Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

The Second Amendment didn't shoot up a bunch of students. A person did. A person who talked about doing it before he did it. The NRA didn't shot anybody either. The FBI knew about this guy's threats and so did the school.

Tell us, Wry Catcher. How could this lunatic have been stopped from harming others?

He was said to have purchased the gun or guns legally. We need a comprehensive computer program able to collect all data on individuals who are profiled as a danger to the community, and said program accessed by all gun shops in the nation. And, anyone Identified and places in the do not sell program, who attempts to make a purchase, require the gun shop or seller to the effort to local LE.

Any person who sells a gun without a clear search on said program should be charged with a felony, and be held fiscally responsible for any harm done to another.

Those who meet the profile should be placed into the computer program Immediately, and the person so identified should be interviewed by local LE, to determine if the person fit the profile, or not.
In this guy's case the local office of the FBI knew about him but he still shot up a school. Do you think he would have changed his mind about harming people had he been fiscally threatened?
The FBI is the left's KGB. They mastermind freaking mass shootings. They cheer when innocents are mowed down. They're almost always somewhere close when it happens. And yet they never actually stop any.
So this was on CNN's page:

CNN - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

This keeps happening again and again and again ...

So over 20 years 96 deaths from shooting have occured, and of that 3 of them included 10+.

In 2008 (middle of time period) there were 17.2 million students in High school. In 2016 (only year I can find) there were 1.019M teachers. I will ignore staff.

So averaging 4.8 (round to 5) deaths of students in school via shooting per year, your chance of dying in a school shooting is 1 in 3.3 million or so.

Risks of Dying, that you face every year

Based on this site, that's the same odds you have of being legally executed by the State, at 1 in 3.4 million.
Here is a question. Why is this not a problem in countries with strong gun control? Hmmm

Russia has some of the most strict gun control laws in the world, yet its homicide rate is more than double ours. Russia has 9 guns per hundred people, we have 100 guns per hundred people, and yet Russians kill each other at twice the rate of Americans.

Private ownership of guns in Japan is almost unheard of, yet their suicide rate is higher than the US. Why?

Its the culture, always has been.

Political and economic instability for Russia. Homicides were much lower before the fall
of the Soviet Union. Now they have a Dictator.

And? Its still the culture, not the guns.

I have no fear whatever of Muslim terrorists from Syria, but NRA nuts keep me awake at night.
I have no fear whatever of Muslim terrorists from Syria, but NRA nuts keep me awake at night.
I don't think it was a NRA member who shot up the San Bernardino Christmas party or Orlando Gay Bar. But hey, you stay up at night, living in fear, just if I am around you and a Muslim is yelling Allah Ooh Akbar and coming at you to kill you, just let me know to get out of his way.
The side that`s being dishonest is the side making the claim that all leftists want a total ban.
Not making that claim. I am saying that many on that side have stated openly (Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Schumer, etc) that they want a total ban. Couple that with the bullshit argument that the 2A did not intent to preserve the individual right to bear arms, and you have a lot of suspicion.

I am just pointing out the problems.

Do you want us to agree to certain restrictions or not?

If you do, you also need to regain our trust.

Do you understand what I am talking about? Do you see how that can cause a problem?
What the fuck is a "real" conversation about how to prevent school shootings? What the fuck does that bullshit mean?
Your post shows you’re just as clueless as Trump and every GOP congressman because you’re scared of two words: gun control.
Three out of the 5 worst mass school shootings have occurred in the last year.
Solutions from assholes like you : do nothing.
I don't give a shit how he got the guns. I want the fucking crazy people locked up

So here's the thing; in order to "lock the crazy people up", you'd have to force everyone who wants to buy a gun, or who already owns a gun, to submit to a mental health evaluation. So is that what you support? That everyone who wants or has a gun must be screened for mental illness?

The shooter in Vegas was never diagnosed with a mental illness, so how would he have been "locked up" for being crazy if he was never diagnosed?
The mentally ill, the violent criminal...these are the left's protected and coddled victim class. They train them to attack they encourage them to attack, while they advertise the *no gun zone* schools...and then when one of them actually shoots up a school, they cheer behind their computers..while publicly demanding the guns of the masses.

Unfortunately, school kids aren't taught history any they have no clue what's going on..and neither do their parents, who were also state educated.

Everybody should pull their kids out of public schools, and we should shut down the Dept. of Education. Let people educate their own kids and create their own schools.
The Blind Leading the Ones They Blinded

The ruling class found out that their expensive private schools couldn't make their entitled bozos and bimbos smart. Therefore, they used their well-hidden power to make the public schools dumb down their maggots' competition from the 99%. Preaching that the ruling class doesn't control all education is pretending that they don't have the power to do that. Only they do, but they get off scot-free because of the imaginary difference between public and private powers.
How about you establishing your own credibility because all I`m seeing is lies and fantasies.
Hey, I am fine with the status quo. In fact, I want to repeal all gun laws. I think that is the only real solution, but your side wants a conversation and wants compromise. I am simply showing you how to get there.
In early June 2016, the trio of Donald Trump Jr., then-campaign manager Paul Manafort, and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner took a meeting with a Putin-connected lawyer... Former Trump White House adviser Steve Bannon has dubbed that meeting "treasonous."

A Potential Game Changer

The allegation that Russia funneled money into the NRA – to directly support Trump's presidential bid – is staggering.

Until now, we've understood the Russian support of Trump to have been oblique, delivered by a cadre of Facebook and Twitter trolls, and by the release of hacked DNC and Clinton campaign emails through Wikileaks.

The notion that the Kremlin was supporting Trump's presidential bid financially – and through an organization that holds itself up as a paragon of American patriotism – is almost unreal.

If the allegation bears out, it raises unsettling questions:

How much money did Torshin deliver?

Did the NRA understand that this money was coming from Moscow?

Did the Trump campaign?

Did Russian funds only support Trump – or did the money infiltrate the NRA's broader mission of electing Republicans? (In total, the NRA spent nearly $52 million in the 2016 general election on dozens of House and Senate races.)

Does Russian influence have anything to do with the fascistic turn in NRA messaging?

The Trump-Russia-NRA Connection: Here’s What You Need to Know

"The leader of a white nationalist militia says Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz was a member of his group and participated in paramilitary drills in Tallahassee."

Update: Militia says school shooting suspect was member

One truthism not even debatable is no citizen needs a military style gun for hunting or protecting his home.
Congress needs create a law that only permits the police and military to have those type of automatic weapons.
Your post shows you’re just as clueless as Trump and every GOP congressman because you’re scared of two words: gun control.
Three out of the 5 worst mass school shootings have occurred in the last year.
Solutions from assholes like you : do nothing.
See post #158
Florida shooting:

Parkland school student calls Donald Trump a 'piece of s***' over tweet of condolence

'Prayers won’t fix this. But gun control will prevent it from happening again', says teen

Florida shooting victim calls Donald Trump a 'f*****g piece of s**t' over condolence message

What gun control, besides total weapon bans and confiscation would have prevented this?

Actual voluntary retired armed guards at all schools, that's who.
The Second Amendment didn't shoot up a bunch of students. A person did. A person who talked about doing it before he did it. The NRA didn't shot anybody either. The FBI knew about this guy's threats and so did the school.

Tell us, Wry Catcher. How could this lunatic have been stopped from harming others?

He was said to have purchased the gun or guns legally. We need a comprehensive computer program able to collect all data on individuals who are profiled as a danger to the community, and said program accessed by all gun shops in the nation. And, anyone Identified and places in the do not sell program, who attempts to make a purchase, require the gun shop or seller to the effort to local LE.

Any person who sells a gun without a clear search on said program should be charged with a felony, and be held fiscally responsible for any harm done to another.

Those who meet the profile should be placed into the computer program Immediately, and the person so identified should be interviewed by local LE, to determine if the person fit the profile, or not.
Interesting. We need more data bases based on profiling and in this guy's case, things he said online. You believe that threatening gun dealers fiscally would stop crazy people from hurting others with guns.

In this case, the FBI knew about his threat. Do you think they should have done something more than mention it to the school? If so, what?
What a dirt bag

Trump Says Florida Students Should Have Done More To Prevent Deadly Shooting | HuffPost

President Donald Trump on Thursday responded to the massacre at a South Florida high school by suggesting students and the surrounding community could have done more to prevent the attack.

[Trump on Twitter]So many signs that the Florida shooter was mentally disturbed, even expelled from school for bad and erratic behavior. Neighbors and classmates knew he was a big problem. Must always report such instances to authorities, again and again!

Contrary to Trump’s tweet, it does appear that authorities were aware of Cruz’s behavior before the attack. A former neighbor told The New York Times that Cruz’s late mother called the police on her two sons on multiple occasions, though she stressed that she didn’t think the boys were violent. Broward County Mayor Beam Furr told CNN that Cruz had been treated at a mental health clinic in the past and was somewhat on officials’ radar.

“It wasn’t like there wasn’t concern for him,” Furr said.

Trump’s tweet failed to acknowledge the role that Florida’s lax gun laws played in the shooting. Barring institutionalization, it’s extremely difficult to keep someone with a history of mental illness from buying a gun in Florida. The accused killer legally purchased the AR-15-style rifle used in the slaughter, his family’s attorney said.

The president also ignored the fact that he actually made it easier for people with mental health issues to buy guns by revoking an Obama-era gun regulation last year.

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

President Donald Trump quietly signed a bill into law Tuesday rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.

Had the rule fully taken effect, the Obama administration predicted it would have added about 75,000 names to that database.
Had the rule fully taken effect, the Obama administration predicted it would have added about 75,000 names to that database.

People 'judged' mentally ill by a cubicle monkey in the Social Security Administration, because they couldn't handle their own finances.

One of Obamas BIGGEST farces
Another question that needs to be asked is why security agencies like the FBI and DOJ were commandeered to cover for cyber criminals like Hillary Clinton and her lawyers while they meddled in an ongoing presidential election to try and skew the results.

The answer may be that government is so crooked that it cannot hide its tracks if it is actually investigated.
The mentally ill, the violent criminal...these are the left's protected and coddled victim class. They train them to attack they encourage them to attack, while they advertise the *no gun zone* schools...and then when one of them actually shoots up a school, they cheer behind their computers..while publicly demanding the guns of the masses.

Unfortunately, school kids aren't taught history any they have no clue what's going on..and neither do their parents, who were also state educated.

Everybody should pull their kids out of public schools, and we should shut down the Dept. of Education. Let people educate their own kids and create their own schools.

"The mentally ill, the violent criminal...these are the left's protected and coddled victim class"?

Wow, thanks for telling us and providing the evidence ^^^ in a clear and concise manner. It's no wonder you opinions are so credible, the research you supply is always substantive, thoughtful and thought provoking.

[sarcasm alert]

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