Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

Florida shooting:

Parkland school student calls Donald Trump a 'piece of s***' over tweet of condolence

'Prayers won’t fix this. But gun control will prevent it from happening again', says teen

Florida shooting victim calls Donald Trump a 'f*****g piece of s**t' over condolence message

What gun control, besides total weapon bans and confiscation would have prevented this?
Adding REAL information to the background check Cruz passed might have helped.

No one need add anything to the background check. He was turned in. The FBI was alerted. Jezz, the man advertised on You Tube that he was going to be a professional school shooter. But the highly politicized FBI, has become so political and so useless, that they could not bring themselves to address a hispanic school shooter. Had the guy been a blonde Amish, they might have done something.


And there you have it folks. Seventeen people are dead, and it is the FBI's fault.

Coming up, definitive proof that Obama is to blame......
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

What nobody is addressing is the question as to why this never happened prior to 20 years ago. Nobody would have even imagined someone walking into a school and shooting the place up prior to Columbine. Now the question being asked is why isn't there armed security in the schools.

Because now there is a cultural of violence, it's on TV, in movies, in video games, etc. The cohesive family unit has been shattered also.

Family values became taboo, church became taboo, faith became taboo, morality became taboo, sanity became taboo, work became taboo.

All while the left has focused on filling our schools with lunatics and advertising their refusal to protect children.

The sad thing is they whine about what they have created
The Second Amendment didn't shoot up a bunch of students. A person did. A person who talked about doing it before he did it. The NRA didn't shot anybody either. The FBI knew about this guy's threats and so did the school.

Tell us, Wry Catcher. How could this lunatic have been stopped from harming others?

He was said to have purchased the gun or guns legally. We need a comprehensive computer program able to collect all data on individuals who are profiled as a danger to the community, and said program accessed by all gun shops in the nation. And, anyone Identified and places in the do not sell program, who attempts to make a purchase, require the gun shop or seller to the effort to local LE.

Any person who sells a gun without a clear search on said program should be charged with a felony, and be held fiscally responsible for any harm done to another.

Those who meet the profile should be placed into the computer program Immediately, and the person so identified should be interviewed by local LE, to determine if the person fit the profile, or not.


"Horseshit"? Wrong, the deaths of 17 school kids yesterday, and an unknown number of kids in schools who experienced a similar event, will have the image of this horrific violence for a lifetime.

Horseshit is the NRA's opposition to all efforts to control guns in America. In the 1993-94 the NRA spent 2.3 million dollars during the election cycle; in the 2011-2012 election cycle, they spent $24.8 million.

This is why I consider the NRA a terrorist organization. Any member of Congress who supports any gun control measure, will have the NRA sponsoring someone who supports their policy - no gun control, not way - to run against them.

No, the left is a terrorist organization. You created a violent, criminal mob (of which you are a part of) and then claim that we should be disarmed when your mob members kill people.

We know who is to blame. It isn't guns. It's democrats.
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

Finger pointing at school personnel is a spin on a horrific event with no effort to offer a solution to mitigate such violence, so typical of a supporter of the NRA's policy of no gun control, not way.

Where is the empathy for all those killed, maimed and their parents, siblings and friends who will live the act of one man with a gun.

Why is that finger pointing a spin?
They are more to blame than me and my guns, the NRA, or the GOP, yet liberals were finger pointing while the bodies were still in the school.
I think people with mental illnesses are the people who are shooting up our unprotected schools\

OK, then wouldn't it make sense for everyone to have free access to behavioral health treatment?

and I think it's proof of your own mental illness and criminality that you deny it. I think that crazy people should be institutionalized, not waltzing around on our streets, buying guns, making bombs, and killing our UNPROTECTED CHILDREN that we are FORCED to send to schools that refuse to protect them.

You seem to blame those with mental health issues for these shootings. So what was the mental illness the guy in Vegas had? Oh, you mean he wasn't diagnosed? So how would he have been stopped if he was never diagnosed with a mental illness, and no mental health evaluation was ever given to him?

You seem to be arguing for a mandatory mental health screening for all gun purchasers.

How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

What nobody is addressing is the question as to why this never happened prior to 20 years ago. Nobody would have even imagined someone walking into a school and shooting the place up prior to Columbine. Now the question being asked is why isn't there armed security in the schools.
Because Obama Nation didn't exist 20 years ago. Because we didn't have a huge 2nd gen of lunatics wandering the streets 20 years ago. Because there wasn't a whole population raised to believe that the lives of children were not worthy of protection 20 years ago.

You don't understand that, again, because your generation has been taught an alternative history of the world. You have no concept of reality or history and so you don't recognize what you have been formed into.

There was an armed Resource Officer on campus, do your homework before posting, unless your agenda includes misleading the reader.
All countries have people with serious mental issues but most of those countries make a serious effort to not arm them. If we try that here they`ll be screeching about Infringement! That`s undeniable. As any passing 9th grader knows, the more there is of any product the easier that product is to obtain.
They screech about infringement because the other side has been dishonest and has openly advocated for a total ban.

One side needs to repair its credibility before the other side will budge on ANYTHING.
I am sure you support other groups that fight for individual liberty?
Why hate on that one?
Are you ok with regulating EVERY constitutional right? Or are you just going to disingenuously attack this one?
Guess what? ALL rights come with problems.
Only a moron thinks freedom is free.
Trump is only concerned about what color to die his hair( it was a golden dark brown today) and protecting himself or having others protect him from the Russian investigation.
This president is a coward by not having the courage to even speak the words “ gun control” when he addressed the nation.
The GOP congress and Paul Ryan are also cowards because they need to check with their NRA donors FIRST before they say anything.
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

What nobody is addressing is the question as to why this never happened prior to 20 years ago. Nobody would have even imagined someone walking into a school and shooting the place up prior to Columbine. Now the question being asked is why isn't there armed security in the schools.

Because now there is a cultural of violence, it's on TV, in movies, in video games, etc. The cohesive family unit has been shattered also.

Family values became taboo, church became taboo, faith became taboo, morality became taboo, sanity became taboo, work became taboo.

All while the left has focused on filling our schools with lunatics and advertising their refusal to protect children.

The sad thing is they whine about what they have created
They create that group to victimize vulnerable people, and then they use that as an excuse to remove our guns and impose martial law.

It has happened over, and over, and over, and over again across the world. It isn't a new or even subtle tactic. But because they have seized control of the media and the schools, people don't recognize it.

There's a reason CNN drools over the sister of the #1 psychopath ruling today.
I think people with mental illnesses are the people who are shooting up our unprotected schools\

OK, then wouldn't it make sense for everyone to have free access to behavioral health treatment?

and I think it's proof of your own mental illness and criminality that you deny it. I think that crazy people should be institutionalized, not waltzing around on our streets, buying guns, making bombs, and killing our UNPROTECTED CHILDREN that we are FORCED to send to schools that refuse to protect them.

You seem to blame those with mental health issues for these shootings. So what was the mental illness the guy in Vegas had? Oh, you mean he wasn't diagnosed? So how would he have been stopped if he was never diagnosed with a mental illness, and no mental health evaluation was ever given to him?

You seem to be arguing for a mandatory mental health screening for all gun purchasers.

They can have treatment inside locked facilities.

But the thing that people aren't aware of...there is no cure for mental illness. Treatment doesn't cure it. It doesn't even necessarily make it better. In fact, many times, it makes it worse.

I blame those with mental health issues for the shootings that have a crazy guy at the helm.

Vegas was one of our touted criminal agency fuck ups. Guy may or may not have been crazy, but I believe that was a set up from beginning to end.
I looked it up. In 2008 in a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court decided that there is an individual right to bear arms in their home for protection. They overturned a D.C. law prohibiting handguns in the city.
4 justices agreed with me, too. It is still called an opinion, even when it's from the Supreme Court, you know. Just sayin.
And, those 4 justices were politically motivated to vote against the 2nd Amendment's intent. History and context OVERWHELMINGLY support the individual right. The leftist justices simply refused to reach the obvious conclusion because they, like all leftists, want total ban.

This type of bullshit makes us not trust your side. So, we are immediately suspicious of any "reasonable" or "common sense" gun control measures your side proposes.

Your side is dishonest and not trustworthy.

Do you see why we never get anywhere on this topic? One side is being dishonest.
The side that`s being dishonest is the side making the claim that all leftists want a total ban. I`m left and I want no such thing, liar! I have a liberal cousin who teaches high school history and has never voted for an NRA candidate in his life. If you own less than 40 guns he has more than you do. He doesn`t want a gun ban either nor does he want an AR-anything or a bump stock because he`s not mentally ill.
All of this, and he still didn't do anything about weapons. It's difficult because you have a constitution. .

Obama did complain that the Constitution got in the way of what he wanted to do. Nothing pissed him off like the Constitution,.

“I am constrained by a system our founders put in place.” moaned Barrack Soweto Hussein Obama

"But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent...the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution..."
Barry Soweto complains about constitutional government
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

What nobody is addressing is the question as to why this never happened prior to 20 years ago. Nobody would have even imagined someone walking into a school and shooting the place up prior to Columbine. Now the question being asked is why isn't there armed security in the schools.
Because Obama Nation didn't exist 20 years ago. Because we didn't have a huge 2nd gen of lunatics wandering the streets 20 years ago. Because there wasn't a whole population raised to believe that the lives of children were not worthy of protection 20 years ago.

You don't understand that, again, because your generation has been taught an alternative history of the world. You have no concept of reality or history and so you don't recognize what you have been formed into.

There was an armed Resource Officer on campus, do your homework before posting, unless your agenda includes misleading the reader.

Shut the fuck up, commie pig. Don't even look at me.
I think people with mental illnesses are the people who are shooting up our unprotected schools\

OK, then wouldn't it make sense for everyone to have free access to behavioral health treatment?

and I think it's proof of your own mental illness and criminality that you deny it. I think that crazy people should be institutionalized, not waltzing around on our streets, buying guns, making bombs, and killing our UNPROTECTED CHILDREN that we are FORCED to send to schools that refuse to protect them.

You seem to blame those with mental health issues for these shootings. So what was the mental illness the guy in Vegas had? Oh, you mean he wasn't diagnosed? So how would he have been stopped if he was never diagnosed with a mental illness, and no mental health evaluation was ever given to him?

You seem to be arguing for a mandatory mental health screening for all gun purchasers.

The number of guns and the amount of ammunition purchased should raise a red flag.
THIS my friends is actual leadership.

Even though Obama was unable to get anything done, he dug deep for a proper response instead of more #ThoughtsAndPrayers.

The final 2/3 of this speech after the Roseburg Oregon shooting was ad libbed and straight from the heart.

President Obama is the type president this country craves right now.... not only for leadership with this gun crisis but all areas.
We told you Trump was unfit to be president and we see it more and more every single day.
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

Finger pointing at school personnel is a spin on a horrific event with no effort to offer a solution to mitigate such violence, so typical of a supporter of the NRA's policy of no gun control, not way.

Where is the empathy for all those killed, maimed and their parents, siblings and friends who will live the act of one man with a gun.

Why is that finger pointing a spin?
They are more to blame than me and my guns, the NRA, or the GOP, yet liberals were finger pointing while the bodies were still in the school.

The liberals cause this particular brand of lunacy. They've been targeting students since Kent State. Ayers planned and hoped for student deaths at the campuses.
All countries have people with serious mental issues but most of those countries make a serious effort to not arm them. If we try that here they`ll be screeching about Infringement! That`s undeniable. As any passing 9th grader knows, the more there is of any product the easier that product is to obtain.
They screech about infringement because the other side has been dishonest and has openly advocated for a total ban.

One side needs to repair its credibility before the other side will budge on ANYTHING.
Who exactly is screeching for a total ban? 2 people? How about you establishing your own credibility because all I`m seeing is lies and fantasies.
Henceforth I won't be voting for any politician who's taken more than $1000 in blood money from the NRA in any given year. If such a candidate doesn't exist, I'll leave that space blank - and so should you. Sadly, they don't represent sportsmen or simple home defense and recreational target shooting firearms owners such as myself. They're all about manufacturers, distributors and retailers.

Nice column from Richard Wolffe


This is no time to talk politics, we’re told by gun-loving conservatives.

This is a time for prayers, we’re told by Donald Trump.

“There really are no words,” we’re told by the local sheriff.

So it’s OK, everyone. We can get back to the latest blather about tax cuts for corporations or billions for a border wall. Those are the things that politics, and presidents, and words, can handle.

But if we can’t talk about saving the lives of our children, if our politics can’t keep our schools safe, if we can’t talk about the mass murder of innocence, then what on earth are we talking about? What’s the point of any politician if they can’t do this one simple thing: protect our youngest citizens?

Donald Trump doesn’t do moral values and he doesn’t do justice. That’s the cost of doing business with a man who wanted the death penalty for five teenagers known as the Central Park Five, and claimed they were guilty even after they were exonerated by DNA evidence.

Enough is enough is enough. If you care about our children, do something to protect them. If you want a politician who talks about our greatest threats, vote for someone who isn’t terrified of the National Rifle Association.

And if you want to make America great again, make our schools safe again.​

Don’t look to Trump for leadership after the Florida school shooting | Richard Wolffe

Do we need the Great White Father in Washington to lead school districts on safety? Busy man that.
What a ridiculous article by Richard Wolffe. Wait a sec. Wolffe...Wolffe...what kind of name is Wolffe? (yet again)

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