humans, they are lesser than you based on skin color alone.

BTW, those African countries were colonized for their resources and when those countries (Belgium, UK, etc.), they left behind no educated population to fend for themselves on how to govern. Those are facts but my guess is you will believe black people are too stupid to govern and how you are so much better than every black person.

I would say you should be ashamed, but my guess is you feel no shame for your overt racism.
Blacks had a higher standing of living in SA and Rhodesia than in any other african country at the time. Now zimbabwe is in a hyperinflation crisis persistently and SA is the crime and aids capital of the world. You cannot blame whites for this when this happened under black majority rule. They also werent colonies of the UK or Belgium during the time in question. They were independent nations like the US or Australia. But you know as little about history as you do about genetics.
BTW, those African countries were colonized for their resources and when those countries (Belgium, UK, etc.), they left behind no educated population to fend for themselves on how to govern. Those are facts but my guess is you will believe black people are too stupid to govern and how you are so much better than every black person.

Hey einstein. All of africa is third world except for South Africa and that is headed that way. Why is africa so backward.? It's not racism since all of africa is controlled by blacks and has been for decades. THINK THINK THINK
BTW, those African countries were colonized for their resources and when those countries (Belgium, UK, etc.), they left behind no educated population to fend for themselves on how to govern. Those are facts but my guess is you will believe black people are too stupid to govern and how you are so much better than every black person.

Hey einstein. All of africa is third world except for South Africa and that is headed that way. Why is africa so backward.? It's not racism since all of africa is controlled by blacks and has been for decades. THINK THINK THINK

Because European countries exploited them and set up no system for governance after they left. They got want they wanted and left them to fend for themselves. THINK THINK THINK.
That's all you got?

You were talking about you playing basketball, right? Look, maybe I am not basketball tall, since I am only 6'2" and beside I'm white, I also hold a masters. Now, if affirmative action applied to sports the way it did in ivy league universities and the job market, I'd be playing in the NBA. Right?
Thats all you got? A deflection about AA?

I'm 6'2" as well and could have made the NBA if I had not quit after getting injured. I have a BA. in Computer Science and Engineering. I'm well rounded and put the same effort into education as I did at one point regarding basketball.

You sure you don't have degree in criminal justice? I bet you earned it.

Gotta love this imgur on black privilege that hits the nail right on the freaking head. If blacks get accepted to a good university, they say it's because they earned it even though it was affirmative action at work. If they get denied, it's because the university is racist, not because they're inherently retarded.

Now, from your angle there is no black privilege, only white. I don't think I should feel guilty, nor my kids, for having two loving parents.

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