Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

The mentally ill, the violent criminal...these are the left's protected and coddled victim class. They train them to attack they encourage them to attack, while they advertise the *no gun zone* schools...and then when one of them actually shoots up a school, they cheer behind their computers..while publicly demanding the guns of the masses.

Unfortunately, school kids aren't taught history any they have no clue what's going on..and neither do their parents, who were also state educated.

Everybody should pull their kids out of public schools, and we should shut down the Dept. of Education. Let people educate their own kids and create their own schools.
What a dirt bag

Trump Says Florida Students Should Have Done More To Prevent Deadly Shooting | HuffPost

President Donald Trump on Thursday responded to the massacre at a South Florida high school by suggesting students and the surrounding community could have done more to prevent the attack.

[Trump on Twitter]So many signs that the Florida shooter was mentally disturbed, even expelled from school for bad and erratic behavior. Neighbors and classmates knew he was a big problem. Must always report such instances to authorities, again and again!

Contrary to Trump’s tweet, it does appear that authorities were aware of Cruz’s behavior before the attack. A former neighbor told The New York Times that Cruz’s late mother called the police on her two sons on multiple occasions, though she stressed that she didn’t think the boys were violent. Broward County Mayor Beam Furr told CNN that Cruz had been treated at a mental health clinic in the past and was somewhat on officials’ radar.

“It wasn’t like there wasn’t concern for him,” Furr said.

Trump’s tweet failed to acknowledge the role that Florida’s lax gun laws played in the shooting. Barring institutionalization, it’s extremely difficult to keep someone with a history of mental illness from buying a gun in Florida. The accused killer legally purchased the AR-15-style rifle used in the slaughter, his family’s attorney said.

The president also ignored the fact that he actually made it easier for people with mental health issues to buy guns by revoking an Obama-era gun regulation last year.

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

President Donald Trump quietly signed a bill into law Tuesday rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.

Had the rule fully taken effect, the Obama administration predicted it would have added about 75,000 names to that database.
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

Doesn't seem like the real problem here. The real problem here seems like the gun and the crazy person getting access to it.
Did you not see the question about why psychopaths are energized to act on their impulses today when they were not doing these things before cultural restraints were meddled with?

That's right, mental illness was invented in 1968 before that no one ever stepped out of line.

The meddlers really screwed things up. Why oh why did they loosen the restraints with their civil rights, women in the workplace, penis in anus marriage....and the f-word in that black rap noise...

Let's go back to the way it was, before Jimi Hendrix and the brown acid...

Psychopaths are not necessarily mentally ill. Their brains are wired differently so that they lack compassion and have no fear of repercussions.
I support taking bumpstocks off the shelves, I'm on record supporting this. Here's what you fail to grasp, gun control advocates have no intention of stopping there.

Bill Ruger wouldn't sell high-capacity magazines because he didn't want Ruger firearms used for what we're seeing today. I have no problem with 5 shot magazines and banning bump stocks. I saw what spray and pray got units in Vietnam....overrun. If you can't get the job done with 5 rounds you better go get some training.

My problem with bump stocks is they are being used to circumvent the restrictions on automatic weapons, avoiding the tax stamps and government oversight. I'd get on board with magazine restrictions also. There is common ground on common sense gun control law, if only the anti gun advocates were not such lying dishonest scum we could come together and accomplish something, but we know they have no intention of honoring any compromise.
How do you know they're lying? Because someone told you? There has not been any significant gun legislation since AR-15's were outlawed way back. That expired. Where is any indication they are lying about what they will do in the future?

Their actions prove they are liars.
What actions?
Did you not see the question about why psychopaths are energized to act on their impulses today when they were not doing these things before cultural restraints were meddled with?

That's right, mental illness was invented in 1968 before that no one ever stepped out of line.

The meddlers really screwed things up. Why oh why did they loosen the restraints with their civil rights, women in the workplace, penis in anus marriage....and the f-word in that black rap noise...

Let's go back to the way it was, before Jimi Hendrix and the brown acid...

this is a RW board top to bottom, you cant expect to get honest answers and carry on intelligent conversations -- it just AINT GONNA HAPPEN.
The Second Amendment didn't shoot up a bunch of students. A person did. A person who talked about doing it before he did it. The NRA didn't shot anybody either. The FBI knew about this guy's threats and so did the school.

Tell us, Wry Catcher. How could this lunatic have been stopped from harming others?

He was said to have purchased the gun or guns legally. We need a comprehensive computer program able to collect all data on individuals who are profiled as a danger to the community, and said program accessed by all gun shops in the nation. And, anyone Identified and places in the do not sell program, who attempts to make a purchase, require the gun shop or seller to the effort to local LE.

Any person who sells a gun without a clear search on said program should be charged with a felony, and be held fiscally responsible for any harm done to another.

Those who meet the profile should be placed into the computer program Immediately, and the person so identified should be interviewed by local LE, to determine if the person fit the profile, or not.
You are one of the dangerous, criminal, mentally ill bots that we should be scooping up and throwing in prison today.
The mentally ill, the violent criminal...these are the left's protected and coddled victim class.

So you think anyone with a mental illness is an equivalent to a violent criminal?

I think you're the one with the mental illness here.
I looked it up. In 2008 in a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court decided that there is an individual right to bear arms in their home for protection. They overturned a D.C. law prohibiting handguns in the city.
4 justices agreed with me, too. It is still called an opinion, even when it's from the Supreme Court, you know. Just sayin.
And, those 4 justices were politically motivated to vote against the 2nd Amendment's intent. History and context OVERWHELMINGLY support the individual right. The leftist justices simply refused to reach the obvious conclusion because they, like all leftists, want total ban.

This type of bullshit makes us not trust your side. So, we are immediately suspicious of any "reasonable" or "common sense" gun control measures your side proposes.

Your side is dishonest and not trustworthy.

Do you see why we never get anywhere on this topic? One side is being dishonest.
Blame the NRA? Why not blame the AAA when a maniac runs people down with a car? Never let a tragedy go to waste when you can make some cheap political points by blaming a President who has only been in office for a year.
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

Doesn't seem like the real problem here. The real problem here seems like the gun and the crazy person getting access to it.

THAT person should have been institutionalized/imprisoned the minute he threatened the school.

But leftists don't understand this. They are literally inmates running the asylum. It's time just to lock you up and clear the streets of the offal you have dumped on us.
The Second Amendment didn't shoot up a bunch of students. A person did. A person who talked about doing it before he did it. The NRA didn't shot anybody either. The FBI knew about this guy's threats and so did the school.

Tell us, Wry Catcher. How could this lunatic have been stopped from harming others?

He was said to have purchased the gun or guns legally. We need a comprehensive computer program able to collect all data on individuals who are profiled as a danger to the community, and said program accessed by all gun shops in the nation. And, anyone Identified and places in the do not sell program, who attempts to make a purchase, require the gun shop or seller to the effort to local LE.

Any person who sells a gun without a clear search on said program should be charged with a felony, and be held fiscally responsible for any harm done to another.

Those who meet the profile should be placed into the computer program Immediately, and the person so identified should be interviewed by local LE, to determine if the person fit the profile, or not.
^^^ Look at triggered all defiant.
The answer is to break the link between a disturbed individual and the ability to buy a weapon legally.
The mentally ill, the violent criminal...these are the left's protected and coddled victim class.

So you think anyone with a mental illness is an equivalent to a violent criminal?

I think you're the one with the mental illness here.

I think people with mental illnesses are the people who are shooting up our unprotected schools, and I think it's proof of your own mental illness and criminality that you deny it. I think that crazy people should be institutionalized, not waltzing around on our streets, buying guns, making bombs, and killing our UNPROTECTED CHILDREN that we are FORCED to send to schools that refuse to protect them.
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

Finger pointing at school personnel is a spin on a horrific event with no effort to offer a solution to mitigate such violence, so typical of a supporter of the NRA's policy of no gun control, not way.

Where is the empathy for all those killed, maimed and their parents, siblings and friends who will live the act of one man with a gun.
It's in preventing it from happening again. Schools need to be a secure environment - period.
What about looking at school shooters and other mass shooters as a group, figuring out what makes them tick (or skip a tick, more like) and asking what we can do to stop manufacturing such twisted, frustrated people?
If you have ideas on that, support whatever cause you think will help.
Limiting certain guns won't solve the problem in itself.
What is causing this to happen? I think there are a lot of ways to help, but none of them are going to work overnight.
Black lives matter teaches if you lost its the white man's fault!
Antifia teaches if you lost its the Rich man's fault!
The pussy hat wearers teach if you lost it was a MANS fault!

How about teaching the truth in schools? If you don't try, you LOSE every time!
You replying to someone else's post? That has nothing to do with what I said.
The Second Amendment didn't shoot up a bunch of students. A person did. A person who talked about doing it before he did it. The NRA didn't shot anybody either. The FBI knew about this guy's threats and so did the school.

Tell us, Wry Catcher. How could this lunatic have been stopped from harming others?

He was said to have purchased the gun or guns legally. We need a comprehensive computer program able to collect all data on individuals who are profiled as a danger to the community, and said program accessed by all gun shops in the nation. And, anyone Identified and places in the do not sell program, who attempts to make a purchase, require the gun shop or seller to the effort to local LE.

Any person who sells a gun without a clear search on said program should be charged with a felony, and be held fiscally responsible for any harm done to another.

Those who meet the profile should be placed into the computer program Immediately, and the person so identified should be interviewed by local LE, to determine if the person fit the profile, or not.
^^^ Look at triggered all defiant.
^^^Look at person who thinks school shootings are a great way to promote the disarming of America.

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