Colorado Gov. Jared Polis invites Disney to his state

What exactly did your cult tell you was happening, and why were you stupid enough to fall for it?

Those outside of your cult can plainly see how your cult lies to you to keep you constantly hysterical, because keeping you hysterical keeps you obedient. So very, very obedient, obedient at a level that makes sheep look like proud independent thinkers. If you're not kept hysterical, you'd start thinking, and then you'd no longer be conservative.
the better question is why do you think five year old children need to know about sex?
You think FL is not aware of what you think will be a boondoggle?

No. They have openly admitted they are not sure what doing this will mean for the state or the counties or even Disney. They are going to "look" into that during the next year.

Great fucking way to govern.
Yeah.... I mean doesn't Colorado get a fair amount of snowfall? The open season would be reduced by a sizeable percentage I think.

I'm thinking there are a lot of reasons why Colorado would be inappropriate for what DisneyWorld does . . . which would be why Disney didn't put the park there in the first place.
I see, there is nothing absolutely nothing in the Bible about not doing things like wearing britches for women or men having sex with men, or children not getting your Dad drunk to get pregnant, etc, etc? There is absolutley nothing about how only a man and woman can get married? Hmm, I must have read the wrong Bible.....

The one I like best is a deity having sex with an unwed teen....
The one I like best is a deity having sex with an unwed teen....

Nope not in there and if you're trying to infer that this was Mary....guess again.

On it! Any other Google searches you want me to do for you?

BTW, I'm not really doing your searches, moron. Get your own data then make your own argument, I don't take homework assignments from brainless lefts. That's you, champ ...

Search 'Rhetorical Question'.
the better question is why do you think five year old children need to know about sex?
They learn about sex before they go to school by watching animals or their parents, TV, films, other kids, magazines.....

In fact, studies have shown that formal sex education has been on a steady decline in the U.S. for 20 years. Emotion and religious beliefs dominate how this topic is dealt with in America. But, how do other countries handle their kids’ sexual education?

No goofy, I get it but it has NOTHING to do with my question. Churches don't instruct kids on that shit, but evidently you want public schools to.

You're a terrible debater, btw.
I see, the sermons never tell the masses that sex between men is bad, Mkay?
I really didn't know that children that young got into the details of the Bible at a tender age.
And yet, here you are telling me something that an atheist would throw out there.

They don't. As with any sort of education, children that age engaged in religious education spend their time focusing on much more basic, fundamental topics that are necessary before you can move on to the more advanced issues.

Children under the age of 9 no more learn about the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, homosexuality, etc. than they learn calculus before they've learned basic arithmetic.
No. They have openly admitted they are not sure what doing this will mean for the state or the counties or even Disney. They are going to "look" into that during the next year.

Great fucking way to govern.
Please link this because Moonglow's link directly contradicts you.
They learn about sex before they go to school by watching animals or their parents...
so it's up to parents. thanks, I agree. You really are a sad fker. I feel sad for your pathetic life.

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