Colorado Gov. Jared Polis invites Disney to his state

It is retribution of trying to brain wash the children by the leftist freaks like the MOONBATS from Disney.........It HAS NO PLACE IN SCHOOLS.

The tax breaks go away..........and then Disney has to pay like everyone else.......No more favored status with State subsidies............They should have put DUCT TAPE ON MICKEY'S MOUTH.

This is a CORE ISSUE that the people WILL FILLET THE LEFT OVER.......................Keep it up............more people who see the left for what they are today the better.

If Disney leaves.......someone else will buy the place up and profit over their loss. Oh well.

Keep you dang agenda out of the schools................the people are gonna deal with the left's woke asses over this.............Oh well...........

Give me the popcorn................THEY DESERVE IT.
You mean Florida has to pay now as Disney will no longer pay.
The culture war over Disney reached new heights Thursday, as Democratic Colorado Gov. Jared Polis and Florida Gov. Ron De Santis traded barbs over the company's future in the Sunshine State.
Earlier this week, Polis voiced disagreement over DeSantis' support for legislation that would strip Disney of its special status as a self-governing area, which was ultimately passed Thursday by the Florida House.
Polis then accused DeSantis of using socialist tactics to control the private sector, and invited Disney to ditch the Sunshine State and move to Colorado.

Florida Parents do not want their children to be groomed by gay men and transsexual men in their public schools.
Polis and the Democrat Party care more about transsexual men than they do about children and female athletes.
Colorado voters need to wake up.
Progressivism is a cultural sewer.
Disney would never move to Colorado---never---Cold and snowey about 4 months of the year----hot and boring the rest of the year. Pot heads all over the place-----leading to crime and refusals to work as well. Then you have the taxes.......
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Actually, I see it the same way. Government run amok.

Again, I agree with you. But Desantis and his goons don't. They're only interested in fucking with Disney because Disney pissed them off. You get off on that kind of tough guy, authoritarian bullshit, but I don't.

That's not the point moron. I knew you wouldn't answer the question though. Jeez. Whodathunkit?

I directly answered your last question, in fact I answered more than you asked. I said yes, I support removing all tax breaks.

You're a dingbat, Edith
I directly answered your last question, in fact I answered more than you asked. I said yes, I support removing all tax breaks.

You're a dingbat, Edith
This is not about the merits of tax breaks. You don't really believe that do you? This is purely political retribution.
The culture war over Disney reached new heights Thursday, as Democratic Colorado Gov. Jared Polis and Florida Gov. Ron De Santis traded barbs over the company's future in the Sunshine State.
Earlier this week, Polis voiced disagreement over DeSantis' support for legislation that would strip Disney of its special status as a self-governing area, which was ultimately passed Thursday by the Florida House.
Polis then accused DeSantis of using socialist tactics to control the private sector, and invited Disney to ditch the Sunshine State and move to Colorado.

Florida Parents do not want their children to be groomed by gay men and transsexual men in their public schools.
Polis and the Democrat Party care more about transsexual men than they do about children and female athletes.
Colorado voters need to wake up.
Progressivism is a cultural sewer.
Can you imagine Disney having to shut down 4-6 months a year because of weather?
Yeah, that's a money maker for Disney.

Disney should have just stayed on the sidelines with such a hot topic.
Instead, they had to pander to their low percentage woke employees
and they got burned. Their stock is off 22% in 2022 and they lost their
political standing in Fl.

Actions have consequences
You mean Florida has to pay now as Disney will no longer pay.
So they will evade the taxes that are coming.................Okay...........they can go to jail for tax evasion then.

Oh well..........If they leave.........LMAO........someone will move in and make money in the same place.........and hell the GOP there will give the new guy the tax breaks Disney just lost because they couldn't keep their dang mouths shut.

Oh well.

So they will evade the taxes that are coming.................Okay...........they can go to jail for tax evasion then.

Oh well..........If they leave.........LMAO........someone will move in and make money in the same place.........and hell the GOP there will give the new guy the tax breaks Disney just lost because they couldn't keep their dang mouths shut.

Oh well.

Florida taxpayers could face a $1 billion Disney debt bomb if ...​ › 2022/04/21 › disney-special-di...

19 hours ago — Florida-Disney battle could cost taxpayers more than $1 billion ... local taxpayers would be on the hook for part or all of the added costs.
So you're also proud of being gutless fascist filth?

Satan is the Lord of Lies, and you're down on your knees pleasuring him. There will be eternal penalties for that. You'll roast for eternity unless you publicly repent of your lies. And we liberals will be up in heaven, sadly watching you. We warned you, but you didn't listen.
Why do 5-9 year olds have to be subject to gender identity issues in public school?
I didn't accuse you of one thing. I asked you to explain why you think there was political punishment because DeSantis is against brainwashing children with pedophilia material?
She was trying to bait you, JC. Glad you didn't fall for it.

DeSantis is showing that he is a leader for the people who put him in office.
Good for him, a politician that represents the people.

Florida taxpayers could face a $1 billion Disney debt bomb if ... › 2022/04/21 › disney-special-di...

19 hours ago — Florida-Disney battle could cost taxpayers more than $1 billion ... local taxpayers would be on the hook for part or all of the added costs.
poor poor Disney...........if people don't bend the knee and allow the GROOMING you will pay.

There are lines people WILL NOT CROSS................Disney just found it................They are going to get their asses handed to them.
Why do 5-9 year olds have to be subject to gender identity issues in public school?
What exactly did your cult tell you was happening, and why were you stupid enough to fall for it?

Those outside of your cult can plainly see how your cult lies to you to keep you constantly hysterical, because keeping you hysterical keeps you obedient. So very, very obedient, obedient at a level that makes sheep look like proud independent thinkers. If you're not kept hysterical, you'd start thinking, and then you'd no longer be conservative.

Florida taxpayers could face a $1 billion Disney debt bomb if ... › 2022/04/21 › disney-special-di...

19 hours ago — Florida-Disney battle could cost taxpayers more than $1 billion ... local taxpayers would be on the hook for part or all of the added costs.
From your link:

Florida state Rep. Randy Fine, R-Palm Bay, who has helped champion the bill, told CNBC on Thursday that local taxpayers would not pay more — and could actually benefit from Reedy Creek’s elimination. Fine said the tax revenue that Disney pays would be transferred to local government and could more than pay for the added services.

“Those taxes will continue to be paid,” he said. “They will just be paid to Orange and Osceola county instead of this special improvement district. The taxpayers could end up saving money because you’ve got duplicative services that are being provided by this special district that are already being done by those municipalities.”
From your link:

Florida state Rep. Randy Fine, R-Palm Bay, who has helped champion the bill, told CNBC on Thursday that local taxpayers would not pay more — and could actually benefit from Reedy Creek’s elimination. Fine said the tax revenue that Disney pays would be transferred to local government and could more than pay for the added services.

“Those taxes will continue to be paid,” he said. “They will just be paid to Orange and Osceola county instead of this special improvement district. The taxpayers could end up saving money because you’ve got duplicative services that are being provided by this special district that are already being done by those municipalities.”
Then that could be a boon or a boondoggle.

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