Colorado Gov. Jared Polis invites Disney to his state

w, I'm glad I don't think that then. What I don't know is what in the world gave you that stupid idea.

Don't remember saying "And they are there for earning money. It's you moron leftists who try to turn them into another welfare boondoggle"

Tell me how Disney is a welfare boondoggle? How much money have they drained from Fla since they built that park?
Here's a question for you to hide from: here in Colorado we have several prominent pro-life businesses that have committed themselves to fighting for changing abortion laws. If Polis targeted the in the same way that Desantis has targeted Disney - would you be good with that?

Absolutely. You see this as Republicans versus Democrats. I see it as government versus the people.

You justify why Disney should get a tax break and self control not available to other citizens. I support the end of any special deals.

I'm also pro-choice, jackass. You'd know that if you weren't an imbecile because I am not a socon on any issue. You may be the dumbest poster on the board
If you think government should have the power to arbitrarily punish its political opponents then you are one fucked moron.

Disney has had a free ride for a very long time. How do you figure this is "arbitrarily punish"ing them?

It was Disney who drew the line in the sand. Like Obama belatedly found out wrt to chemical weapons, you don't draw lines if you're actually bluffing.
I'm not going to indulge your feigned ignorance.
of course you're not, cause you are merely flinging pooh to see where it sticks. I dodged it and asked you to explain, which you will never do. Cause you have no real agenda but to fling that pooh.
I'm not going to indulge your feigned ignorance.
Considering I have no insider information and well as you don't you have no idea what they may do in the future.
you need insider information to know that Colorado doesn't have a climate for a theme park. ok
OK, Groomer
OK, Groomer
Specifically what are you accusing me of? I'm guessing that a dickless fascist loser like you will be afraid to say. Your type always whimpers and runs.

Not being a dickless fascist loser, I'll be straightforward. I'm stating that you're fascist filth, being how you're so proudly using the exact same tactics that the Nazis used on the Jews.

You weren't always an openly fascist shitstain. Are you proud of what you've become? Growing up, did you dream of someday being a Nazi asslicker? What sent you off on that course?

Now run along. Those Nazi rectums won't lick themselves, so your skills are needed.
Absolutely. You see this as Republicans versus Democrats. I see it as government versus the people.
Actually, I see it the same way. Government run amok.
You justify why Disney should get a tax break and self control not available to other citizens. I support the end of any special deals.
Again, I agree with you. But Desantis and his goons don't. They're only interested in fucking with Disney because Disney pissed them off. You get off on that kind of tough guy, authoritarian bullshit, but I don't.
I'm also pro-choice, jackass. You'd know that if you weren't an imbecile because I am not a socon on any issue. You may be the dumbest poster on the board

That's not the point moron. I knew you wouldn't answer the question though. Jeez. Whodathunkit?
being Goomer?
So you're also proud of being gutless fascist filth?

Satan is the Lord of Lies, and you're down on your knees pleasuring him. There will be eternal penalties for that. You'll roast for eternity unless you publicly repent of your lies. And we liberals will be up in heaven, sadly watching you. We warned you, but you didn't listen.
Don't remember saying "And they are there for earning money. It's you moron leftists who try to turn them into another welfare boondoggle"

Tell me how Disney is a welfare boondoggle? How much money have they drained from Fla since they built that park?

On it! Any other Google searches you want me to do for you?

BTW, I'm not really doing your searches, moron. Get your own data then make your own argument, I don't take homework assignments from brainless lefts. That's you, champ ...
Theme parks are a third of Disney's income. But they have six of them. Disney doesn't need Florida.

This bill goes into effect and Disney just unloaded a billon dollars of bond debt on to the citizens of two counties in Florida and will probably not put any more money into that area.
Theme parks are a third of Disney's income. But they have six of them. Disney doesn't need Florida.
Florida would hate to lose all that money but I can tell they hate opposite viewpoints more than the loss of tax revenues.

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