Colorado passes universal background checks and legalizes pot. Violent crime up 25%

Thats disengenuous.

In order to have stronger arguments, you use charitable interpretations of opposing arguments.

Here, youre acting like gun laws are supposed to do anything other than curb GUN crime.

Thats being fake.
You're the one playing games here. The lack of the prefix (gun) in the crime isn't stopping the ACTUAL CRIME.
Thats a strawman, though. Gun laws are supposed to curb GUN crime.

So, in order to do your analysis like a grown up...youd compare gun crime to the date the law took effect. Instead, you continue to do the little bot partisan dogshit.

It makes people act fake. Youre acting fake.

You want an analysis? Here:

The universal background check law was passed in 2013: Colorado approves universal background checks for gun purchases
Now read this, from September 2019: Gun violence against Denver teens, children is increasing


"The newspaper said its analysis showed 15 teens and children have been shot and killed in the city since Jan. 1, 2018, more than in the previous three years combined."
"Prosecutors said 107 teens were charged with gun possession in 2018, compared with 50 in 2015. This year is on pace to equal or surpass last year."

How is this possible, moron? Gun laws are supposed to stop gun crime, right? Universal background checks will prevent unqualified people from obtaining guns, RIGHT?

We do this dance with you dumb twats every single time a new gun law is proposed/passed, and every fucking time we're proven right. When are you going to pull your heads out of your collective asses?
I never argued FOR gun laws, silly. Read with your analytical mind, not your emotional one. You made the correct inference and compared GUN CRIME change since the 2013 Law.

Grampy wamp compared it to overall crime, aka a non-sequitur.

Do you follow?

in fairness there’s the argument that gun laws come with the untented consequences of increases in violent crimes because people cannot adequately defend themselves.
I agree with that, 100% but that's an argument AGAINST gun laws and not an argument Gun Law proponents are actually making in the counter-case.
I agree with that line of thought, too, by the way.
Thats a strawman, though. Gun laws are supposed to curb GUN crime.

So, in order to do your analysis like a grown up...youd compare gun crime to the date the law took effect. Instead, you continue to do the little bot partisan dogshit.

It makes people act fake. Youre acting fake.

You want an analysis? Here:

The universal background check law was passed in 2013: Colorado approves universal background checks for gun purchases
Now read this, from September 2019: Gun violence against Denver teens, children is increasing


"The newspaper said its analysis showed 15 teens and children have been shot and killed in the city since Jan. 1, 2018, more than in the previous three years combined."
"Prosecutors said 107 teens were charged with gun possession in 2018, compared with 50 in 2015. This year is on pace to equal or surpass last year."

How is this possible, moron? Gun laws are supposed to stop gun crime, right? Universal background checks will prevent unqualified people from obtaining guns, RIGHT?

We do this dance with you dumb twats every single time a new gun law is proposed/passed, and every fucking time we're proven right. When are you going to pull your heads out of your collective asses?
I never argued FOR gun laws, silly. Read with your analytical mind, not your emotional one. You made the correct inference and compared GUN CRIME change since the 2013 Law.

Grampy wamp compared it to overall crime, aka a non-sequitur.

Do you follow?

They go hand-in-hand, dipshit.

Try and wrap your pea-brain around this:

1) A woman is being stalked by an abusive ex. She tries to obtain a gun or CCW permit to protect herself, but is delayed by all of the lefty bureaucratic red tape. Meanwhile, her ex grabs her one night as she's trying to enter her apartment and beats the shit out of her.
+1 aggravated assault.

2) The laws are lax and she quickly obtains a means of personal protection. Her ex grabs her one night as she's trying to enter her apartment and she pops 2 in his chest.
-1 aggravated assault.

Get it yet?
I'm not sure why you're arguing the logic of gun laws with me when I'm against them. It's super strange how defensive politics makes people.

Could've fooled me.
And did!
you're taking the argument that "gun laws will lower gun crime..."

That was never my argument nor part of this thread.

YOU inserted it in order to win a pointless victory.

My thread is 100% accurate
Ohhh your thread implies it, and it's also dumb regardless because there's the part II of studying these things, or have you forgotten?

You're not going to link the gun laws with the violent crime increase until you can manage to research and determine the out of staters coming for marijuana's effects on the overall statistic.

Nuance is hard on the internet, bro. Don't get so angry, life's too short.
Ohhh your thread implies it,

Lol ok so now you're functioning along the lines of the current democrats....

The tread doesn't state what you've argued against but you "feel" it is implied...

You're too much. You know what you can do with your "feelings" right?
Ohhh your thread implies it,

Lol ok so now you're functioning along the lines of the current democrats....

The tread doesn't state what you've argued against but you "feel" it is implied...

You're too much. You know what you can do with your "feelings" right?
I'm not sure what the fuck kinda dumb shit you're on, but your analysis here is retarded. That's the point.
Colorado approves universal background checks for gun purchases

Report: Colorado’s violent crime rate continues to climb

So what can we learn here. Can the government actually protect you or your property with laws?


I just checked crime stats at and compared with 2018, the latest date on the state of Colorado's website, since they passed their gun laws in 2013.
2014 violent crimes 18,480 firearms crimes 4,018
2018 violent crimes 25,480 firearms crimes 6,303
Agree. Looks like bad trend to me.
2014 violent crimes 35,853 firearms crimes 9,829
2018 violent crimes 38,526 firearms crimes 12,521
A worse, but similar picture.
We only have the background checks mandated by the laws of United States and have not legalized marijuana.

Laws do not protect people as society grows more violent.
Cops do not protect people in most instances. They are not required to according to the Supreme Court, and usually show up too late.
The problem in these two states does not relate to background check laws or Marijuana decriminalization.
Be trained to survive if you're life is worth surviving for.
Own equipment to use as tools in your self defense if needed.

I wouldn't be caught dead with a full magazine.

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