Colorado Governor: Legal Marijuana Market is Exceeding Tax Expectations

And most people who smoke cannabis are not losers, but successful members of society.

Bullshit too. People who smoke pot are both succesful and not succesful, just like people who do not smoke pot. There is just no pattern to find between social class and pot use.

Is there any proof that you can provide to prove what I said was bullshit?

Yes, some highly succesful people like businessmen, politicians and musicians use drugs, while cannabis users can also be high school dropouts who don't do anything else than smoking weed and sitting on the couch.
But there are also enough succesful people who don't use drugs and unsuccesful people who don't use drugs. So there is no correlation between drug use and social class, it just depends on each individual.
Bullshit too. People who smoke pot are both succesful and not succesful, just like people who do not smoke pot. There is just no pattern to find between social class and pot use.

Is there any proof that you can provide to prove what I said was bullshit?

Yes, some highly succesful people like businessmen, politicians and musicians use drugs, while cannabis users can also be high school dropouts who don't do anything else than smoking weed and sitting on the couch.
But there are also enough succesful people who don't use drugs and unsuccesful people who don't use drugs. So there is no correlation between drug use and social class, it just depends on each individual.

Then what I said was true, and not bullshit.
What a thing to brag about

they don't care about the damage of smoking pot does to their citizens, just as long as those TAXES keeps a coming in

yet these same people wail about cigarettes, guns, etc

Colorado like California has went to hell

and yet on the other side of the coin there are those who can care less how much damage Alcohol,cigarets and guns do to their citizens but scream at everyone how bad Pot is when its less harmful than all the rest....because of the same reason....TAXES....
What a thing to brag about

they don't care about the damage of smoking pot does to their citizens, just as long as those TAXES keeps a coming in

yet these same people wail about cigarettes, guns, etc

Colorado like California has went to hell

Whatever damage pot smoking does to their citizens will never amount to the damage alcohol and tobacco has caused in this country. I'm not saying either is good, but it's all or nothing. You can't say "This bad thing is okay because it's legal."

What a thing to brag about

they don't care about the damage of smoking pot does to their citizens, just as long as those TAXES keeps a coming in

yet these same people wail about cigarettes, guns, etc

Colorado like California has went to hell

and yet on the other side of the coin there are those who can care less how much damage Alcohol,cigarets and guns do to their citizens but scream at everyone how bad Pot is when its less harmful than all the rest....because of the same reason....TAXES....

There it is again !

So give me a link to a story showing that people who are concerned about pot legalization and the harm pot does, could care less about what harm alcohol and cigarettes does.
What a thing to brag about

they don't care about the damage of smoking pot does to their citizens, just as long as those TAXES keeps a coming in

yet these same people wail about cigarettes, guns, etc

Colorado like California has went to hell

and yet on the other side of the coin there are those who can care less how much damage Alcohol,cigarets and guns do to their citizens but scream at everyone how bad Pot is when its less harmful than all the rest....because of the same reason....TAXES....

There it is again !

So give me a link to a story showing that people who are concerned about pot legalization and the harm pot does, could care less about what harm alcohol and cigarettes does.

What harm that pot does?
If you smoke marijuana you are more likely to be homosexual so don't know about that.

That's absurd logic, don't knock it till you try it. I don't think cocaine should be legal, should I not knock it until I try it?

I had a better time believing you think it is ok to smoke if you didn't spend so much time insisting it was.

If you smoke marijuana you are more likely to be homosexual so don't know about that.

you sure as hell i said you and Katz.....what a team....

That's absurd logic, don't knock it till you try it. I don't think cocaine should be legal, should I not knock it until I try it?

did anyone say that here?....the reason i asked was because if you have never been around it or tried it,then everything you know about it is from what you heard or read....and you proved that you know shit about it because to you every one who has smoked it.....must be an "addict".....

I had a better time believing you think it is ok to smoke if you didn't spend so much time insisting it was.

since this was never talked about you dont know what i think about smoking it and were did i INSIST it was ok to smoke it?....i asked you one simple little question.....

Gays have a higher rate of marijuana use than normal people. Thus since you smoke weed, you are more likely to be gay. Take it up with the National Institute of Health, not me

Tobacco, Marijuana Use and Sensation-seeking: Comparisons Across Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Heterosexual Groups

I have been around it enough to know everyone I know who used it was a loser who minimized their potential, and those I know who don't use are are more successful and happy people. Studies confirm it to.

Marijuana use may be harmful to mental health—The Family Health Guide
Learn About Marijuana: Factsheets: Marijuana and Adolescents

You aren't helping your case here, I am obviously touching a nerve since you are an addict. Seriously, chill out.

are you Katzens Husband?....every one of those things you put up have already been countered with studies saying the opposite.....since way more people have smoked pot than there are gay people.....i guess your study was kinda biased.....

I have been around it enough

yea it sounds like it.....

everyone I know who used it was a loser who minimized their potential

every single one?.....i knew a lot of guys who smoked and many of them today are doing pretty dam good.....maybe you hung with losers?.....

those I know who don't use are are more successful and happy people.

here you say DONT use,present time as compared to above were it was USED IT....i know people today who smoke it and are doing pretty fucking another study that is a tad bias.....

You aren't helping your case here

and you are?.....

I am obviously touching a nerve since you are an addict.

here it is addict because i disagree with your views......if you were ACTUALLY around casual Pot smokers you would never say something like did you and Katz enjoy "Reefer Madness"?.....

If you smoke marijuana you are more likely to be homosexual so don't know about that.

you sure as hell i said you and Katz.....what a team....

That's absurd logic, don't knock it till you try it. I don't think cocaine should be legal, should I not knock it until I try it?

did anyone say that here?....the reason i asked was because if you have never been around it or tried it,then everything you know about it is from what you heard or read....and you proved that you know shit about it because to you every one who has smoked it.....must be an "addict".....

I had a better time believing you think it is ok to smoke if you didn't spend so much time insisting it was.

since this was never talked about you dont know what i think about smoking it and were did i INSIST it was ok to smoke it?....i asked you one simple little question.....

Gays have a higher rate of marijuana use than normal people. Thus since you smoke weed, you are more likely to be gay. Take it up with the National Institute of Health, not me

Tobacco, Marijuana Use and Sensation-seeking: Comparisons Across Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Heterosexual Groups

I have been around it enough to know everyone I know who used it was a loser who minimized their potential, and those I know who don't use are are more successful and happy people. Studies confirm it to.

Marijuana use may be harmful to mental health—The Family Health Guide
Learn About Marijuana: Factsheets: Marijuana and Adolescents

You aren't helping your case here, I am obviously touching a nerve since you are an addict. Seriously, chill out.

From how you speak, I would think that many people around you are losers, not just the potheads. And most people who smoke cannabis are not losers, but successful members of society.

yep....another person like Katz who "claims" they knew pot smokers, but yet their "stories" are totally different than everyone elses.....and this meatball says ...i am not helping my cause?.....he does not realize it,but he is helping my cause probably better than i am because every person here that has actually smoked the stuff and has been around those who do.....if they are honest,can see the guys bullshit.....its like back in the 70's when they use to teach kids about Pot telling them things that all those kids were saying...."hey wait,it aint like that".....someone who has never had an experience with something can not tell those who have......that what they experienced was not the way it this guy and Katz who say if you smoke are addicted.....because its in your blood for 3 are still successful people smoke goes on and on....
What a thing to brag about

they don't care about the damage of smoking pot does to their citizens, just as long as those TAXES keeps a coming in

yet these same people wail about cigarettes, guns, etc

Colorado like California has went to hell

Whatever damage pot smoking does to their citizens will never amount to the damage alcohol and tobacco has caused in this country. I'm not saying either is good, but it's all or nothing. You can't say "This bad thing is okay because it's legal."

Well lets see, took about the 11th post before the old alcohol and cigarette comparrison came up.

since it has come up in every pot thread in this forum....why should this be any different?.....pot has come up in the cig and alcohol threads too....they are all related and the only things you can compare with each other that society does....
You evidently think only losers use pot because, that is the only type of people you have ever associated with. You have worse grammar and spelling usage than this high school dropout, but I went to work to support my family, and when I turned 18 walked into college and still go every chance I further my education.....and I smoke pot and have for 37 years...and those I know are lawyers, doctors, stock brokers, engineers architects, police force , real estate management, and, well, there is more but no my friend have no soap box to preach from...
Yes, there are functioning drug addicts, but they are generally the exception to the rule, as the studies show.

Your lack of shame of using drugs is disturbing to say the least, it looks like no one ever taught you to have any.

Are you really stupid enough to call cannabis smokers addicts?

thats why i think he and Katz are an item....Katz actually said because it still is in your blood 3 weeks after you smoked it that you are still ignorant was that?....
Bullshit too. People who smoke pot are both succesful and not succesful, just like people who do not smoke pot. There is just no pattern to find between social class and pot use.

Is there any proof that you can provide to prove what I said was bullshit?

Yes, some highly succesful people like businessmen, politicians and musicians use drugs, while cannabis users can also be high school dropouts who don't do anything else than smoking weed and sitting on the couch.
But there are also enough succesful people who don't use drugs and unsuccesful people who don't use drugs. So there is no correlation between drug use and social class, it just depends on each individual.

cannabis users can also be high school dropouts who don't do anything else than smoking weed and sitting on the couch.

lots of those people also do other drugs if given the chance.....lots of times this is left out especially in the drunk driving reports....
What a thing to brag about

they don't care about the damage of smoking pot does to their citizens, just as long as those TAXES keeps a coming in

yet these same people wail about cigarettes, guns, etc

Colorado like California has went to hell

and yet on the other side of the coin there are those who can care less how much damage Alcohol,cigarets and guns do to their citizens but scream at everyone how bad Pot is when its less harmful than all the rest....because of the same reason....TAXES....

There it is again !

So give me a link to a story showing that people who are concerned about pot legalization and the harm pot does, could care less about what harm alcohol and cigarettes does.
go read the other pot threads in here.....there plenty of people in there defending Alcohol because its legal.....but yet gloss over the killing it does.....probably because they drink and dont want to lose that daily 6 pack....
It's a sad day in America when we brag about the amount of money that drugs have provided for our government.

Did you think that sexual perversion was the only step on the road to complete degeneracy?

Katz you ever suck a Dick?....lots of your far right Religious buddies think that is a perversion too....heaven only knows what they think about eating pussy....
What a thing to brag about

they don't care about the damage of smoking pot does to their citizens, just as long as those TAXES keeps a coming in

yet these same people wail about cigarettes, guns, etc

Colorado like California has went to hell

Whatever damage pot smoking does to their citizens will never amount to the damage alcohol and tobacco has caused in this country. I'm not saying either is good, but it's all or nothing. You can't say "This bad thing is okay because it's legal."


ah so, we have good damage and bad damage, is that how we judge things now?
I don't care so much about pot but for a state government to brag about the money coming into their coffers (any damage good or bad) off the backs of their citizens I find tasteless...but they have NO PROBLEM asking for controlling American citizens and their rights when it comes to cigarettes, guns, etc.... now they are badgering us over what foods we eat, and the beat goes the way I lived in Colorado for 10 years back in the 80s loved the state but doubt I would ever go back to live there , just like California where I lived off and on for around 8 years...they are now run by fascist idiots and the illegals and pot heads has taken them over...shame too
and yet on the other side of the coin there are those who can care less how much damage Alcohol,cigarets and guns do to their citizens but scream at everyone how bad Pot is when its less harmful than all the rest....because of the same reason....TAXES....

There it is again !

So give me a link to a story showing that people who are concerned about pot legalization and the harm pot does, could care less about what harm alcohol and cigarettes does.
go read the other pot threads in here.....there plenty of people in there defending Alcohol because its legal.....but yet gloss over the killing it does.....probably because they drink and dont want to lose that daily 6 pack....

I don't think there's anyone out there who smokes and drinks, who doesn't realize that cigs and alcohol cost society plenty. May sound hypocritical, but that's the problem with addiction, you can participate and still realize the cost.
The drug war is lost. Some just won't face the facts. What a waste of money. It's rampant and some think it can be stopped. I've never tried it and never will. But, what is the point? Didn't we learn from prohibition? This is the anxiety society we live in and people will always be looking for that anxiety break... hence alcohol and pot.

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