Come on, cons. You loved to talk about snow in please talk about heat in Iran please

You have to love heat index idiots who try and make this some kind of ground breaking event.
How long have we used the so called "heat index" method of temp reporting?
It was invented in 1978 but I cant really nail down when it became common in weather forecasting.

This shits only been around for 37 years and you want to make a big deal about it. The hubris .....
You have to love heat index idiots who try and make this some kind of ground breaking event.
How long have we used the so called "heat index" method of temp reporting?
It was invented in 1978 but I cant really nail down when it became common in weather forecasting.

This shits only been around for 37 years and you want to make a big deal about it. The hubris .....
To be fair the temp should be coming up, after-all we are coming out of AN ICE AGE!!!
You have to love heat index idiots who try and make this some kind of ground breaking event.
How long have we used the so called "heat index" method of temp reporting?
It was invented in 1978 but I cant really nail down when it became common in weather forecasting.

This shits only been around for 37 years and you want to make a big deal about it. The hubris .....
To be fair the temp should be coming up, after-all we are coming out of AN ICE AGE!!!
We are entering an ice age due to the Maunder's Minimum.
You have to love heat index idiots who try and make this some kind of ground breaking event.
How long have we used the so called "heat index" method of temp reporting?
It was invented in 1978 but I cant really nail down when it became common in weather forecasting.

This shits only been around for 37 years and you want to make a big deal about it. The hubris .....
Was the winter in the Northeast a ground breaking event.? And don't tell me conservatives didn't go gaga about Boston last winter, or I will cocksmack you.
You have to love heat index idiots who try and make this some kind of ground breaking event.
How long have we used the so called "heat index" method of temp reporting?
It was invented in 1978 but I cant really nail down when it became common in weather forecasting.

This shits only been around for 37 years and you want to make a big deal about it. The hubris .....
Was the winter in the Northeast a ground breaking event.? And don't tell me conservatives didn't go gaga about Boston last winter, or I will cocksmack you.

Apparently you've been cocksmacked one too many times.
You have to love heat index idiots who try and make this some kind of ground breaking event.
How long have we used the so called "heat index" method of temp reporting?
It was invented in 1978 but I cant really nail down when it became common in weather forecasting.

This shits only been around for 37 years and you want to make a big deal about it. The hubris .....
Was the winter in the Northeast a ground breaking event.? And don't tell me conservatives didn't go gaga about Boston last winter, or I will cocksmack you.

I know it snowed...a lot.
What the hell that has to do with the heat index and it's questionable use is beyond me.
You some kind of homo? Try that shit and you're liable to get shot here in Texas.
Do you really think the temperature is 164 degrees? It's not. It's no hotter than it ever has been. By adding other factors, the heat index is raised to 164 degrees. The heat index is whatever the "experts" say it is.
When your people was talking about the cold in the Northeast, it wasn't a record either. Hypocrites.
Every time you use the "it's not a record" meme, I'll remind you.

The reason records are brought up is to put things into perspective. Yes, damn hot in Iran, but it is always damn hot in Iran. So when claims are made they should be compared to normal, looking for records is all we can do in countries like Iran. The US I could look up the historic weather.

But what I don't do is make claims without presenting facts, as the OP did and as you do.
We had several coldest dates on record in February and pretty sure it was the coldest overall Feb. ever here in west Michigan.
Feels like 164 doesn't mean it is. Troll Alert!
ROFL moron thinks he knows what 164 feels like.

114 is nothing gets that hot here in TX most summers. Only mamby pambies cry about it. Is that what you are?
But did you ever observe to your fellow cons that Boston was not a record?
Who said anything about boston temp records? Huh?
Nobody said anything about Iran Heat records either.
We had several coldest dates on record in February and pretty sure it was the coldest overall Feb. ever here in west Michigan.
Link? That's right. You pulled that hunch out of your ass hole. And if it were a local record, conservatives used Boston temperatures against the notion of GLOBAL warming.
Would cold records in "Western Michigan" prove anything on a global scale?
Feels like 164 doesn't mean it is. Troll Alert!
ROFL moron thinks he knows what 164 feels like.

114 is nothing gets that hot here in TX most summers. Only mamby pambies cry about it. Is that what you are?
But did you ever observe to your fellow cons that Boston was not a record?
Who said anything about boston temp records? Huh?
Nobody said anything about Iran Heat records either.

Your article does.
Settle down there beaner boy. Just stated a fact about our weather in Feb. Period. You want to read something else into it have at it.
In related news, NYC survived the predicted flood.
The North Pole still has ice, and lots of it.
No major waves of cat5 hurricanes
and fracking does not cause earthquakes that can be felt.
Can you tell me which scientist predicted that NYC would not survive a flood by now?
Or are you making shit up?
Climate change report makes doomsday predictions for NYC - NY Daily News

A report by the New York City Panel on Climate Change predicts that average temperatures could jump nearly 9 degrees, rainfall could increase 13% and sea levels would increase by over two feet, meaning the daily high tides in places like Queens would cause daily flooding.
You're :welcome:

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