Colton Harris Moore..Most Wanted?..Most Needed!


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
I've been following this kids trail in the media for several months. He has hit my old stomping grounds in the San Juans and driven the local authorities crazy with his elusive skills.

Now he is on the FBI's Most Wanted? Who has he killed or injured? No one. I think the CIA should hire the guy. He seems to be able to go anywhere he wants any time he wants. His skills could be put to use. He isn't a hero..but he certainly is no monster either.
I think you are a big meanie for not posting a link, Huggy. But yes, I googled him and I don't see the rationale for putting him on the Ten Most Wanted List either. According to his mom, by age seven he was disappearing into the woods for days at a time. That sounds tragic to me, not dangerous.

Stop the meanie madness, Huggy. I cannot afford to keep crying like this just because you are lazy.

For the sake of my equally tender hearted link-deprived posters:

Colton Harris-Moore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think you are a big meanie for not posting a link, Huggy. But yes, I googled him and I don't see the rationale for putting him on the Ten Most Wanted List either. According to his mom, by age seven he was disappearing into the woods for days at a time. That sounds tragic to me, not dangerous.

Stop the meanie madness, Huggy. I cannot afford to keep crying like this just because you are lazy.

For the sake of my equally tender hearted link-deprived posters:

Colton Harris-Moore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe it is because I was much like this kid when young. I suffered no abuse whatsoever yet preffered the company of the wilderness of Orcas Island to my wack siblings. I was out "camping" and hunting as a young lad myself. I didn't steal from the local merchants cuz that would be shitting in one's own community. I wish he would learn to land a plane more safely. There are plenty of roads out in the boonies one could use.. I hate to see unwarrranted destruction of aircraft.
Well...thet caught him!

Apparantly the Bahamians did something that Camano Isl police, Island County sherrifs, Orcas Island sherrifs, Bellingham police, whoever sherrifs for Indiana, The FBI and dozens of othe police departments couldn't do.
Link? Link? Link?

*Wanders off sobbing my eyes out at Huggy's wanton cruelty.....*

"Barefoot Bandit" Colton Harris-Moore Captured in the Bahamas, Say Police
Posted by Crimesider Staff 9 comments Share 40diggsdiggShare E-mail Print Font
Plane allegedly crash-landed by Colton Harris-Moore in the Bahamas (CBS)

NASSAU, Bahamas (CBS/AP) Colton Harris-Moore, "The Barefoot Bandit," has been captured in the Bahamas a week after his alleged crash-landing of a stolen plane there, say police.

PICTURES: Barefoot Bandit on the Run

A police official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, says the 19-year-old was arrested Sunday morning on the northern island of Eleuthera.

The official said police expect to fly Harris-Moore from Eleuthera to Nassau, the capital of the island chain off the Florida coast.

Harris-Moore has allegedly committed several nighttime burglaries in the Bahamas, and had previously eluded an FBI-aided manhunt on Great Abaco Island, the sliver of an island where he apparently crash-landed the stolen plane.

In the U.S., Harris-Moore has become a folk hero with a fan club hawking T-shirts emblazoned with his image, songs about his exploits and tens of thousands of followers on Facebook.

He has been on the run from American law enforcement since escaping from a Washington state halfway house in 2008.

Complete "Barefoot Bandit" Coverage on Crimesider.

Barefoot Bandit on the Run

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Poor guy. Doesn't seem as if life offers him much of a place. I'm sorry he's been caught, myself.

Thankies for the link, Huggy, even though I know it was a pity link.

Apparantly this is a much bigger deal up here in the Northwest.

He learned to fly on a computer! He really should have taken some flight lessons.

Crashed 4 or 5 planes.
I think it's a shame someone so talented couldn't find a place in the world.

I see we are linkless again, you cold, cruel man.

CRIPES!!!! Do ya need link for every little tidbit? :lol::lol:

Gotta go for a while...there are some asses needed kicked up the street cuz of "free pool"..

Plus my bud is buyin... Hard to turn down a Cadillac Margarita on the house!

My PIC and me gonna have a few laughs over the bad puppy pilot.


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