Colorado Gov. Jared Polis invites Disney to his state

The culture war over Disney reached new heights Thursday, as Democratic Colorado Gov. Jared Polis and Florida Gov. Ron De Santis traded barbs over the company's future in the Sunshine State.
Earlier this week, Polis voiced disagreement over DeSantis' support for legislation that would strip Disney of its special status as a self-governing area, which was ultimately passed Thursday by the Florida House.
Polis then accused DeSantis of using socialist tactics to control the private sector, and invited Disney to ditch the Sunshine State and move to Colorado.

Florida Parents do not want their children to be groomed by gay men and transsexual men in their public schools.
Polis and the Democrat Party care more about transsexual men than they do about children and female athletes.
Colorado voters need to wake up.
Progressivism is a cultural sewer.

Speaking of empty virtue-signaling.

This putz knows perfectly well that Disney isn't going to move DisneyWorld to his state, because they can't. He's just dancing around everyone's ankles, trying to draw attention to himself.
Why do they have to subject them to gender studies in church?
They aren't in any church I'm familiar with.

Just answer the question. Why do you support subjecting little kids to instruction on gender confusion and sexual orientation?
It would take them 5 years to recoup the moving losses if their brand stayed strong

It wouldn't, nor would they recoup that fast in a place where they couldn't be open all year round. They'd just keep racking up more and more debts for having to maintain the place on closed days.

Not to mention, I think you underestimate the cost of moving such an operation.
What exactly did your cult tell you was happening, and why were you stupid enough to fall for it?

Those outside of your cult can plainly see how your cult lies to you to keep you constantly hysterical, because keeping you hysterical keeps you obedient. So very, very obedient, obedient at a level that makes sheep look like proud independent thinkers. If you're not kept hysterical, you'd start thinking, and then you'd no longer be conservative.
It sure sounds like you're trying to avoid the issue and just make dumb accusations instead.

The law states that instruction on gender identity, confusion and sexuality choices should not be done in K-3 grades. After that age any instruction on this should be age appropriate and parents should be notified if their kid has declared to the school they have gender ID issues.

What problem do you have with that?
They aren't in any church I'm familiar with.

Just answer the question. Why do you support subjecting little kids to instruction on gender confusion and sexual orientation?
I see, there is nothing absolutely nothing in the Bible about not doing things like wearing britches for women or men having sex with men, or children not getting your Dad drunk to get pregnant, etc, etc? There is absolutley nothing about how only a man and woman can get married? Hmm, I must have read the wrong Bible.....

The one I like best is a deity having sex with an unwed teen....
It wouldn't, nor would they recoup that fast in a place where they couldn't be open all year round. They'd just keep racking up more and more debts for having to maintain the place on closed days.

Not to mention, I think you underestimate the cost of moving such an operation.
I believe you....

It's not hard to imagine that it would put them in a financial hole they could never climb out of. I underestimated that ferocity of the push back on this one. Everybody that I talk to about Disney is either canceling or saying they will now never bother to got here either again or ever.

Not to mention all the buildings they'd have to abandon unless they found a whole lot of buyers. You can't exactly pack up a hotel, and there are a shitload of Disney-owned hotels in Lake Buena Vista, plus all of the other physical structures, restaurants and retail shops in the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom. They can't move any of that stuff...We're probably talking close to a billion dollars in property. Who in the hell would want to buy all of that, without the theme parks there? Especially if Disney had already announced they were leaving, any potential investor(s) would have them over a barrel as they could just wait them out and pick it up at auction.

More than a billion. Quite a bit more, I believe.

Disney's going nowhere over this. What Florida's doing is a deliberate slap in their face, but financially, it's not a big deal to Disney. Certainly not worth the upheaval any attempt to move would be.
well they've got the $$ and it would provide thousands and thousands of jobs. Go for it Disney. It will have to be enclosed. Busch Gardens here in Virginia in the winter closes down the wilder rides and reduces rates. Disney won't like that.

No, even Disney can't afford to eat that kind of expense, and it would be insane and childish for them to try it.
I see, there is nothing absolutely nothing in the Bible about not doing things like wearing britches for women or men having sex with men, or children not getting your Dad drunk to get pregnant, etc, etc? There is absolutley nothing about how only a man and woman can get married? Hmm, I must have read the wrong Bible.....

The one I like best is a deity having sex with an unwed teen....
I really didn't know that children that young got into the details of the Bible at a tender age.
And yet, here you are telling me something that an atheist would throw out there.
I see, there is nothing absolutely nothing in the Bible about not doing things like wearing britches for women or men having sex with men, or children not getting your Dad drunk to get pregnant, etc, etc? There is absolutley nothing about how only a man and woman can get married? Hmm, I must have read the wrong Bible.....

The one I like best is a deity having sex with an unwed teen....
Yep, you're not going to answer the question.

Are you embarrassed by what you're defending?
Don't remember saying "And they are there for earning money. It's you moron leftists who try to turn them into another welfare boondoggle"

Tell me how Disney is a welfare boondoggle? How much money have they drained from Fla since they built that park?
that's a great question!!!!! Why don't we know that answer? Guess what, now we will know.

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