Colorado Gov. Jared Polis invites Disney to his state

LOL - Polis is way more liberal than I'd prefer, but I gotta love his attitude. He has more balls in his homo pants than Desantis and all his goons put together.

Can you be more specific on your hatred of DeSantis? What did he do to ruffle your panties? You're a leftist pervert who wants to "say gay to five year olds?"

Look, dude, I don't give a shit what you do in your own home. But stay away from five year olds with your stupid leftist propaganda
Now that Disney is run by pedo commies, I'm sure they would actively consider opening a theme park in a place where it snows 7 months out of the year, if it would send the right virtue signal.

Get woke, go broke.
Welcome to Gromerville, CO!

Don't worry about the cold and snow, your kids will stay warm and huddled with our adults!
^^^Look at the corporate whore, everyone! Companies are people, right, Moonie?

Yes, businesses are persons according to a Supreme Court decision in 1906.

Riggs (203 U.S. 243 (1906)), the Court accepted that corporations are for legal purposes "persons", but still ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment was not a bar to many state laws which effectively limited a corporation's right to contract business as it pleased.

Corporate personhood - Wikipedia​

Florida is raping businesses for tax money and suppressing their freedom to speak.

Holy crap. I didn't realize how serious it was to not ask five year olds if they are gay. Well, if not asking them causes earthquakes and floods as you claim, we certainly need to do that then [/sarcasm]

What a pervert ...
Holy crap. I didn't realize how serious it was to not ask five year olds if they are gay. Well, if not asking them causes earthquakes and floods as you claim, we certainly need to do that then [/sarcasm]

What an idiot ...
It is wrong to question a megalomaniac that is true.
Can you be more specific on your hatred of DeSantis? What did he do to ruffle your panties?
CCP tactics. If you think government should have the power to arbitrarily punish its political opponents then you are one fucked moron. We knew that already, of course, but I wanted to fit "fucked up moron" into my post.
You're a leftist pervert who wants to "say gay to five year olds?"
No. I oppose that shit. And I support the so-called "Don't Say Gay" law. It's just that I oppose authoritarian government even more.
Look, dude, I don't give a shit what you do in your own home. But stay away from five year olds with your stupid leftist propaganda
You're barking up the wrong tree limpdick. See above.
The culture war over Disney reached new heights Thursday, as Democratic Colorado Gov. Jared Polis and Florida Gov. Ron De Santis traded barbs over the company's future in the Sunshine State.
Earlier this week, Polis voiced disagreement over DeSantis' support for legislation that would strip Disney of its special status as a self-governing area, which was ultimately passed Thursday by the Florida House.
Polis then accused DeSantis of using socialist tactics to control the private sector, and invited Disney to ditch the Sunshine State and move to Colorado.

Florida Parents do not want their children to be groomed by gay men and transsexual men in their public schools.
Polis and the Democrat Party care more about transsexual men than they do about children and female athletes.
Colorado voters need to wake up.
Progressivism is a cultural sewer.
This is a publicity stunt
Ding, ding, ding!

Yes, corporations are set up for businesses to operate. And they are there for earning money. It's you moron leftists who try to turn them into another welfare boondoggle. I award you two awards, the first being Master of the Obvious and the second being Bitter Little Wretch for how much you have all hammers. I mean businesses. In your case, why don't you move to Moscow, they're just your speed!
If you think Disney takes more from Fla than it gives back in tax revenue, then have at it.

Move to Moscow? That's where the powerful state declare all the opposition to be pedophiles. It's a pattern with Fascist Cults, specially in the former USSR Empire where apparently, the Neo-GOP takes it's ques.
It is wrong to question a megalomaniac that is true.

I would say you're far more scatter brained and prone to extreme hyperbole, but maybe those can be confused with megalomania, not sure
Yeah I'm sure they'll jump on the chance to pack up the Magic Kingdom and the giant Epcot golfball on a flatbed trailer and haul it up into the mountains of Colorado. LOL

They won't move it, but they may well quit adding to it and investing in it and instead put their money in less hostile states.
They won't move it, but they may well quit adding to it and investing in it and instead put their money in less hostile states.
It's not like Florida can afford to lose a large corporation but then again Florida is running out of places to ruin.
CCP tactics. If you think government should have the power to arbitrarily punish its political opponents then you are one fucked moron. We knew that already, of course, but I wanted to fit "fucked up moron" into my post.

No. I oppose that shit. And I support the so-called "Don't Say Gay" law. It's just that I oppose authoritarian government even more.

You're barking up the wrong tree limpdick. See above.
You will find out who's barking up the wrong tree on this issue in this country...........Sounds about the left in the early 1900 era...............where they had to change their names of progressive to liberal later..........because of the backlash of the people who said UP YOURS.

If the left wants THIS HILL TO DIE ON FIGHT..............well they can go ahead...........the ass kicking that will come of this very issue will BE EPIC.
The culture war over Disney reached new heights Thursday, as Democratic Colorado Gov. Jared Polis and Florida Gov. Ron De Santis traded barbs over the company's future in the Sunshine State.
Earlier this week, Polis voiced disagreement over DeSantis' support for legislation that would strip Disney of its special status as a self-governing area, which was ultimately passed Thursday by the Florida House.
Polis then accused DeSantis of using socialist tactics to control the private sector, and invited Disney to ditch the Sunshine State and move to Colorado.

Florida Parents do not want their children to be groomed by gay men and transsexual men in their public schools.
Polis and the Democrat Party care more about transsexual men than they do about children and female athletes.
Colorado voters need to wake up.
Progressivism is a cultural sewer.
can't make up the stupidity of a demofk.
It's not like Florida can afford to lose a large corporation but then again Florida is running out of places to ruin.
if you think disney would ever consider moving you're fking nuts. Who would want to go to snow to get sunshine and fun?

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