Come on logical rational people -- Obama is destroying America!

Rich Lowry just said that the economy is not going to be the key to the race.

Dan Balz just confirmed.

Rich Lowry? I'll bet he regrets saying that.

I disagree. The issue will be the economy. It will be who has the best idea for getting us out of the Bush shithole. Obama has had quite a bit of success. Romney's plan is to return to the failed Bush policies.

Firstly, it wasn't Bush that fucked the economy. It was decades of bi-partisan bullshit that caused it.

Secondly, your messiah has done nothing - not one fucking thing - to help the economy recover.

Thirdly, Romney's plan is not a return to Bush policies.

But please don't let reality get in the way of your partisan bullshit 'blame' game'... it won't work but that shouldn't stop you trying. The zombie facts are out.
Just saw the Mitt Romney approved lie about work requirements for welfare ad again. Still running the lie.

Lie? when you change the rules..................

Odd, same thing applies to medicare. But that is destruction.

Once again folks, the two faced democrats have spoken............
Have you read the bill?
Neither did the assholes who publicly purchased the last few votes needed to force it through.
Even if you know absolutely NOTHING about the ACA, that fact alone should be raising red flags.

Ok, so why is it so unpopular? Genuine question. In the UK if any government suggested privatising the NHS they would be voted out and probably never voted in again.

And yet... under the previous (Labor - left wing) government, the UK's NHS started to outsource many services to the private sector... and the coalition government is continuing to do so.

Yes, but it is still free at the point of delivery.
Logical, rational people understand that both parties are destroying America.

Yep, but there is now a chance - with Romney - that the GOP will see sense and become a rational party again. That's one of the reasons why I support Romney.

What makes you think that? The dude is not a leader.

I can't see a single belief in Romney that is at all meaningful or compelling. Rank and file Republicans didn't see it in the primaries. He offers nothing, except the concept that he wants power. He offers nothing, except wanting to resell the same old shit that wingnuts want to hear, and the American people now know failed.
Rich Lowry just said that the economy is not going to be the key to the race.

Dan Balz just confirmed.

Rich Lowry? I'll bet he regrets saying that.

I disagree. The issue will be the economy. It will be who has the best idea for getting us out of the Bush shithole. Obama has had quite a bit of success. Romney's plan is to return to the failed Bush policies.

Firstly, it wasn't Bush that fucked the economy. It was decades of bi-partisan bullshit that caused it.

Secondly, your messiah has done nothing - not one fucking thing - to help the economy recover.

Thirdly, Romney's plan is not a return to Bush policies.

But please don't let reality get in the way of your partisan bullshit 'blame' game'... it won't work but that shouldn't stop you trying. The zombie facts are out.

Do you ever tire of repeating those platitudes? I can tell that you are not stupid.....why won't you go beyond this pablum? You are that what stops you from recognizing facts?
The title of this thread is sweet, delicious irony.

Yeah there was a bitch-like whining involved. I suspect we'll see more "C'mon man" threads as it begins to set in that the Governor's campaign is toast.

The sad thing is that the Governor is a good man. He deserves a better party than the GOP.
Rich Lowry just said that the economy is not going to be the key to the race.

Dan Balz just confirmed.

Rich Lowry? I'll bet he regrets saying that.

I disagree. The issue will be the economy. It will be who has the best idea for getting us out of the Bush shithole. Obama has had quite a bit of success. Romney's plan is to return to the failed Bush policies.

Firstly, it wasn't Bush that fucked the economy. It was decades of bi-partisan bullshit that caused it.

Secondly, your messiah has done nothing - not one fucking thing - to help the economy recover.

Thirdly, Romney's plan is not a return to Bush policies.

But please don't let reality get in the way of your partisan bullshit 'blame' game'... it won't work but that shouldn't stop you trying. The zombie facts are out.

It was American banks that thought that they could sucker people into unsustainable loans that destroyed both banking and construction when the bubble burst. It was the Bush Administration that turned a blind eye to regulating banking, which allowed them to play their credit default swaps, that bloated the unsustainable bubble. Romney's answer is to deregulating banking.
I really struggle to understand why universal healthcare is so unpopular amongst the American right. The USA is the only western democracy without it, the one that is in operation isn't that good. It's great if you're rich, but for the rest it's just not that good. When the UN did a league table of different countries health systems, the USA came in 38th below countries such as Cuba and Costa Rica. If you want I will try and find the link. These lies how it damages an economy, the EU has universal healthcare and a bigger GDP than the USA.

Have you read the bill?
Neither did the assholes who publicly purchased the last few votes needed to force it through.
Even if you know absolutely NOTHING about the ACA, that fact alone should be raising red flags.

Ok, so why is it so unpopular? Genuine question. In the UK if any government suggested privatising the NHS they would be voted out and probably never voted in again.

That's because in the UK party leadership runs all.

"The National Health Sevice is the closest thing the English have to a religion, with those who practice in it regarding themselves as a priesthood. This made it quite extraordinarily difficult to reform. For a bunch of laymen, who called themselves the Government, to presume to tell the priesthood that they must change their ways in any respect whatever was clearly intolerable. And faced with a dispute between their priests and ministers, the public would have no hesitation in taking the part of the priesthood."
-Nigle Lawson: Chancellor of the Exchequer under Margaret Thatcher-

Britain thus finds itself in a paradoxical situation. Everyday the newspapers carry horror stories about what happens in hospitals. We read of people traveling abroad for treatment, of thousands of deaths from infections picked up in wards, of potentially life-saving drugs being withheld on grounds of cost rationing. Yet no one is allowed to suggest a connection between these outcomes and the system that produces them. Do that, and you're "insulting our hardworking doctors and nurses."

From Daniel Hannan (European Parliament Member representing South East England) in his book "The New Road to Serfdom".

I highly recommend giving it a read.
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I really struggle to understand why universal healthcare is so unpopular amongst the American right. The USA is the only western democracy without it, the one that is in operation isn't that good. It's great if you're rich, but for the rest it's just not that good. When the UN did a league table of different countries health systems, the USA came in 38th below countries such as Cuba and Costa Rica. If you want I will try and find the link. These lies how it damages an economy, the EU has universal healthcare and a bigger GDP than the USA.

A) The USA is the most heterogeneous population in the world and more ALL those on your list!
B) One measure infant mortality is higher in the USA is and I quote:
".. the United States also easily has the most intensive system of emergency intervention to keep low birth weight and premature infants alive in the world.
The United States is, for example, one of only a handful countries that keeps detailed statistics on early fetal mortality — the survival rate of infants who are born as early as the 20th week of gestation.
Cuba vs. the United States on Infant Mortality | Overpopulation.Com

C) I'm sure YOU are not aware that there are truly 8 million that want and need health insurance -- not the 50 million used to jam Obamacare through by just 6 votes!
10 million counted as Uninsured ARE NOT Americans! 14 million counted ARE COVERED by Medicaid!
18 million under age 34 PAY their own health expenses that average less then $1,000/ year out of pocket - but they were counted!

The point there are 8 million BUT THEY all could be covered by health insurance IF
1) Lawyers were taxed 10% of their $100 billion as tanning salons were in Obamacare.. YES they taxed tanning salons!
Lawyers according to 90% of physicians surveyed the cause of $600 billion a year in duplicate tests, specialist referrals i.e. known
as "defensive medical practices out of fear of LAWSUITS"!
2) AUDIT hospitals to prevent their marking up sometimes 6,000% claims to Medicare/insurance as they are forced by Medicare to see uninsured patients under the 1986 EMATLA act. Have all those uninsured registered with the Uninsured Health Insurance company that gets the $10 billion from lawyers and pays the claims!

Problem solved without ANY disruption of the status quo!

BUT YOU KNOW WHY THAT won't happen is because Obama/Congress received $300 million in 2008 alone from lawyers to prevent this!
Have you read the bill?
Neither did the assholes who publicly purchased the last few votes needed to force it through.
Even if you know absolutely NOTHING about the ACA, that fact alone should be raising red flags.

Ok, so why is it so unpopular? Genuine question. In the UK if any government suggested privatising the NHS they would be voted out and probably never voted in again.

That's because in the UK party leadership runs all.

"The National Health Sevice is the closest thing the English have to a religion, with those who practice in it regarding themselves as a priesthood. This made it quite extraordinarily difficult to reform. For a bunch of laymen, who called themselves the Government, to presume to tell the priesthood that they must change their ways in any respect whatever was clearly intolerable. And faced with a dispute between their priests and ministers, the public would have no hesitation in taking the part of the priesthood."
-Nigle Lawson: Chancellor of the Exchequer under Margaret Thatcher-

Britain thus finds itself in a paradoxical situation. Everyday the newspapers carry horror stories about what happens in hospitals. We read of people traveling abroad for treatment, of thousands of deaths from infections picked up in wards, of potentially life-saving drugs being withheld on grounds of cost rationing. Yet no one is allowed to suggest a connection between these outcomes and the system that produces them. Do that, and you're "insulting our hardworking doctors and nurses."

From Daniel Hannan (European Parliament Member representing South East England) in his book "The New Road to Serfdom".

I highly recommend giving it a read.

You're quoting the conservative right. They have little mainstream support. You're not answering my question as to why it's unpopular. The government is elected to keep the NHS. It's doing it's job, or should it ignore the will of the electorate?
That is my hope is well. If not this time, I will have to consider third party after forty years as an adult in the GOP.

Logical, rational people understand that both parties are destroying America.

Yep, but there is now a chance - with Romney - that the GOP will see sense and become a rational party again. That's one of the reasons why I support Romney.
Ok, so why is it so unpopular? Genuine question. In the UK if any government suggested privatising the NHS they would be voted out and probably never voted in again.

That's because in the UK party leadership runs all.

"The National Health Sevice is the closest thing the English have to a religion, with those who practice in it regarding themselves as a priesthood. This made it quite extraordinarily difficult to reform. For a bunch of laymen, who called themselves the Government, to presume to tell the priesthood that they must change their ways in any respect whatever was clearly intolerable. And faced with a dispute between their priests and ministers, the public would have no hesitation in taking the part of the priesthood."
-Nigle Lawson: Chancellor of the Exchequer under Margaret Thatcher-

Britain thus finds itself in a paradoxical situation. Everyday the newspapers carry horror stories about what happens in hospitals. We read of people traveling abroad for treatment, of thousands of deaths from infections picked up in wards, of potentially life-saving drugs being withheld on grounds of cost rationing. Yet no one is allowed to suggest a connection between these outcomes and the system that produces them. Do that, and you're "insulting our hardworking doctors and nurses."

From Daniel Hannan (European Parliament Member representing South East England) in his book "The New Road to Serfdom".

I highly recommend giving it a read.

You're quoting the conservative right. They have little mainstream support. You're not answering my question as to why it's unpopular. The government is elected to keep the NHS. It's doing it's job, or should it ignore the will of the electorate?

I did answer your question.
The ACA has been widely unpopular since before it was even forced through.
Pelosi and those responsible had no intention of "reforming" healthcare in America. Had that been the intent there are some pretty good models out there on which they could have based their "reform".
The intent was a massive federal takeover of one sixth of the US economy and that objective was SO important that Democrats, with virtually no help or input from congressional conservatives, crafted a 2,000 plus page behemoth that gives the federal government powers it was NEVER intended to have.
The entire process not to mention the product that was dumped on us was and is about as contradictory to what most of us have come to know as "American" as it could have been.
Locking conservatives out of sessions scheduled to write the bill, refusing to touch tort reform and primarily FORCING ALL AMERICANS to buy a product, the provider of which will eventually be ONLY the US government are among the reasons for the law's unpopularity.
You honestly can't even move beyond the process to the details if you're truly interested in the reasons for the opposition. However, once you do and you start to see things like potential infringement on religious liberty, incentives for businesses to keep their staffing below 50 and the tens of thousands of unions and other typically left leaning organizations who have received waivers, it only gets worse.
Then of course there is the common sense fact that this program, when fully implemented to a single payer system MUST and WILL result in rationing of care.

I guess in a nutshell, the reason for the opposition is a failure on the part of congressional Democrats and the current administration to brainwash the majority of the people that a heavy handed federal mandate will be better for them.
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Ok, so why is it so unpopular? Genuine question. In the UK if any government suggested privatising the NHS they would be voted out and probably never voted in again.

And yet... under the previous (Labor - left wing) government, the UK's NHS started to outsource many services to the private sector... and the coalition government is continuing to do so.

Yes, but it is still free at the point of delivery.

Yea, and it's on the verge of bankruptcy - and is rife with abuse, like people flying into the UK simply to access it's 'free' health care and then leaving again... the Brit's pay for those thieves.
That is my hope is well. If not this time, I will have to consider third party after forty years as an adult in the GOP.

Logical, rational people understand that both parties are destroying America.

Yep, but there is now a chance - with Romney - that the GOP will see sense and become a rational party again. That's one of the reasons why I support Romney.

More fool you for supporting that clusterfuck that has been the GOP for decades. You are part of the problem... I am part of the solution.
murkins voted for Osama bin Bama. They got their wish.
Mittens should be a fucking riot (literally).:cuckoo:
O-care is the PUB PLAN- proved to work great in Mass. Pure mindless obstruction. Assume the position, Only dupes are this stupid.
O-care is the PUB PLAN- proved to work great in Mass. Pure mindless obstruction. Assume the position, Only dupes are this stupid.

You need to take an English class and drop the simpleton sound bites.
Never heard a word of that "Republican plan" bullshit after the vote in which NO REPUBLICANS voted in favor.
No, not until the close of proceedings on the very first day the mandate case was argued in the USSC did the lie about the Republicans being responsible for a plan they had NOTHING to do with creating start sprouting from the mental mush of leftist drones like you Frankie.
Since that day, idiots like you have decided that whole narrative some how makes sense so it's now "fact".
The DNC couldn't pay me enough to act THAT stupid but I suppose in your case it beats flipping burgers and slinging shakes.
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I disagree. The issue will be the economy. It will be who has the best idea for getting us out of the Bush shithole. Obama has had quite a bit of success. Romney's plan is to return to the failed Bush policies.

Firstly, it wasn't Bush that fucked the economy. It was decades of bi-partisan bullshit that caused it.

Secondly, your messiah has done nothing - not one fucking thing - to help the economy recover.

Thirdly, Romney's plan is not a return to Bush policies.

But please don't let reality get in the way of your partisan bullshit 'blame' game'... it won't work but that shouldn't stop you trying. The zombie facts are out.

It was American banks that thought that they could sucker people into unsustainable loans that destroyed both banking and construction when the bubble burst. It was the Bush Administration that turned a blind eye to regulating banking, which allowed them to play their credit default swaps, that bloated the unsustainable bubble. Romney's answer is to deregulating banking.

So what is your response to this?

Over the past six years, the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of failure to reform GSEs but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties.

President Bush publicly called for GSE reform at least 17 times in 2008 alone before Congress acted.
Unfortunately, these warnings went unheeded, as the President's repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems. Many prominent Democrats, including House Finance Chairman Barney Frank, opposed any legislation correcting the risks posed by GSEs.

* House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA) criticized
the President's warning saying:
"these two entities - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - are not facing any kind of
financial crisis .The more people exaggerate these problems, the more
pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of
affordable housing."

(Stephen Labaton, "New Agency Proposed To Oversee Freddie Mac And Fannie
Mae," New York Times, 9/11/03)

* Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Chairman
Christopher Dodd also ignored the President's warnings and called on
him to "immediately reconsider his ill-advised" position. (
Eric Dash,
"Fannie Mae's Offer To Help Ease Credit Squeeze Is Rejected,

As Critics Complain Of Opportunism," New York Times, 8/11/07)

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