Collins believes Dr. Ford but just not her 100% that kavanaugh

More concerning was the fact he couldnt give a straight answer. What did he have to hide?

and the same is said of Ford.....since her testimony was all 'I don't know, maybe, I don't remember' except she was absolutely SURE and without a doubt, it was Brett Kavanaugh that did it. Even though she had said she didn't know anyone at the party.
Nope. Ford either said she didnt remember or she gave her answer. Kav flat out deflected or avoided answering the question. When you ask someone if they would back an investigation to clear your name and they dont give an emphatic yes then they are hiding something. Dude started talking about how hard he worked in school instead of answering the question.

Being questioned by Durbin?????? I didn't see Kavanaugh as deflecting or avoiding anything. I did see him as being surprised at the line of questioning since Durbin or anyone on that panel could have asked for an FBI investigation, just as Grassley said. Kavanaugh said he'd go along with anything the committee wanted. What more do you leftists want?
He wasnt asked if he would go along with what the comittee wanted. He was asked if he would welcome an FBI investigation. He deflected each of the 8 times he was asked. At one point he looked like a deer in headlights and couldn't muster the strength to give any answer. It was a simple yes or no question yet he answered it by talking about how hard he worked or by being silent. What does that have to do with an FBI investigation?

So what part of 'I'll do whatever the committee wants'.not include an FBI investigation?
More concerning was the fact he couldnt give a straight answer. What did he have to hide?

and the same is said of Ford.....since her testimony was all 'I don't know, maybe, I don't remember' except she was absolutely SURE and without a doubt, it was Brett Kavanaugh that did it. Even though she had said she didn't know anyone at the party.
Nope. Ford either said she didnt remember or she gave her answer. Kav flat out deflected or avoided answering the question. When you ask someone if they would back an investigation to clear your name and they dont give an emphatic yes then they are hiding something. Dude started talking about how hard he worked in school instead of answering the question.

Being questioned by Durbin?????? I didn't see Kavanaugh as deflecting or avoiding anything. I did see him as being surprised at the line of questioning since Durbin or anyone on that panel could have asked for an FBI investigation, just as Grassley said. Kavanaugh said he'd go along with anything the committee wanted. What more do you leftists want?
He wasnt asked if he would go along with what the comittee wanted. He was asked if he would welcome an FBI investigation. He deflected each of the 8 times he was asked. At one point he looked like a deer in headlights and couldn't muster the strength to give any answer. It was a simple yes or no question yet he answered it by talking about how hard he worked or by being silent. What does that have to do with an FBI investigation?

So what part of 'I'll do whatever the committee wants'.not include an FBI investigation?
The part where the committee emphatically said there was not going to be an FBI investigation until the moment Flake said he would vote no if there wasnt one. I guess you forgot that Ford asked for one long before she consented to go before the committee and they said no?
and the same is said of Ford.....since her testimony was all 'I don't know, maybe, I don't remember' except she was absolutely SURE and without a doubt, it was Brett Kavanaugh that did it. Even though she had said she didn't know anyone at the party.
Nope. Ford either said she didnt remember or she gave her answer. Kav flat out deflected or avoided answering the question. When you ask someone if they would back an investigation to clear your name and they dont give an emphatic yes then they are hiding something. Dude started talking about how hard he worked in school instead of answering the question.

Being questioned by Durbin?????? I didn't see Kavanaugh as deflecting or avoiding anything. I did see him as being surprised at the line of questioning since Durbin or anyone on that panel could have asked for an FBI investigation, just as Grassley said. Kavanaugh said he'd go along with anything the committee wanted. What more do you leftists want?
He wasnt asked if he would go along with what the comittee wanted. He was asked if he would welcome an FBI investigation. He deflected each of the 8 times he was asked. At one point he looked like a deer in headlights and couldn't muster the strength to give any answer. It was a simple yes or no question yet he answered it by talking about how hard he worked or by being silent. What does that have to do with an FBI investigation?

So what part of 'I'll do whatever the committee wants'.not include an FBI investigation?
The part where the committee emphatically said there was not going to be an FBI investigation until the moment Flake said he would vote no if there wasnt one. I guess you forgot that Ford asked for one long before she consented to go before the committee and they said no?

So how did another investigation happen? Regardless of who wanted what or was willing to be subject to...…..there was an FBI investigation anyway. You get what you want and you still bitch about it, well ain't that too bad. We got Justice Kavanaugh.
Nope. Ford either said she didnt remember or she gave her answer. Kav flat out deflected or avoided answering the question. When you ask someone if they would back an investigation to clear your name and they dont give an emphatic yes then they are hiding something. Dude started talking about how hard he worked in school instead of answering the question.

Being questioned by Durbin?????? I didn't see Kavanaugh as deflecting or avoiding anything. I did see him as being surprised at the line of questioning since Durbin or anyone on that panel could have asked for an FBI investigation, just as Grassley said. Kavanaugh said he'd go along with anything the committee wanted. What more do you leftists want?
He wasnt asked if he would go along with what the comittee wanted. He was asked if he would welcome an FBI investigation. He deflected each of the 8 times he was asked. At one point he looked like a deer in headlights and couldn't muster the strength to give any answer. It was a simple yes or no question yet he answered it by talking about how hard he worked or by being silent. What does that have to do with an FBI investigation?

So what part of 'I'll do whatever the committee wants'.not include an FBI investigation?
The part where the committee emphatically said there was not going to be an FBI investigation until the moment Flake said he would vote no if there wasnt one. I guess you forgot that Ford asked for one long before she consented to go before the committee and they said no?

So how did another investigation happen? Regardless of who wanted what or was willing to be subject to...…..there was an FBI investigation anyway. You get what you want and you still bitch about it, well ain't that too bad. We got Justice Kavanaugh.
I just told you how another investigation happened? Are you reading my posts? The problem was that the investigation didnt interview the principals and a host of other witnesses due to WH meddling. So yeah everyone should be bitching about not getting the truth. I understand you got the liar and potential sexual predator you guys wanted all along.
I believe her, just not that part. She was very creditable, except for that part. Whatever they can tell their brains so they can sleep at night, the GOP has gone down to lowest level in decades, lower than low.

They even lie to themselves.

You realize there is more actual evidence that Ford was Lying than there was evidence she was telling the truth right? She had that little evidence. Just because she was convincing means nothing.... when you want to label someone carelessly with the life damning label of a rapist, then repeat it over and over again, you better have more evidence than your word after 35 years. Sorry but those are some pretty basic rules meant to protect the innocent.

To say Ford was credible is subjective. some people also believe Cavenaugh was credible.... some people say he was lying. So there you have it. Unless an accuser like this has evidence no one needs to trust her word. Shes a professor right? Psychology? I'm sure she can afford a private investigator, let her get her evidence then file criminal charges in court. Until then, I just see it as more Left wing last minute games to stop the Justice Schummer and the lot of them swore they would stop at any cost.

Whatever makes you sleep at night. You can believe whatever you want, I believe Dr. Ford.
Nope. Ford either said she didnt remember or she gave her answer. Kav flat out deflected or avoided answering the question. When you ask someone if they would back an investigation to clear your name and they dont give an emphatic yes then they are hiding something. Dude started talking about how hard he worked in school instead of answering the question.

Being questioned by Durbin?????? I didn't see Kavanaugh as deflecting or avoiding anything. I did see him as being surprised at the line of questioning since Durbin or anyone on that panel could have asked for an FBI investigation, just as Grassley said. Kavanaugh said he'd go along with anything the committee wanted. What more do you leftists want?
He wasnt asked if he would go along with what the comittee wanted. He was asked if he would welcome an FBI investigation. He deflected each of the 8 times he was asked. At one point he looked like a deer in headlights and couldn't muster the strength to give any answer. It was a simple yes or no question yet he answered it by talking about how hard he worked or by being silent. What does that have to do with an FBI investigation?

So what part of 'I'll do whatever the committee wants'.not include an FBI investigation?
The part where the committee emphatically said there was not going to be an FBI investigation until the moment Flake said he would vote no if there wasnt one. I guess you forgot that Ford asked for one long before she consented to go before the committee and they said no?

So how did another investigation happen? Regardless of who wanted what or was willing to be subject to...…..there was an FBI investigation anyway. You get what you want and you still bitch about it, well ain't that too bad. We got Justice Kavanaugh.

Everyone knows it was a scam investigation, not by the FBI, the WH tied their hands.
"Belief" has nothing to do with it. There is no evidence-grade proof that it happened, so no rational person can accept it as fact.
There is evidence, proof, that Kavanaugh is not of the stature best suited to a Supreme Court justice. For some reason, those who opposed him chose an acrimonious, failed strategy. In doing so, they put their general credibility in doubt. Perhaps they feared their opponents would be too partisan to engage in an honest assessment, so went for an emotional appeal.
In any case, all this only displayed again, sickeningly, the shabby state of the current political 'leadership' on both sides of the two party dictatorship.
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"Belief" has nothing to do with it. There is no evidence-grade proof that it happened, so no rational person can accept it as fact.
There is evidence, proof, that Kavanaugh is not of the stature best suited to a Supreme Court justice. For some reason, those who opposed him chose an acrimonious, failed strategy. In doing so, the put their general credibility in doubt. Perhaps they feared their opponents would be too partisan to engage in an honest assessment, so went for an emotional appeal.
In any case, all this only displayed again, sickeningly, the shabby state of the current political 'leadership' on both sides of the two party dictatorship.

Everyone believes her, she just got the wrong people.
McConnell already said he will put a SC justice on the bench in 2020, if an opening opens up. So much for Garland.

Soon we will be a police state, and you had best go to church. I am so happy I'm not working in this infested right wing crazy world, Fascism has come to the US.
attempted to rape her.

Trump as well as most of the GOP believe Dr. Ford but they insist its mistaken identity. Whatever they want to tell themselves to feel better is sickening.

You have disgraced the SC first by his lying under oath, extreme partisanship, outbursts and pouting, and this is the guy you could find to put on the court. Unreal.

Its a mockery of the SC and the investigation was a fraud to silence the Democrats.
Catholic kids DONT rape each other.

They simply dry-grind.

This has nothing to do with rape.

It was a cunny grab.

So I believe Sen. Collins believes that control of the SCOTUS is more important right now than a boozing Catholic teen who groped teenaged girls 37 years ago.
McConnell already said he will put a SC justice on the bench in 2020, if an opening opens up. So much for Garland.

Soon we will be a police state, and you had best go to church. I am so happy I'm not working in this infested right wing crazy world, Fascism has come to the US.
Strict construction is way better than Ginsberg's version of activism.

If the DE<s can gain control of the Senate then they can stop any future nominations by Trump.

And right now it does not look good for the GOP at all in either Senate or House.
"Belief" has nothing to do with it. There is no evidence-grade proof that it happened, so no rational person can accept it as fact.
There is evidence, proof, that Kavanaugh is not of the stature best suited to a Supreme Court justice. For some reason, those who opposed him chose an acrimonious, failed strategy. In doing so, the put their general credibility in doubt. Perhaps they feared their opponents would be too partisan to engage in an honest assessment, so went for an emotional appeal.
In any case, all this only displayed again, sickeningly, the shabby state of the current political 'leadership' on both sides of the two party dictatorship.

Everyone believes her, she just got the wrong people.
You can't see though this fig leaf ?!
They’ll be even fewer Republicans by then at the rate the old people in that party are dying off. And who are they going to get to replace them? some blacks? Hispanics? Women? I doubt that.

We all know how Republicans hate minorities. That’s a given.
I'm having flashbacks here. It's 2016 all over again.
"Belief" has nothing to do with it. There is no evidence-grade proof that it happened, so no rational person can accept it as fact.
There is evidence, proof, that Kavanaugh is not of the stature best suited to a Supreme Court justice. For some reason, those who opposed him chose an acrimonious, failed strategy. In doing so, the put their general credibility in doubt. Perhaps they feared their opponents would be too partisan to engage in an honest assessment, so went for an emotional appeal.
In any case, all this only displayed again, sickeningly, the shabby state of the current political 'leadership' on both sides of the two party dictatorship.

Everyone believes her, she just got the wrong people.
attempted to rape her.

Trump as well as most of the GOP believe Dr. Ford but they insist its mistaken identity. Whatever they want to tell themselves to feel better is sickening.

You have disgraced the SC first by his lying under oath, extreme partisanship, outbursts and pouting, and this is the guy you could find to put on the court. Unreal.

Its a mockery of the SC and the investigation was a fraud to silence the Democrats.
Please provide a police report about Dr. Ford's night of being sexually assaulted, showing her bruises and his DNA on her clothing of this event that happened 36 years ago as it relates to evidence that might be weighed against him. Oh, and the date and address and corroboration from people who attended the party. Oh, wait, all four of them didn't remember any such gathering with people she named who were allegedly there. What concern did she have for the safety and security of the other young woman who was there? Oh, wait, she wasn't worried any harm would come to her, so she omitted telling her she might not be safe.

I have a problem with women who are so self-centered they cannot think of anyone else's safety in the face of what she said happened to her.

That leaves only Dr. Ford holding the only red flag, by her own omission of error there. It makes me think there was no mistaken identity. She targeted him many years later when he became the leading candidate for Justice in the Supreme Court, and she was an activist extremist as are a lot of her defenders who know down deep, this lady is two bricks short of a load.
I believe her, just not that part. She was very creditable, except for that part. Whatever they can tell their brains so they can sleep at night, the GOP has gone down to lowest level in decades, lower than low.

They even lie to themselves.
She remembered being assaulted

she remembered having one beer

she remembered Kavanaugh

but that's all she remembers about that night.

think about it

She remembers the staircase, the bathroom, the bed was on the right side of the room, what she did that day, and that Judge and Kavanaugh were abusing her and pushed her , the music was turned up and the laughter of the two having a good time and her escape to the bathroom across the hall. She remembered a lot.
Did she remember douching with a bottle of warm Coke?
I believe her, just not that part. She was very creditable, except for that part. Whatever they can tell their brains so they can sleep at night, the GOP has gone down to lowest level in decades, lower than low.

They even lie to themselves.
She remembered being assaulted

she remembered having one beer

she remembered Kavanaugh

but that's all she remembers about that night.

think about it

She remembers the staircase, the bathroom, the bed was on the right side of the room, what she did that day, and that Judge and Kavanaugh were abusing her and pushed her , the music was turned up and the laughter of the two having a good time and her escape to the bathroom across the hall. She remembered a lot.
Did she remember douching with a bottle of warm Coke?
Sure,you are not speaking of Hillary,Hossie
attempted to rape her.

Trump as well as most of the GOP believe Dr. Ford but they insist its mistaken identity. Whatever they want to tell themselves to feel better is sickening.

You have disgraced the SC first by his lying under oath, extreme partisanship, outbursts and pouting, and this is the guy you could find to put on the court. Unreal.

Its a mockery of the SC and the investigation was a fraud to silence the Democrats.
Please provide a police report about Dr. Ford's night of being sexually assaulted, showing her bruises and his DNA on her clothing of this event that happened 36 years ago as it relates to evidence that might be weighed against him. Oh, and the date and address and corroboration from people who attended the party. Oh, wait, all four of them didn't remember any such gathering with people she named who were allegedly there. What concern did she have for the safety and security of the other young woman who was there? Oh, wait, she wasn't worried any harm would come to her, so she omitted telling her she might not be safe.

I have a problem with women who are so self-centered they cannot think of anyone else's safety in the face of what she said happened to her.

That leaves only Dr. Ford holding the only red flag, by her own omission of error there. It makes me think there was no mistaken identity. She targeted him many years later when he became the leading candidate for Justice in the Supreme Court, and she was an activist extremist as are a lot of her defenders who know down deep, this lady is two bricks short of a load.

Please provide a link for all your accusations. We need to worry about the 2-10% of the men who are accused falsely of female assault, not to worry about the other 98-90% of females that tell the truth. As you well know if you have followed the TV news or done any reading at all, most rapes are not reported, even today.

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