Colorado Legalizes Weed for Recreational Use

Its because we punish possession and selling, but not using.

Its simple, if you are under 18 and suspected of pot use, you take a drug test mandated by a juvinile court. If you fail, enjoy your next 26 weekends doing community service. 10 hours per day.

That will fix at least most of em.

So now we're going to round up kids we "suspect" of using drugs and send them to juvenile court? Even if you seriously believe that is going to happen, do you not hear the sound of the Constitution flushing down the toilet?

Thats why you go to a judge to get a warrant for a blood test. You dont round em up. You take the ones you stopped or checked on suspicion of being under the influence, and you get a judge to say their blood should be tested.

Its actually more in line consitutionally than checking someones breath for alchohol without a warrant.

urinalysis works also, and is Constitutional since the govt. has decided that when you urinate you give up freely that which you do not want and is not an invasion of privacy.
So now we're going to round up kids we "suspect" of using drugs and send them to juvenile court? Even if you seriously believe that is going to happen, do you not hear the sound of the Constitution flushing down the toilet?

Thats why you go to a judge to get a warrant for a blood test. You dont round em up. You take the ones you stopped or checked on suspicion of being under the influence, and you get a judge to say their blood should be tested.

Its actually more in line consitutionally than checking someones breath for alchohol without a warrant.

urinalysis works also, and is Constitutional since the govt. has decided that when you urinate you give up freely that which you do not want and is not an invasion of privacy.

The question is can they detain you until you have to pee, and can they force you to pee in a recepticle of thier choosing?

I'd rather wait for a warrant from a judge and go that route, again, only after someone is arrested for suspicion of being under the influnce, and only for people underage.
You have to be 21 to buy.

:eusa_eh:Yeh. And you have to be a legal age to get ciggs too. Do you think that stops the kids now days? Drugs are just as easy for them to get their hands on it.

Its almost like if your a minor...the law doesn't apply to you.

Making it illegal does not stop kids either.

:eusa_hand:Yeh. And instead of legalizing it they should be teaching the pros and cons about it more in the schools. Most of the kids taking their first puff don't even know what they are getting into.
Its because we punish possession and selling, but not using.

Its simple, if you are under 18 and suspected of pot use, you take a drug test mandated by a juvinile court. If you fail, enjoy your next 26 weekends doing community service. 10 hours per day.

That will fix at least most of em.

So now we're going to round up kids we "suspect" of using drugs and send them to juvenile court? Even if you seriously believe that is going to happen, do you not hear the sound of the Constitution flushing down the toilet?

Thats why you go to a judge to get a warrant for a blood test. You dont round em up. You take the ones you stopped or checked on suspicion of being under the influence, and you get a judge to say their blood should be tested.

Its actually more in line consitutionally than checking someones breath for alchohol without a warrant.

You said "suspected," then you said it will "fix most of them."

If by suspected you mean now where they actually have the evidence to get a warrant, then that clearly will "fix" almost none of them. Percentage wise.
:eusa_eh:Yeh. And you have to be a legal age to get ciggs too. Do you think that stops the kids now days? Drugs are just as easy for them to get their hands on it.

Its almost like if your a minor...the law doesn't apply to you.

The Law, such as it is, had a built in constituency of minors! Which is why Denver wants to decriminalize drug possession and use by minors.

Denver Council Makes Move To Decriminalize Marijuana For Minors « CBS Denver

Denver city councilors want it to become a civil charge still enforced by a petty fine but with no lasting legal consequences.

This is not decriminalization for minors. They are still prosecuted.

:eusa_whistle:HaHa. Yah if they are caught. More and more are getting away with by day.
So now we're going to round up kids we "suspect" of using drugs and send them to juvenile court? Even if you seriously believe that is going to happen, do you not hear the sound of the Constitution flushing down the toilet?

Thats why you go to a judge to get a warrant for a blood test. You dont round em up. You take the ones you stopped or checked on suspicion of being under the influence, and you get a judge to say their blood should be tested.

Its actually more in line consitutionally than checking someones breath for alchohol without a warrant.

You said "suspected," then you said it will "fix most of them."

If by suspected you mean now where they actually have the evidence to get a warrant, then that clearly will "fix" almost none of them. Percentage wise.

Right now if you dont catch the person in possession of said pot, there isnt much you can do to them for using it, which is what the blood test would give evidence of.

What I'm trying to do is give the pro-legalization side something to propose once all the "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" people start slapping together evidence of how AWFUL legal pot is, because OF THE CHILDREN.

The response would be fine, here's a law and a procedure that makes having THC in your system under the age of 18 illegal, happy now?
I like the way China deals with drug use. Dealers get their organs taken for transplant. Users get sentenced to work rehabilitation in a labor camp. After three, three year sentences of work rehabilitation that fail and the addict is still using, they don't get released.

yea thats great Katz.....

She's a psychopath.

just some old lady who thinks she knows what she is talking about when it comes to Pot....Reefer Madness was made for people with her mindset....
It has not stopped anything by being draconian.

Its because we punish possession and selling, but not using.

Its simple, if you are under 18 and suspected of pot use, you take a drug test mandated by a juvinile court. If you fail, enjoy your next 26 weekends doing community service. 10 hours per day.

That will fix at least most of em.

So now we're going to round up kids we "suspect" of using drugs and send them to juvenile court? Even if you seriously believe that is going to happen, do you not hear the sound of the Constitution flushing down the toilet?

:eusa_hand:The flushing has already been done by our gov't. Since they don't like going by our Constitution like they are suppose to its now a matter of where their * * * * is going to land on the people.
How is this any different than your addiction to alcohol?

Marijuana is not additive in the same sense alcohol is. For a serious alcoholic, quitting cold turkey could mean death. For Marijuana users who have to go cold turkey, they might get a little grumpy or moody for a day or two......:lol:

:cuckoo:Yeh but many on Marijana don't want to quit...they want to move up to a stronger drug. And since most can't afford it it just leads to more crime to get their hands on it.

you mean like Coke and Crack?.....or better Pot?....which one?...
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Making it illegal does not stop kids either.

No. Punishment does if the punishment is severe enough.

Did you beat yours daily?

I really didn't have to. My son never drank, smoked or used any kind of drug. He was kicked out of school because he refused to "socialize" with drug users. My son was seriously conservative long before I was conservative.

Beating might be appropriate in the beginning. If drug use continues, knee capping might have to be employed.
Thats why you go to a judge to get a warrant for a blood test. You dont round em up. You take the ones you stopped or checked on suspicion of being under the influence, and you get a judge to say their blood should be tested.

Its actually more in line consitutionally than checking someones breath for alchohol without a warrant.

You said "suspected," then you said it will "fix most of them."

If by suspected you mean now where they actually have the evidence to get a warrant, then that clearly will "fix" almost none of them. Percentage wise.

Right now if you dont catch the person in possession of said pot, there isnt much you can do to them for using it, which is what the blood test would give evidence of.

What I'm trying to do is give the pro-legalization side something to propose once all the "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" people start slapping together evidence of how AWFUL legal pot is, because OF THE CHILDREN.

The response would be fine, here's a law and a procedure that makes having THC in your system under the age of 18 illegal, happy now?

Well, I understand what you are arguing now and I did not get that before. But while I do believe it should be illegal to sell drugs or alcohol to minors, I do not believe it's the job of government to raise them for us. So I am "happy" in terms of understanding, but I am not happy in terms of government doing anything but pursuing actual crimes. Which does include going after adults who provide drugs or alcohol to minors.
I have never given my children pot. Period!
My kids do not smoke pot, I never hid it from them and educated them on the use and affects. I also told them that they would be waiting until they were adults to use it because they had more important issues to complete by a certain in their life.
Hiding it only encourages the want to try out what is being denied them in a covert fashion.

:eusa_hand:Period! Sounds like the same Ubama used.

So you watch your kids 24/7. Thats nice. Do they hang around other kids? Its more like they will be listening to them than you. Thats what they usually do.
Making it illegal does not stop kids either.

No. Punishment does if the punishment is severe enough.

yea like be-headings....right Katz?.....

For drug users??????

As long as they are eliminated, the method doesn't make any difference. I really agree most with the methods employed by the Chinese. They treat drug use as a medical condition. Users are sent to work rehabilitation at a labor camp and given medical support. The sentences is fixed at three years. If, after three such sentences, the user continues to use, they are incurable and kept under such medical care for life.

That is a very humane method of dealing with drug users and makes them into productive citizens.
You said "suspected," then you said it will "fix most of them."

If by suspected you mean now where they actually have the evidence to get a warrant, then that clearly will "fix" almost none of them. Percentage wise.

Right now if you dont catch the person in possession of said pot, there isnt much you can do to them for using it, which is what the blood test would give evidence of.

What I'm trying to do is give the pro-legalization side something to propose once all the "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" people start slapping together evidence of how AWFUL legal pot is, because OF THE CHILDREN.

The response would be fine, here's a law and a procedure that makes having THC in your system under the age of 18 illegal, happy now?

Well, I understand what you are arguing now and I did not get that before. But while I do believe it should be illegal to sell drugs or alcohol to minors, I do not believe it's the job of government to raise them for us. So I am "happy" in terms of understanding, but I am not happy in terms of government doing anything but pursuing actual crimes. Which does include going after adults who provide drugs or alcohol to minors.

A differing approach to achive the same result. However we are currently seeing the failure of systems designed to go after the provider, and not the user. Its the reason we are discussing legalizing some drugs at all, because trying to kill the supply without killing the demand is usually doomed to failure, as per Alcohol prohibition.

Plus, I am not talking any jail time here, there is nothing wrong with some young delinquents cleaning roads, building houses, or serving in a seniors home for 1/2 a year due to thier own use of things they shouldnt be using.
Making it illegal does not stop kids either.

Making it legal should make it harder for kids to get thier hands on it (unless thier parents are stoners and let thier kids do it). If the legal supply takes over most of the market, the remaining underage customer base simply isnt big enough to supply enough profit to those who would continue it underground.

That being said, if the legal market is so expensive due to taxation that the underground market still has a large enough of age customer base, then any of the effects I listed above do not happen.

Stoner parents GIVE pot to their five year olds. Stoners poison their own pets with pot. Stoners are stoners, they don't stop being stoners because they have kids. They make sure the kids are stoners too.

they all do right Katz?....
Marijuana is not additive in the same sense alcohol is. For a serious alcoholic, quitting cold turkey could mean death. For Marijuana users who have to go cold turkey, they might get a little grumpy or moody for a day or two......:lol:

:cuckoo:Yeh but many on Marijana don't want to quit...they want to move up to a stronger drug. And since most can't afford it it just leads to more crime to get their hands on it.

you mean like Coke and Crack?.....or better Pot?....which one?...

:eusa_whistle:More like heroin and meth.
Making it legal should make it harder for kids to get thier hands on it (unless thier parents are stoners and let thier kids do it). If the legal supply takes over most of the market, the remaining underage customer base simply isnt big enough to supply enough profit to those who would continue it underground.

That being said, if the legal market is so expensive due to taxation that the underground market still has a large enough of age customer base, then any of the effects I listed above do not happen.

Stoner parents GIVE pot to their five year olds. Stoners poison their own pets with pot. Stoners are stoners, they don't stop being stoners because they have kids. They make sure the kids are stoners too.

they all do right Katz?....

I don't know about poisioning, the hamster my friend blew pot smoke onto during college looked pretty happy when he got stoned up.

Not as happy as a cat on Catnip, but close.
Right now if you dont catch the person in possession of said pot, there isnt much you can do to them for using it, which is what the blood test would give evidence of.

What I'm trying to do is give the pro-legalization side something to propose once all the "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" people start slapping together evidence of how AWFUL legal pot is, because OF THE CHILDREN.

The response would be fine, here's a law and a procedure that makes having THC in your system under the age of 18 illegal, happy now?

Well, I understand what you are arguing now and I did not get that before. But while I do believe it should be illegal to sell drugs or alcohol to minors, I do not believe it's the job of government to raise them for us. So I am "happy" in terms of understanding, but I am not happy in terms of government doing anything but pursuing actual crimes. Which does include going after adults who provide drugs or alcohol to minors.

A differing approach to achive the same result. However we are currently seeing the failure of systems designed to go after the provider, and not the user. Its the reason we are discussing legalizing some drugs at all, because trying to kill the supply without killing the demand is usually doomed to failure, as per Alcohol prohibition.

Plus, I am not talking any jail time here, there is nothing wrong with some young delinquents cleaning roads, building houses, or serving in a seniors home for 1/2 a year due to thier own use of things they shouldnt be using.

The problem with going after the user is that you are going after someone who has not harmed anyone but themselves. Unless you believe government owns our bodies, there is no basis for that.

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