Come Back!


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
Sounds like this bar is regretting a very poor business decision.

Went woke and now going broke

Bar that kicked out customers after Bud Light controversy makes desperate plea to win back business

Nope. Fuck them, and I hope they go out of business.
I noticed that FOX ''journalists'' who write on their web site continue to consistently refer to Dylan Mulvaney as ''her.''

Of course, the FOX readership largely disagree with appeasing a biological male's feelings and influencing the whole ''trans' agenda.

But...FOX web site ''journalists'' still routinely refer to him as a her. In doing so the platform is actually operating as an influencer of the agenda. What's that tell you?

Like..fuck our readership. They're a given. They're gonna read what we write regardless, so long as we play the divide and conquer game well enough in our writing. We're appeasing him and in doing so we're running interference for the agenda. Screw the readership. And biology. And reality. They aren't smart enough to figure out what we're doing anyway. Just tie the carrot to the stick and wait. Basically.

They're all on the same team, folks. And they don't respect your intelligence. In fact, they;re likely laughing their asses off at you. By consistently refering to this biologica l male as ''her'' they're demonstrating support for the agenda and operating as influencers of the agenda but then they write this stuff to get you all worked up because you're their cash cow. They're playing both sides of the fence. That's how divide and conquer works. Duh.

Don't fall for the illusion of difference...
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Sounds like this bar is regretting a very poor business decision.

Went woke and now going broke

Bar that kicked out customers after Bud Light controversy makes desperate plea to win back business

If people are kicking patrons out they probably shouldn't be in business. That goes for ANY ideological decision outside of the very extreme that would warrant them to not be wanted.
If you guys really believe in the free market, I don't understand why you are all worked up. It will sort itself out soon enough.
Did it happen? Maybe but you aren't going to prove it with a Fox News post. They just paid nearly $800 million over telling lies.
Evidently the free market is working.

They made a horrible business decision and now the consumer said nope

Apparently AB has hired some so-called ''conservative'' lobbyists in an effort to use government to try to resolve their image problem.

These companies don't really respect their consumers.

They know that they can do whatever heathern stuff they want and their customers will be right back to them in a matter of weeks or in months if they can sell the illusion to them of being politically correct for a time being.

The only thing that will change is that they'll be less open about the filth they support it in the future so as not to stir up the masses.
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I have no sympathy for them. They stepped in their own pile, when the story broke they were all smug and confident

Now they have their tails between their legs and are groveling

They might as well rename the place to "Swingin' Richard's Manhole" and make it a gay bar.

I'm sure 3/4 of USMB's liberal members would hang out there for hookups.
I posted about this in the original thread about this bar.
I live in Bloomington, In... so obviously it has been talked about here.
It is a dying dive bar well out of town. It's main customer base was "townies"... Bloomington is a college town housing one of America's larger colleges - Indiana University with 50,000 students.
IU Students never have or ever will go to this bar. It is a rinky dink redneck bar. Has been for years.
A new owner recently acquired it and dreams it will become a college bar. This move was made in desperation thinking he was going to attract students. When all he did was drive all of his loyal customers out.

He will be out of business before summer even starts.
The bars social media was set on fire. Overwhelmingly more against than for.
And now he is trying to play both sides of the fence.
He made a post on Facebook about this, and trying to downplay what he said originally and try to say all he meant was be fair and be civil and he wants everyone to be happy. No one is buying it, because HE is the one that, on camera, told people if they don't support his support of Dylan - they can all leave.
Hardly open and accepting.
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