Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

The Second Amendment didn't shoot up a bunch of students. A person did. A person who talked about doing it before he did it. The NRA didn't shot anybody either. The FBI knew about this guy's threats and so did the school.

Tell us, Wry Catcher. How could this lunatic have been stopped from harming others?

He was said to have purchased the gun or guns legally. We need a comprehensive computer program able to collect all data on individuals who are profiled as a danger to the community, and said program accessed by all gun shops in the nation. And, anyone Identified and places in the do not sell program, who attempts to make a purchase, require the gun shop or seller to the effort to local LE.

Any person who sells a gun without a clear search on said program should be charged with a felony, and be held fiscally responsible for any harm done to another.

Those who meet the profile should be placed into the computer program Immediately, and the person so identified should be interviewed by local LE, to determine if the person fit the profile, or not.


"Horseshit"? Wrong, the deaths of 17 school kids yesterday, and an unknown number of kids in schools who experienced a similar event, will have the image of this horrific violence for a lifetime.

Horseshit is the NRA's opposition to all efforts to control guns in America. In the 1993-94 the NRA spent 2.3 million dollars during the election cycle; in the 2011-2012 election cycle, they spent $24.8 million.

This is why I consider the NRA a terrorist organization. Any member of Congress who supports any gun control measure, will have the NRA sponsoring someone who supports their policy - no gun control, not way - to run against them.

No, the left is a terrorist organization. You created a violent, criminal mob (of which you are a part of) and then claim that we should be disarmed when your mob members kill people.

We know who is to blame. It isn't guns. It's democrats.
We, the People,Taking the Law BACK Into Our Own Hands

The other St. Valentine's Day Massacre should give vigilantes an idea. Dress up like cops, round up gang members, take them to a fake detention area, and execute them.
The Second Amendment didn't shoot up a bunch of students. A person did. A person who talked about doing it before he did it. The NRA didn't shot anybody either. The FBI knew about this guy's threats and so did the school.

Tell us, Wry Catcher. How could this lunatic have been stopped from harming others?

He was said to have purchased the gun or guns legally. We need a comprehensive computer program able to collect all data on individuals who are profiled as a danger to the community, and said program accessed by all gun shops in the nation. And, anyone Identified and places in the do not sell program, who attempts to make a purchase, require the gun shop or seller to the effort to local LE.

Any person who sells a gun without a clear search on said program should be charged with a felony, and be held fiscally responsible for any harm done to another.

Those who meet the profile should be placed into the computer program Immediately, and the person so identified should be interviewed by local LE, to determine if the person fit the profile, or not.
Interesting. We need more data bases based on profiling and in this guy's case, things he said online. You believe that threatening gun dealers fiscally would stop crazy people from hurting others with guns.

In this case, the FBI knew about his threat. Do you think they should have done something more than mention it to the school? If so, what?
They should have locked up the kid when he made the threats.

They lock fucking ranchers up for less. They KILL them for less.
The fact that they don't lock up the crazies who actually POSE A VIOLENT THREAT to kids in schools shows they are actually fostering this behavior.
You'll never eliminate all the predators. You must secure the schools and protect the prey.
One truthism not even debatable is no citizen needs a military style gun for hunting or protecting his home.
Without getting into a long discussion about what constitutes a "military style" gun, how about this--I will decide what I need and you decide what you need.


Congress needs create a law that only permits the police and military to have those type of automatic weapons.
Unless the gun was manufacture before 1986, this ban is already in place.

You are not educated on this topic. It is hard to have a conversation when one side knows jack shit about the guns they hate and the laws on the books.
People 'judged' mentally ill by a cubicle monkey in the Social Security Administration, because they couldn't handle their own finances.

One of Obamas BIGGEST farces

You're absolutely "correct".....Who the fuck should stop a 19 year old with depression and other social issues from buying an AR-!5 to take revenge on the world????.................Those 17 kids died to help "pay" for your sins...
Florida shooting:

Parkland school student calls Donald Trump a 'piece of s***' over tweet of condolence

'Prayers won’t fix this. But gun control will prevent it from happening again', says teen

Florida shooting victim calls Donald Trump a 'f*****g piece of s**t' over condolence message

What gun control, besides total weapon bans and confiscation would have prevented this?

Actual voluntary retired armed guards at all schools, that's who.
Like my daughter, who is not only trained in the use of a weapon, but also able to carry the weapon concealed and a teacher. More teachers like her, less likely some liberal punk kid will try some shit with her.. Women's Choice, right, you liberals always say you are for women and their choice?
Some of these guys can be terrorism by proxy, i.e. they just read up on something, decided it matched their nuttery, and followed through in its name. To me that isn't real terrorism, that's some nutter just looking for an excuse.

Not to nitpick, I generally agree with you, but seems to me the problem of availability of incitement materials is a problem. Take the Unabomber: he was wholly self-generated, apparently. Had his own manifesto from his own mind, made and mailed bombs for years. He thought he was a terrorist, but many of us would not agree: he was just a highly intelligent crazyhead loner.

But some of these crazies who are falling into schizophrenia as probably this kid Cruz was, get themselves targeted by ISIS and al Qaeda who are very happy to use them. If that's the case here, I'd sure like to see that shut down.
In early June 2016, the trio of Donald Trump Jr., then-campaign manager Paul Manafort, and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner took a meeting with a Putin-connected lawyer... Former Trump White House adviser Steve Bannon has dubbed that meeting "treasonous."

A Potential Game Changer

The allegation that Russia funneled money into the NRA – to directly support Trump's presidential bid – is staggering.

Until now, we've understood the Russian support of Trump to have been oblique, delivered by a cadre of Facebook and Twitter trolls, and by the release of hacked DNC and Clinton campaign emails through Wikileaks.

The notion that the Kremlin was supporting Trump's presidential bid financially – and through an organization that holds itself up as a paragon of American patriotism – is almost unreal.

If the allegation bears out, it raises unsettling questions:

How much money did Torshin deliver?

Did the NRA understand that this money was coming from Moscow?

Did the Trump campaign?

Did Russian funds only support Trump – or did the money infiltrate the NRA's broader mission of electing Republicans? (In total, the NRA spent nearly $52 million in the 2016 general election on dozens of House and Senate races.)

Does Russian influence have anything to do with the fascistic turn in NRA messaging?

The Trump-Russia-NRA Connection: Here’s What You Need to Know

"The leader of a white nationalist militia says Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz was a member of his group and participated in paramilitary drills in Tallahassee."

Update: Militia says school shooting suspect was member

"The leader of a white nationalist militia says Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz was a member of his group and participated in paramilitary drills in Tallahassee."

Update: Militia says school shooting suspect was member


"Hey Bernie, get your people in line." - candidate Trump

Is the GOP now the party of authoritarianism?
They can have treatment inside locked facilities.

But what about the people who aren't diagnosed because they don't go to a shrink or doctor for their mental illness? You don't seem to be thinking this through. You say that crazy people should be locked up (not treated, but locked up). But how are you to determine who the crazy people are before they go on a rampage? The only answer is to screen everyone for mental illness before they purchase a gun.

That seems to be what you are hinting at. Is that not the best way to determine who is crazy and who isn't? If you lock them up after they go on the mass shooting, then it's too late.

So you're in a real bind here, rhetorically; you argue that it's mental illness to blame for these shootings. Most mental illnesses go diagnosed because most mentally ill people who commit mass shootings don't seek treatment beforehand. So it seems like the only sure-fire way to prevent the mentally ill from getting a gun is to force everyone who wants to get a gun into a mental health evaluation.

So is that what you support?

But the thing that people aren't aware of...there is no cure for mental illness. Treatment doesn't cure it. It doesn't even necessarily make it better. In fact, many times, it makes it worse.

Well, you don't seem to know much about mental illness, but it's managed with medication and therapy. Two things that require an insurance plan to pay for. Now, who are the people who are opposed to mandatory insurance, and who are the people opposed to mandatory essential benefits (that include mental health) all insurance plans were required to carry? OH RIGHT, YOU PEOPLE.

So it seems to me like you are deliberately perpetuating diagnosed mental illnesses for the sake of a body count. Because you get off on dead people. Which makes me think you have a mental illness. I don't believe you, personally, would pass a mental health evaluation. The very thing that can prevent a crazy person from getting a gun.
People 'judged' mentally ill by a cubicle monkey in the Social Security Administration, because they couldn't handle their own finances.

One of Obamas BIGGEST farces

You're absolutely "correct".....Who the fuck should stop a 19 year old with depression and other social issues from buying an AR-!5 to take revenge on the world????.................Those 17 kids died to help "pay" for your sins...

and how did Obamas EO stop him?

his EO was to prevent people that couldn't handle their finances from owning firearms.

not 19 year olds with mental problems
I have no fear whatever of Muslim terrorists from Syria, but NRA nuts keep me awake at night.
I have no fear whatever of Muslim terrorists from Syria, but NRA nuts keep me awake at night.
I don't think it was a NRA member who shot up the San Bernardino Christmas party or Orlando Gay Bar. But hey, you stay up at night, living in fear, just if I am around you and a Muslim is yelling Allah Ooh Akbar and coming at you to kill you, just let me know to get out of his way.

We have had 18 school shootings in 45 days. If that does not put you in fear for your children and grandchildren, then you are just too damned dumb to care. Trump's base is terrified of terrorists from several countries, and has banned immigration from them. Not one of those countries has ever produced a terrorist act in the USA. Gun nuts in America, on the other hand, are running rampant in this country from Las Vegas to Florida, and everywhere in between, while the NRA serves as their apologist, and lobbyist. They are the biggest threat to domestic tranquility in this country today.
What the fuck is a "real" conversation about how to prevent school shootings? What the fuck does that bullshit mean?

I think the primary cause is we live in a virtual world losing socialization skills. Everywhere I go people's heads are buried in their gadgets. The gadget owns them, not vise versa. Me, I don't have one, the desktop is bad enough.

Our media is very dishonest, and that's a contributor. Multi-culturism is another. Too much information, and too few core values which are all under attack. We can't even get the basics right (e.g., men are women, marry and have kids, men are sex offenders, everyone is a victim).

We're losing touch with creativity. Hollywood is a perfect example. Rather than create something they apply high tech. Rather than celebrate their achievements, which are worthless, they make everything political. Even our comedians suck, SNL is a pile of shit.

It doesn't help we that baby offenders removing deterrents. We should hang these people and it should be swift without the rhetoric and stupidity. It also doesn't help that most people no longer solve basic problems or maintain their own. Over-population is a contributor as well. While I agree the mentally ill should not have weapons, AR15 included, that's not the cause, it's just the outcome. They could just as well use a bomb, but AR15s are a stimulant, such as in video games.

We're not the people we once were and are remarkably inferior. We're in decay and dumbing down fast. At some point in the "near" future we'll see a mutation.
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I support taking bumpstocks off the shelves, I'm on record supporting this. Here's what you fail to grasp, gun control advocates have no intention of stopping there.

Bill Ruger wouldn't sell high-capacity magazines because he didn't want Ruger firearms used for what we're seeing today. I have no problem with 5 shot magazines and banning bump stocks. I saw what spray and pray got units in Vietnam....overrun. If you can't get the job done with 5 rounds you better go get some training.

My problem with bump stocks is they are being used to circumvent the restrictions on automatic weapons, avoiding the tax stamps and government oversight. I'd get on board with magazine restrictions also. There is common ground on common sense gun control law, if only the anti gun advocates were not such lying dishonest scum we could come together and accomplish something, but we know they have no intention of honoring any compromise.
How do you know they're lying? Because someone told you? There has not been any significant gun legislation since AR-15's were outlawed way back. That expired. Where is any indication they are lying about what they will do in the future?

Their actions prove they are liars.
What actions?

LOL okay let me ask you this, why do you think bi-partisan compromise is nearly impossible today?
In early June 2016, the trio of Donald Trump Jr., then-campaign manager Paul Manafort, and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner took a meeting with a Putin-connected lawyer... Former Trump White House adviser Steve Bannon has dubbed that meeting "treasonous."

A Potential Game Changer

The allegation that Russia funneled money into the NRA – to directly support Trump's presidential bid – is staggering.

Until now, we've understood the Russian support of Trump to have been oblique, delivered by a cadre of Facebook and Twitter trolls, and by the release of hacked DNC and Clinton campaign emails through Wikileaks.

The notion that the Kremlin was supporting Trump's presidential bid financially – and through an organization that holds itself up as a paragon of American patriotism – is almost unreal.

If the allegation bears out, it raises unsettling questions:

How much money did Torshin deliver?

Did the NRA understand that this money was coming from Moscow?

Did the Trump campaign?

Did Russian funds only support Trump – or did the money infiltrate the NRA's broader mission of electing Republicans? (In total, the NRA spent nearly $52 million in the 2016 general election on dozens of House and Senate races.)

Does Russian influence have anything to do with the fascistic turn in NRA messaging?

The Trump-Russia-NRA Connection: Here’s What You Need to Know

"The leader of a white nationalist militia says Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz was a member of his group and participated in paramilitary drills in Tallahassee."

Update: Militia says school shooting suspect was member

"The leader of a white nationalist militia says Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz was a member of his group and participated in paramilitary drills in Tallahassee."

Update: Militia says school shooting suspect was member


"Hey Bernie, get your people in line." - candidate Trump

Is the GOP now the party of authoritarianism?
The leader of a white nationalist militia
White Nationalist is a KKK member, who we all know are Southern White Democrats. Always were always will be... Next.....
View attachment 176901
THIS my friends is actual leadership.

Even though Obama was unable to get anything done, he dug deep for a proper response instead of more #ThoughtsAndPrayers.

The final 2/3 of this speech after the Roseburg Oregon shooting was ad libbed and straight from the heart.

President Obama is the type president this country craves right now.... not only for leadership with this gun crisis but all areas.
We told you Trump was unfit to be president and we see it more and more every single day.

Yeah, when you say "this country craves" you mean, socialists, liberals, communists, globalists and struggling sub par painters everywhere.
Some of these guys can be terrorism by proxy, i.e. they just read up on something, decided it matched their nuttery, and followed through in its name. To me that isn't real terrorism, that's some nutter just looking for an excuse.

Not to nitpick, I generally agree with you, but seems to me the problem of availability of incitement materials is a problem. Take the Unabomber: he was wholly self-generated, apparently. Had his own manifesto from his own mind, made and mailed bombs for years. He thought he was a terrorist, but many of us would not agree: he was just a highly intelligent crazyhead loner.

But some of these crazies who are falling into schizophrenia as probably this kid Cruz was, get themselves targeted by ISIS and al Qaeda who are very happy to use them. If that's the case here, I'd sure like to see that shut down.

The question is does the material make the person crazy, or does the material give an already crazy person something to back up their crazyness.

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