Colorado Gov. Jared Polis invites Disney to his state

More than a billion. Quite a bit more, I believe.

Disney's going nowhere over this. What Florida's doing is a deliberate slap in their face, but financially, it's not a big deal to Disney. Certainly not worth the upheaval any attempt to move would be.
Yeah that was just a quick guess off the top of my head. I was doing a mental inventory of the Disney hotels and restaurants, the buildings and attractions at the parks, and the massive infrastructure interconnecting everything ... I got to the billion dollar estimate before I got very far along lol.

I disagree about it not being a big deal though. Disney is a publicly traded corporation. They cannot just absorb the kind of expenses they're going to have to pay going forward without it negatively affecting their earnings. Shareholders do not expect Disney's board and officers to act in the name of the corporation in a way that is damaging to the value of the corporation and the price of the stock. In fact, undertaking or endorsing any action by the corporation that foreseeably harms the stock value is legal cause for ouster of board members. I would not be surprised if there is a shakeup on the board of directors as a result of this, whether it's done quietly behind the scenes or more publicly. That is likely being discussed among the influential stockholders who are not at all pleased with the continuing downward trend of Disney stock this year (down 6% in one day is unacceptable for a blue chip) -- it's the worst performing stock in the entire Dow Jones index so far in 2022.
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Well since it is true, not sure your point. See, some of us don't fall for Ponzi schemes and conjobs.
MLMs are primarily a conservative thing. Almost all of them invoke Christianity constantly.

Scammers in general prey disproportionately on conservatives. If someone falls for conservatism, they're an easy mark.

And we haven't even brought up the Republican candidates and causes, who specialize in grifting the stupid. Did you give money to the "Freedom Convoy"?

And were you trying the "DERP! DERP! Social Security is a Ponzi scheme! DERRRRRRRRP!" argument?
Many Floridians would love it if they boxed up Disney World and trucked it to Colorado.
I imagine the 100,000 jobs that went away and tax revenues would not be. But you be you.

Unlikely to happen though. More likely any increase in prices will be passed on to consumers there.
I imagine the 100,000 jobs that went away and tax revenues would not be. But you be you.

Unlikely to happen though. More likely any increase in prices will be passed on to consumers there.
Disney is REPLACEABLE..............oh well.................don't mess with the kids in a Red State

You will not like what comes out of the box.

If you think Disney takes more from Fla than it gives back in tax revenue, then have at it.

Move to Moscow? That's where the powerful state declare all the opposition to be pedophiles. It's a pattern with Fascist Cults, specially in the former USSR Empire where apparently, the Neo-GOP takes it's ques.
Takes its what? Is that the abbreviation for "question"?
I know you want to make this issue about children being molested. But that's NOT the issue. The issue is a sitting regime using the power of the state to punish its political enemies.

Here's a question for you to hide from: here in Colorado we have several prominent pro-life businesses that have committed themselves to fighting for changing abortion laws. If Polis targeted the in the same way that Desantis has targeted Disney - would you be good with that?

He wouldn't do that, of course, because, whatever his flaws, he's not a fucking fascist. But if he did - you'd give your blessing, eh?

How is returning Disney to the status pre-1967 punishing it's enemies?
So you're also proud of being gutless fascist filth?

Satan is the Lord of Lies, and you're down on your knees pleasuring him. There will be eternal penalties for that. You'll roast for eternity unless you publicly repent of your lies. And we liberals will be up in heaven, sadly watching you. We warned you, but you didn't listen.
Code red, code red, patient mamooth is having a meltdown! Code red, bring the straitjacket and nets!
LOL - whatever man. I'm not interested in chasing you around listening your limpdick denials and excuses. It's embarrassing.
That's because you do not understand the law. Did you flunk your high school civics classes or did you just sleep through that lesson?

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