Alvin Bragg getting nervous?

For a first offense................. :auiqs.jpg:
34 felonies.
Min sentence 2 years each max five years each.
that's a min of 68 years in prison.

Does Venezuela have a Double AA+ rating?

Rambunctious fails to research, nothing unusual there.

Standard & Poor's credit rating for Venezuela stands at N/A with n/a outlook. Moody's credit rating for Venezuela was last set at C with stable outlook. Fitch's credit rating for Venezuela was last reported at RD with n/a outlook.

Venezuela - Credit Rating - TRADING ECONOMICS
Although my credit rating is quite high, I don't need that crap.
If you were at the station in life you claim you would know how bad this is for the economy... so I'm calling you a liar....
Please link to one conviction--without that, this ^^^ is blatant libel.
The sexual assault and battery. The criminal business organization. "Grab em by the pussy."

Fuck you. I have read the indictments. Trump lied at his home about the documents. Trump lied about J6. He is lying about the obstruction in the GA elections.

He is a liar.

You are a liar.

And both of you and all of your little orange dweebs will be continually exposed as liars.
The sexual assault and battery. The criminal business organization. "Grab em by the pussy."

Fuck you. I have read the indictments. Trump lied at his home about the documents. Trump lied about J6. He is lying about the obstruction in the GA elections.

He is a liar.

You are a liar.

And both of you and all of your little orange dweebs will be continually exposed as liars.
LMAO, Triggered? You still haven't cited even one conviction. The best you can do is point to a jury award for sexual assault of a "he said she said" thirty years after the fact. Thanks for the typical democrat response when they get their asses handed to them. Get used to it--you are going to have a lot of crow on your plate in the coming year. Bon apetit.
Good luck with that. Better work harder than the democrat party has over the last 7 years. I suggest you find some evidence.
You have not read the indictments then. All of you are going to look so foolish.

People's children and grandchildren will be purchasing false DNA charts showing that they are not from MAGA stock.
Concerned American is living in a self-induced MAGA cocoon.
You really aren't very bright. I have asked you for a link to a conviction which you have not provided. I am fatigued of listening to democrats lie day after day about how they are going to jail Trump. After seven years, I would think you'd be tired of it too. You seem compelled to repeat lies as well. Do you have any evidence or are you waiting for the evidence that Adam Schiff assured us he had. What about the phonied FISA docs? The Steele dossier? Please just provide one piece of credible evidence of a crime and not just the panic porn that the msm spoon feeds you.

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