Colorado Legalizes Weed for Recreational Use

Ok.....forced sex workers are victims but that can definitely be helped/fixed if it was regulated and licensed properly.

What they found in the Netherlands is that even with legalized prostitution there were still forced sex workers.

Since there's really no difference, legalized prostiution isn't going to change anything one way or other.
The Netherlands, with legal drugs and prostitution, has fewer problems with both than other countries.

If it were only true.

Drugs policy in the Netherlands: The role of organised crime
The Walking Dead will be a documentary.

Get those kids hooked young, you have an addict for life.

How is this any different than your addiction to alcohol?

Marijuana is not additive in the same sense alcohol is. For a serious alcoholic, quitting cold turkey could mean death. For Marijuana users who have to go cold turkey, they might get a little grumpy or moody for a day or two......:lol:

:cuckoo:Yeh but many on Marijana don't want to quit...they want to move up to a stronger drug. And since most can't afford it it just leads to more crime to get their hands on it.
The Walking Dead will be a documentary.

Get those kids hooked young, you have an addict for life.

You have to be 21 to buy.

:eusa_eh:Yeh. And you have to be a legal age to get ciggs too. Do you think that stops the kids now days? Drugs are just as easy for them to get their hands on it.

Its almost like if your a minor...the law doesn't apply to you.

The Law, such as it is, had a built in constituency of minors! Which is why Denver wants to decriminalize drug possession and use by minors.

Denver Council Makes Move To Decriminalize Marijuana For Minors « CBS Denver
You have to be 21 to buy.

:eusa_eh:Yeh. And you have to be a legal age to get ciggs too. Do you think that stops the kids now days? Drugs are just as easy for them to get their hands on it.

Its almost like if your a minor...the law doesn't apply to you.

The Law, such as it is, had a built in constituency of minors! Which is why Denver wants to decriminalize drug possession and use by minors.

Denver Council Makes Move To Decriminalize Marijuana For Minors « CBS Denver

Denver city councilors want it to become a civil charge still enforced by a petty fine but with no lasting legal consequences.

This is not decriminalization for minors. They are still prosecuted.
The Walking Dead will be a documentary.

Get those kids hooked young, you have an addict for life.

It's what I like to call a "slippery slope"

Get them started on cigarettes then cheap beer
Then tantalize them with demon reefer
Next thing you know....coke, crack, PCP....heroin
Then unwanted sex, abortion......leading to....Homosexuality
Next thing you know.....pedophilia and bestiality
then.....before you know have people watching Fox News and turning into CONSERVATIVES

:lol:Thats because all the left wing media stations start out with maniacs to begin with. Watching their media drives the people to wanting to take drugs. Its mainly the same thing.
You have to be 21 to buy.

:eusa_eh:Yeh. And you have to be a legal age to get ciggs too. Do you think that stops the kids now days? Drugs are just as easy for them to get their hands on it.

Its almost like if your a minor...the law doesn't apply to you.

Making it illegal does not stop kids either.

Making it legal should make it harder for kids to get thier hands on it (unless thier parents are stoners and let thier kids do it). If the legal supply takes over most of the market, the remaining underage customer base simply isnt big enough to supply enough profit to those who would continue it underground.

That being said, if the legal market is so expensive due to taxation that the underground market still has a large enough of age customer base, then any of the effects I listed above do not happen.
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Making it illegal does not stop kids either.

No. Punishment does if the punishment is severe enough.

It has not stopped anything by being draconian.

Its because we punish possession and selling, but not using.

Its simple, if you are under 18 and suspected of pot use, you take a drug test mandated by a juvinile court. If you fail, enjoy your next 26 weekends doing community service. 10 hours per day.

That will fix at least most of em.
State taxes on the sales of pot are expected to be 67 MILLION dollars. I wonder what the federal tax will be?

Just the savings from ending the war on drugs and getting all those people out of our prisons and removing at least that excuse for government to violate our privacy alone would be massive.

:eusa_shhh:Its not going to be ending the war on drugs...its going to be starting another one.
:eusa_eh:Yeh. And you have to be a legal age to get ciggs too. Do you think that stops the kids now days? Drugs are just as easy for them to get their hands on it.

Its almost like if your a minor...the law doesn't apply to you.

Making it illegal does not stop kids either.

No. Punishment does if the punishment is severe enough.

Well, you're very effectively doing away with the lie that you believe government can't make our choices for us better than we can ourselves. Then when that doesn't work, you want more aggressive, more powerful government.

You and liberals, same animal, your fur is just a different color.
That being said, if the legal market is so expensive due to taxation that the underground market still has a large enough of age customer base, then any of the effects I listed above do not happen.

Yes, just like cigarettes.
No. Punishment does if the punishment is severe enough.

It has not stopped anything by being draconian.

Its because we punish possession and selling, but not using.

Its simple, if you are under 18 and suspected of pot use, you take a drug test mandated by a juvinile court. If you fail, enjoy your next 26 weekends doing community service. 10 hours per day.

That will fix at least most of em.

So now we're going to round up kids we "suspect" of using drugs and send them to juvenile court? Even if you seriously believe that is going to happen, do you not hear the sound of the Constitution flushing down the toilet?
:eusa_eh:Yeh. And you have to be a legal age to get ciggs too. Do you think that stops the kids now days? Drugs are just as easy for them to get their hands on it.

Its almost like if your a minor...the law doesn't apply to you.

Making it illegal does not stop kids either.

Making it legal should make it harder for kids to get thier hands on it (unless thier parents are stoners and let thier kids do it). If the legal supply takes over most of the market, the remaining underage customer base simply isnt big enough to supply enough profit to those who would continue it underground.

That being said, if the legal market is so expensive due to taxation that the underground market still has a large enough of age customer base, then any of the effects I listed above do not happen.

Stoner parents GIVE pot to their five year olds. Stoners poison their own pets with pot. Stoners are stoners, they don't stop being stoners because they have kids. They make sure the kids are stoners too.
Making it illegal does not stop kids either.

Making it legal should make it harder for kids to get thier hands on it (unless thier parents are stoners and let thier kids do it). If the legal supply takes over most of the market, the remaining underage customer base simply isnt big enough to supply enough profit to those who would continue it underground.

That being said, if the legal market is so expensive due to taxation that the underground market still has a large enough of age customer base, then any of the effects I listed above do not happen.

Stoner parents GIVE pot to their five year olds. Stoners poison their own pets with pot. Stoners are stoners, they don't stop being stoners because they have kids. They make sure the kids are stoners too.

I know someone who's parents were stoners, and wouldnt let them touch the stuff until they were 18.
It has not stopped anything by being draconian.

Its because we punish possession and selling, but not using.

Its simple, if you are under 18 and suspected of pot use, you take a drug test mandated by a juvinile court. If you fail, enjoy your next 26 weekends doing community service. 10 hours per day.

That will fix at least most of em.

So now we're going to round up kids we "suspect" of using drugs and send them to juvenile court? Even if you seriously believe that is going to happen, do you not hear the sound of the Constitution flushing down the toilet?

Thats why you go to a judge to get a warrant for a blood test. You dont round em up. You take the ones you stopped or checked on suspicion of being under the influence, and you get a judge to say their blood should be tested.

Its actually more in line consitutionally than checking someones breath for alchohol without a warrant.
I have never given my children pot. Period!
My kids do not smoke pot, I never hid it from them and educated them on the use and affects. I also told them that they would be waiting until they were adults to use it because they had more important issues to complete by a certain in their life.
Hiding it only encourages the want to try out what is being denied them in a covert fashion.

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