Come on man, You can't tell me all these republicans all of sudden getting covid at the same time

at the same time, isn't planned
Someone is spraying this crap all around
Yeah, a bunch of repugs who virtue signal by refusing to wear masks during a pandemic all get together without masks and social distancing as though nothing is wrong. What could possibly go wrong?
at the same time, isn't planned
Someone is spraying this crap all around
Yeah, a bunch of repugs who virtue signal by refusing to wear masks during a pandemic all get together without masks and social distancing as though nothing is wrong. What could possibly go wrong?
I saw the pics of them hugging each other like one big happy family.
If any of those infected don't feel stupid it's really concerning. Consider it a 75/25 chance.
at the same time, isn't planned
Someone is spraying this crap all around
It should at least be investigated to leave that possibility out as they trace the source.
For agencies supposedly concerned about Russia and China interference, finding out if a prep or meeting room or such is tainted on purpose would be priority to that rule it out. Also ruling out the activities the opposition is known for since this is tooooooo convenient in multiple ways and not beneath their bag of tricks, then that also includes CIA and FBI members about to be subpoenaed or indicted, as the timing of Comey questioning is another tell of possible threats to back off (remember Schumers threats about the CIA?)
All possibilities are essential to check off boxes just as important as investigating and connecting the dots back to the source spreader.
Probably sent through a digital device like a camera. Get real buddy.
It's the duty of the S.S. & investigative branch to assure something like this was not an attack on the president and presidency which requires finding the source whether the MOST LIKELY natural contact or less likely purposeful harm. If they do not figure out the spreader and they then suspect foul play then cameras exist in the prep or meeting rooms to see if anything is out of norm including convenient camera failure and sleeping guards. *L*
But seriously they would be open to foul play if they didn't secure all possibilities and if they thought like you and assumed what heppened then that woyld make them not very useful protective and invedtigative wise. Maybe that's why the Obama/ Biden administration was rampant with things like allowing Iran to kill a foreign embassy guy on our soil=liberal thinking.
So sensitive, aintcha? SOS
No, just every other sitcom always starts off with assumptions that lead to comic outcomes, and yet with all that learning we still assume and end up often with egg on our face.
My posts on Spygate and the coup got sent to the loon bin and conspiracy and yet Russia gate stayed in the Political forum-the inability to look at all angles cause both conspiracies to be believed as it does reality to be construed as conspiracy.
Until it crosses off all the boxes don't assume anything.
If you play with fire you will get burned.

Well, someone will get burned.

at the same time, isn't planned
Someone is spraying this crap all around
I was just talking to a black friend who said Trump was faking it .
I didn't argue, cuz he's my best weed guy.;)
If you search this board you should find a post by me that says Trump will probably go out on a medical.
Same for Biden especially if he manages to win. Hope he has life insurance.
I never posted that about Biden. Sorry.
at the same time, isn't planned
Someone is spraying this crap all around
I was just talking to a black friend who said Trump was faking it .
I didn't argue, cuz he's my best weed guy.;)
If you search this board you should find a post by me that says Trump will probably go out on a medical.
Same for Biden especially if he manages to win. Hope he has life insurance.
I never posted that about Biden. Sorry.
He will probably conveniently get COVID or stroke out. His party is not going to let him run anything.
at the same time, isn't planned
Someone is spraying this crap all around
I was just talking to a black friend who said Trump was faking it .
I didn't argue, cuz he's my best weed guy.;)
If you search this board you should find a post by me that says Trump will probably go out on a medical.
Same for Biden especially if he manages to win. Hope he has life insurance.
I never posted that about Biden. Sorry.
He will probably conveniently get COVID or stroke out. His party is not going to let him run anything.
Well so far you are talking up the wrong tree here ginny.
at the same time, isn't planned
Someone is spraying this crap all around
I was just talking to a black friend who said Trump was faking it .
I didn't argue, cuz he's my best weed guy.;)
If you search this board you should find a post by me that says Trump will probably go out on a medical.
Same for Biden especially if he manages to win. Hope he has life insurance.
I never posted that about Biden. Sorry.
He will probably conveniently get COVID or stroke out. His party is not going to let him run anything.
Well so far you are talking up the wrong tree here ginny.
I doubt it.
at the same time, isn't planned
Someone is spraying this crap all around
Yeah, a bunch of repugs who virtue signal by refusing to wear masks during a pandemic all get together without masks and social distancing as though nothing is wrong. What could possibly go wrong?
Any of you conspiracy theory rwnjs care to answer this question?
"conspiracy theory rwnjs":71:

I don’t agree with Tucker Carlson. I don’t think they were telling the public to ride subways, go to parades Or mingle in large crowds due to fearing being called racists. I think they wanted as many people as possible to get infected. The higher the numbers the longer they could lock the city down and destroy the economy.
at the same time, isn't planned
Someone is spraying this crap all around
Yeah, a bunch of repugs who virtue signal by refusing to wear masks during a pandemic all get together without masks and social distancing as though nothing is wrong. What could possibly go wrong?
Any of you conspiracy theory rwnjs care to answer this question?
"conspiracy theory rwnjs":71:

I don’t agree with Tucker Carlson. I don’t think they were telling the public to ride subways, go to parades Or mingle in large crowds due to fearing being called racists. I think they wanted as many people as possible to get infected. The higher the numbers the longer they could lock the city down and destroy the economy.

Our master stroke was getting the blob to declare a national emergency....we deep staters are powerful!
Looks like most everyone meeting up with the Supreme Court Nominee at a single event was the cause even though they all tested negative.
Seems the test are not accurate enough to assume anything unless you think the Dems would sink as low as they did with Kavanaugh and pull anything possible to stop judges that can stop their ballot ploy fight to come and from blood lust killing babies.
Before you call that rediculous, remember you'd call the Kavanaugh farce rediculous as well and we have the threats like this one:

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