Come On Joe, Why Not?

The Trumpsters are getting even more desperate...

4 hour debates... Biden has policies, he doesn't need 4 hours to explain them...

4 hours is a circus which is only good for carnival barkers...
Because his handlers want him locked in the basement. He can’t even handle a softball interview in his basement with someone typing his answers on a teleprompter for him.

President Donald Trump says he’s down for a four-hour debate with former Vice President Joe Biden — with podcast host Joe Rogan moderating.

The president declared his willingness to participate Monday morning tweet, after seeing a post from retired UFC fighter Tim Kennedy discussing Rogan’s proposal. Kennedy appeared as a guest with Rogan last week during which the host of the widely-listened to podcast offered to referee a 4-hour showdown between Trump and Biden.
I’d agree with it as long as you take Trump’s cocaine away and give him a mild electrical shock every time he lies.

Electrical shock? That would be fun, but I'd be happy with a buzzer that goes off every time he lies. :)

Just tie him to a metal chair with his feet in a bucket of water and tell him that if he lies he'll be shocked. Know what? he'll lie, lie, lie until he's dead, dead, dead because that's what he does. Take that away from him and you have a drooling nutcase with nothing to say.

But it sure would be fun to watch. Orange Hair on Fire to match his pants on fire.

How about we do the same to you, so every time you say something stupid you get a shock?

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