Colorado Legalizes Weed for Recreational Use

Heroin and coca leaves were widely used before the age of the chemist that refined and increased it's strength.

There's a good docu on netflix about the coca leaf and how it was demonized in columbia. Farmers can only grow certain amounts of coca for tea because of the stigma attached to its name.
Heroin and coca leaves were widely used before the age of the chemist that refined and increased it's strength.

There's a good docu on netflix about the coca leaf and how it was demonized in columbia. Farmers can only grow certain amounts of coca for tea because of the stigma attached to its name.

I have Amazon Prime, I will look for it there.
Not exactly recreational use. More accurately the private use by antisocial borderline psychotic pot heads who are the voter base for the democrat dominated political machine. You can't smoke the stuff in public and you can't give it away or sell it and you can't take it out of the state. What's left? Morose psychotic pot heads smoking their brains into oblivion in their dark smelly hovels.
Heroin and coca leaves were widely used before the age of the chemist that refined and increased it's strength.

There's a good docu on netflix about the coca leaf and how it was demonized in columbia. Farmers can only grow certain amounts of coca for tea because of the stigma attached to its name.

I have Amazon Prime, I will look for it there.

You buy coca leaves from Amazon?

Is this a great country or what.
Not exactly recreational use. More accurately the private use by antisocial borderline psychotic pot heads who are the voter base for the democrat dominated political machine. You can't smoke the stuff in public and you can't give it away or sell it and you can't take it out of the state. What's left? Morose psychotic pot heads smoking their brains into oblivion in their dark smelly hovels.

You forgot to add the sky is falling
Not exactly recreational use. More accurately the private use by antisocial borderline psychotic pot heads who are the voter base for the democrat dominated political machine. You can't smoke the stuff in public and you can't give it away or sell it and you can't take it out of the state. What's left? Morose psychotic pot heads smoking their brains into oblivion in their dark smelly hovels.

You forgot to add the sky is falling

Also all those future crack heads because pot is a "gateway drug".
Did you ever smell a house full of pot heads? You can't smoke the crap outdoors so what are you going to tell your kids? Maybe share the weed with them? How are you going to tell them to stay away from cigarettes when you stink like burned shit?
The Walking Dead will be a documentary.

Get those kids hooked young, you have an addict for life.

How is this any different than your addiction to alcohol?

I'm not addicted to anything and I choose not to let someone else's addiction enter into my life. It can be imposed as this is, but no one has to put up with it in their lives. Just throw them out.

Unlike alcohol, which can be a glass of wine with dinner, an after meal brandy or a beer watching the game, the sole purpose of pot is to get high. It serves no other purpose. So, let the addicts get high. As long as I can throw them out of the house and down the stairs, let them do what they want. It's just a matter of keeping an extra eye on the road for the marijuana impaired drivers. Other than that, really, sit back and let them die in the streets. It's the best thing to happen to them. Yes, even the kids. How well do you think pot addicted kids are going to do in high school?

Marijuana Use and High School Dropout: The Influence of Unobservables

The new American, fat, lazy, drug addicted and looking for an excuse to sue someone.

a beer watching the game

a Beer?.....yea how many do that?....

the sole purpose of pot is to get high
and the guy who comes home after work and drinks a 6 pack aint doing it to get a buzz....right?......
The Walking Dead will be a documentary.

Get those kids hooked young, you have an addict for life.

It's what I like to call a "slippery slope"

Get them started on cigarettes then cheap beer
Then tantalize them with demon reefer
Next thing you know....coke, crack, PCP....heroin
Then unwanted sex, abortion......leading to....Homosexuality
Next thing you know.....pedophilia and bestiality
then.....before you know have people watching Fox News and turning into CONSERVATIVES

listening to Black Sabbath while doing LSD did it for me......:eusa_angel:
You have to be 21 to buy.

Just like beer! And we know that kids can't possibly get their hands on alcohol. now, any high school kid can get all the pot they want. And you're afraid that if it's legal, then they might be able to get pot. There you go, let's not process reality. How many times have you criticized liberals for not dealing with reality?


I do believe you're closing that barn door just a bit late there, my friend.

Katz is from that group of old folks who believed that "Reefer Madness" was an FBI undercover Documentary......
Good for colorado. Now, the proceeds will go to stop marijuana addiction.

I hope that post was sarcastic. Otherwise, you are horribly misinformed about marijuana.

Marijuana is not physically addictive in the slightest. You could smoke every day for year and then quit cold turkey with no withdrawals. It can be habit forming, as can everything in the world, but never physically addicting.
I like the way China deals with drug use. Dealers get their organs taken for transplant. Users get sentenced to work rehabilitation in a labor camp. After three, three year sentences of work rehabilitation that fail and the addict is still using, they don't get released.

yea thats great Katz.....
Reality check....

"The first sale, orchestrated as a news media photo opportunity, was made to Sean Azzariti, an Iraq War veteran who has lobbied publicly for legalization and says pot helps mitigate problems stemming from his post-traumatic stress syndrome. Azzariti, who served six years in the Marine Corps and two tours in Iraq, spent about $60 at 3D Cannabis Center for an eighth of an ounce of "Bubba Kush" and a pot-laden truffle."
Iraq War vet makes Colorado's first pot purchase

$500 per ounce ???

Maybe there has been some price inflation since I wandered around in the culture, but nobody is going to pay that price.

What is it with liberals and state marketing? Maybe they could pass an Affordable Pot Act. They could call it 'Obamaspleef' or something.

yea that is neighbor has a card and he pays around 250-300 for an Oz.....and it looks and smells pretty dam nice.....:eusa_hand:....not yet i havent.....
I used to pay $60 for an eighth 4-5 years ago in Chicago. I'd take two rips and be baked for an hour though.
Prosititution is not even close to a victimless crime, considering the overall amount of people damaged by the sex trade. Legalizing it might help curb that but it wouldnt eliminate it.

Ok.....forced sex workers are victims but that can definitely be helped/fixed if it was regulated and licensed properly.

What they found in the Netherlands is that even with legalized prostitution there were still forced sex workers.

Since there's really no difference, legalized prostiution isn't going to change anything one way or other.
The Netherlands, with legal drugs and prostitution, has fewer problems with both than other countries.
Hopefully this is just the beginning of an eventual nationwide adoption. I don't smoke but I've never understood why we can't legalize it and tax it similar to how we do with alcohol. This is a good first step.

The same should happen for prostitution. More senseless restrictions for a victimless crime.

Prosititution is not even close to a victimless crime, considering the overall amount of people damaged by the sex trade. Legalizing it might help curb that but it wouldnt eliminate it.

It's impossible to eliminate all bad shit from happening. I thought all libertarians understood that.

Bottom line is that not being allowed to legally sell something you can give away for free is decidedly NOT libertarian.
Hopefully this is just the beginning of an eventual nationwide adoption. I don't smoke but I've never understood why we can't legalize it and tax it similar to how we do with alcohol. This is a good first step.

The same should happen for prostitution. More senseless restrictions for a victimless crime.

Prosititution is not even close to a victimless crime, considering the overall amount of people damaged by the sex trade. Legalizing it might help curb that but it wouldnt eliminate it.

It's impossible to eliminate all bad shit from happening. I thought all libertarians understood that.

Bottom line is that not being allowed to legally sell something you can give away for free is decidedly NOT libertarian.

I am only taking exception at calling prositution a victimless crime. To me some form of legalization is probably warranted.

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