Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

Blame the NRA? Why not blame the AAA when a maniac runs people down with a car?

Moron.......the PRIMARY reason for a car is transportation......The PRIMARY reason for an AR-15 is to kill as many people in the shortest number of minutes as possible.

See the fucking difference???
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.
Yeah, I've been wondering the same thing. How did he pull a fire alarm without getting inside, and how did he get inside? Unless they had fire alarms outside the buildings? I heard it was an open indoor-outdoor campus with "hallways" actually outside.
I heard a spokesman for the school saying all access to the school is restricted through the front office. No one has explained how he got around that, but maybe they haven't figured it out yet.

He could have simply broken out the window on the doors........this is not rocket science, people....
Maybe he did. Just waiting to hear.

OK, so a couple things:

1. How did the crazy person get his hands on a gun in the first place?
2. If mental illness is the problem, how come you all are against mandatory behavioral health benefits in every insurance plan?
3. It seems like the only way to prevent crazy people from getting guns is to mandate that anyone who buys a gun has to submit to a mental health evaluation. That['s the only way we can be sure that the person getting the gun isn't crazy.

So I suppose you agree that mental health screenings should be required for anyone trying to buy a gun. After all, that's the only way we can be 100% sure no crazy people can get guns.
The Trump-Russia-NRA Connection: Here’s What You Need to Know
Did the Kremlin funnel payments to help Trump's campaign through the National Rifle Association?

The Trump-Russia-NRA Connection: Here’s What You Need to Know

Are you trying to say that Russia supports our Constitution and democrats don't?


Then don't be shy. Come right out and say it. Russia supports the rights of Americans that Democrats don't.

:uhoh3: get a clue, trumptard.

Dark Money
In the age of Citizens United and unlimited campaign donations, the NRA has emerged as an important "dark money" hub in Republican politics. Under its tax code designation, the NRA is a "social welfare" organization, largely exempt from disclosing its donors. To skirt disclosure, other big-dollar political players – including a SuperPAC linked to Karl Rove and a "chamber of commerce" controlled by the Koch Brothers – have routinely steered money into the NRA, confident that the gun group's spending will advance the GOP cause.

It is illegal, however, for foreign money to be used to influence U.S. elections. According to McClatchy, the heart of the FBI investigation is whether the NRA became a conduit for Russian cash, linked to the Kremlin, that bolstered Trump.

The Banker and "Godfather"
The key figure in the NRA/Russia investigation, McClatchy reports, is Alexander Torshin. Torshin is a longtime Putin ally who previously served as a top Russian senator. He is now a deputy governor of Russia's central bank, where his purview includes cracking down on the outflow of dirty money.

That's ironic, because Torshin has been linked to money laundering. Bloomberg reported
The answer is to break the link between a disturbed individual and the ability to buy a weapon legally.
The answer is to lock up disturbed individuals and criminals.

Starting with anybody who maintains we should remove from civilians the option of protecting themselves or their kids from the crazies they pay to flood our streets.
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

What nobody is addressing is the question as to why this never happened prior to 20 years ago. Nobody would have even imagined someone walking into a school and shooting the place up prior to Columbine. Now the question being asked is why isn't there armed security in the schools.
Blame the NRA? Why not blame the AAA when a maniac runs people down with a car?

Moron.......the PRIMARY reason for a car is transportation......The PRIMARY reason for an AR-15 is to kill as many people in the shortest number of minutes as possible.

See the fucking difference???

The purpose of any gun is to fling a projectile using combustive gasses down a barrel. What then happens is up to the user, not the gun.

The purpose of a car is transportation, it's use can be for many things, including running over scores of people in an attempt at mass murder.
Henceforth I won't be voting for any politician who's taken more than $1000 in blood money from the NRA in any given year. If such a candidate doesn't exist, I'll leave that space blank - and so should you. Sadly, they don't represent sportsmen or simple home defense and recreational target shooting firearms owners such as myself. They're all about manufacturers, distributors and retailers.

Nice column from Richard Wolffe


This is no time to talk politics, we’re told by gun-loving conservatives.

This is a time for prayers, we’re told by Donald Trump.

“There really are no words,” we’re told by the local sheriff.

So it’s OK, everyone. We can get back to the latest blather about tax cuts for corporations or billions for a border wall. Those are the things that politics, and presidents, and words, can handle.

But if we can’t talk about saving the lives of our children, if our politics can’t keep our schools safe, if we can’t talk about the mass murder of innocence, then what on earth are we talking about? What’s the point of any politician if they can’t do this one simple thing: protect our youngest citizens?

Donald Trump doesn’t do moral values and he doesn’t do justice. That’s the cost of doing business with a man who wanted the death penalty for five teenagers known as the Central Park Five, and claimed they were guilty even after they were exonerated by DNA evidence.

Enough is enough is enough. If you care about our children, do something to protect them. If you want a politician who talks about our greatest threats, vote for someone who isn’t terrified of the National Rifle Association.

And if you want to make America great again, make our schools safe again.​

Don’t look to Trump for leadership after the Florida school shooting | Richard Wolffe

I am a Life member of the NRA. Our membership is soaring and we're stronger than ever.

Ah...but would you go up and say that to the parent of one of the children killed yesterday?

What a stupid question



OK, so a couple things:

1. How did the crazy person get his hands on a gun in the first place?
2. If mental illness is the problem, how come you all are against mandatory behavioral health benefits in every insurance plan?
3. It seems like the only way to prevent crazy people from getting guns is to mandate that anyone who buys a gun has to submit to a mental health evaluation.

I don't give a shit how he got the guns. I want the fucking crazy people locked up.

Anybody can get a gun. Anybody can make a gun. Anybody can make a bomb.

But normal people don't. This kid was a criminal, he was known to be scary and crazy, he had made threats already. He should have been locked up.

And people who don't understand that should be locked up as well.
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

What nobody is addressing is the question as to why this never happened prior to 20 years ago. Nobody would have even imagined someone walking into a school and shooting the place up prior to Columbine. Now the question being asked is why isn't there armed security in the schools.

Because now there is a cultural of violence, it's on TV, in movies, in video games, etc. The cohesive family unit has been shattered also.
What a dirt bag

Trump Says Florida Students Should Have Done More To Prevent Deadly Shooting | HuffPost

President Donald Trump on Thursday responded to the massacre at a South Florida high school by suggesting students and the surrounding community could have done more to prevent the attack.

[Trump on Twitter]So many signs that the Florida shooter was mentally disturbed, even expelled from school for bad and erratic behavior. Neighbors and classmates knew he was a big problem. Must always report such instances to authorities, again and again!

Contrary to Trump’s tweet, it does appear that authorities were aware of Cruz’s behavior before the attack. A former neighbor told The New York Times that Cruz’s late mother called the police on her two sons on multiple occasions, though she stressed that she didn’t think the boys were violent. Broward County Mayor Beam Furr told CNN that Cruz had been treated at a mental health clinic in the past and was somewhat on officials’ radar.

“It wasn’t like there wasn’t concern for him,” Furr said.

Trump’s tweet failed to acknowledge the role that Florida’s lax gun laws played in the shooting. Barring institutionalization, it’s extremely difficult to keep someone with a history of mental illness from buying a gun in Florida. The accused killer legally purchased the AR-15-style rifle used in the slaughter, his family’s attorney said.

The president also ignored the fact that he actually made it easier for people with mental health issues to buy guns by revoking an Obama-era gun regulation last year.

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

President Donald Trump quietly signed a bill into law Tuesday rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.

Had the rule fully taken effect, the Obama administration predicted it would have added about 75,000 names to that database.

The way the NRA sees it, every name added to the NICs list is one less legal customer.
Everybody's idea of real is different, but 99% of the comments I see are hyper partisan crap discussing the wrong issue.

When planes run into buildings and cars mow down people on the sidewalk, we don't talk about airplanes and cars, we talk about causes. Similarly, when a disturbed individual kills people, we should be talking about what should have been done about his mental disturbance.

The real issue here is mental health and how our system mainstreams dangerously ill people into walks of life they should be prevented from accessing.
All countries have people with serious mental issues but most of those countries make a serious effort to not arm them. If we try that here they`ll be screeching about Infringement! That`s undeniable. As any passing 9th grader knows, the more there is of any product the easier that product is to obtain.
Florida shooting:

Parkland school student calls Donald Trump a 'piece of s***' over tweet of condolence

'Prayers won’t fix this. But gun control will prevent it from happening again', says teen

Florida shooting victim calls Donald Trump a 'f*****g piece of s**t' over condolence message

What gun control, besides total weapon bans and confiscation would have prevented this?
Adding REAL information to the background check Cruz passed might have helped.

No one need add anything to the background check. He was turned in. The FBI was alerted. Jezz, the man advertised on You Tube that he was going to be a professional school shooter. But the highly politicized FBI, has become so political and so useless, that they could not bring themselves to address a hispanic school shooter. Had the guy been a blonde Amish, they might have done something.

Did you not see the question about why psychopaths are energized to act on their impulses today when they were not doing these things before cultural restraints were meddled with?

That's right, mental illness was invented in 1968 before that no one ever stepped out of line.

The meddlers really screwed things up. Why oh why did they loosen the restraints with their civil rights, women in the workplace, penis in anus marriage....and the f-word in that black rap noise...

Let's go back to the way it was, before Jimi Hendrix and the brown acid...

this is a RW board top to bottom, you cant expect to get honest answers and carry on intelligent conversations -- it just AINT GONNA HAPPEN.

Actually the entire political establishment is invested in the cultural meddling where government is pushing buttons and turning dials they have no business touching. The democrats want government while the republicans want corporate control.
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

What nobody is addressing is the question as to why this never happened prior to 20 years ago. Nobody would have even imagined someone walking into a school and shooting the place up prior to Columbine. Now the question being asked is why isn't there armed security in the schools.
Because Obama Nation didn't exist 20 years ago. Because we didn't have a huge 2nd gen of lunatics wandering the streets 20 years ago. Because there wasn't a whole population raised to believe that the lives of children were not worthy of protection 20 years ago.

You don't understand that, again, because your generation has been taught an alternative history of the world. You have no concept of reality or history and so you don't recognize what you have been formed into.
Henceforth I won't be voting for any politician who's taken more than $1000 in blood money from the NRA in any given year. e

In other words you will continue to vote for Marxists just as you always have.
The Second Amendment didn't shoot up a bunch of students. A person did. A person who talked about doing it before he did it. The NRA didn't shot anybody either. The FBI knew about this guy's threats and so did the school.

Tell us, Wry Catcher. How could this lunatic have been stopped from harming others?

He was said to have purchased the gun or guns legally. We need a comprehensive computer program able to collect all data on individuals who are profiled as a danger to the community, and said program accessed by all gun shops in the nation. And, anyone Identified and places in the do not sell program, who attempts to make a purchase, require the gun shop or seller to the effort to local LE.

Any person who sells a gun without a clear search on said program should be charged with a felony, and be held fiscally responsible for any harm done to another.

Those who meet the profile should be placed into the computer program Immediately, and the person so identified should be interviewed by local LE, to determine if the person fit the profile, or not.


"Horseshit"? Wrong, the deaths of 17 school kids yesterday, and an unknown number of kids in schools who experienced a similar event, will have the image of this horrific violence for a lifetime.

Horseshit is the NRA's opposition to all efforts to control guns in America. In the 1993-94 the NRA spent 2.3 million dollars during the election cycle; in the 2011-2012 election cycle, they spent $24.8 million.

This is why I consider the NRA a terrorist organization. Any member of Congress who supports any gun control measure, will have the NRA sponsoring someone who supports their policy - no gun control, not way - to run against them.
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

What nobody is addressing is the question as to why this never happened prior to 20 years ago. Nobody would have even imagined someone walking into a school and shooting the place up prior to Columbine. Now the question being asked is why isn't there armed security in the schools.

Because now there is a cultural of violence, it's on TV, in movies, in video games, etc. The cohesive family unit has been shattered also.
Such are the effects of a decaying society. The immediate problem is that the threat exists and must be dealt with. The only solution is to secure the schools.
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

What nobody is addressing is the question as to why this never happened prior to 20 years ago. Nobody would have even imagined someone walking into a school and shooting the place up prior to Columbine. Now the question being asked is why isn't there armed security in the schools.

Because now there is a cultural of violence, it's on TV, in movies, in video games, etc. The cohesive family unit has been shattered also.

Family values became taboo, church became taboo, faith became taboo, morality became taboo, sanity became taboo, work became taboo.

All while the left has focused on filling our schools with lunatics and advertising their refusal to protect children.

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