Come on, Texas!

It's all pretty macabre if you ask me.

Well we ARE talking about killing children. It doesn't get more macabre than that.
"children" do you honestly not think that is a bit far-fetched?

No what's FAR FETCHED is the idea that a growing being who's MOTHER IS HUMAN and who's FATHER IS HUMAN, is not a human being, and a CHILD of human beings.

That's what's far fetched. Liberals try to use language to dehumanize their targets just as the Nazis did to the Jews.
Like what you are doing?
CHīld/youngster, little one, boy, girl; More
baby, newborn, infant, toddler;
cherub, angel;
schoolboy, schoolgirl;
minor, junior, preteen;
son, daughter, descendant;
informalkid, kiddie, tot, tyke, young ’un, lad, rug rat, ankle-biter;
derogatorybrat, guttersnipe, urchin, gamin, gamine;
literarybabe, babe in arms;
offspring, progeny, issue, brood, descendants
"a well-behaved child"
  • a son or daughter of any age.
  • an immature or irresponsible person.
    "she's such a child!"
It's all pretty macabre if you ask me.

Well we ARE talking about killing children. It doesn't get more macabre than that.
"children" do you honestly not think that is a bit far-fetched?

The entire right wing evangelical movement is far-fetched. Get ready to open your wallets to support all the unwanted babies from pregnancies that Planned Parenthood was helping to avoid.

Or just do the math: $400 of birth control pills vs. $40,000 in child care assistance amortized over 5 years.

Yeah here we go.

The "all those children if born would be unwanted" ignoring that part of that evangelical right is about SELF CONTROL and not having all those unwanted children.

It's the left that encourages it, to have a way to justify abortion.

It also ignores the evangelicals that adopt or just take care of their own children and NOT aborting them.
It's all pretty macabre if you ask me.

Well we ARE talking about killing children. It doesn't get more macabre than that.
"children" do you honestly not think that is a bit far-fetched?

No what's FAR FETCHED is the idea that a growing being who's MOTHER IS HUMAN and who's FATHER IS HUMAN, is not a human being, and a CHILD of human beings.

That's what's far fetched. Liberals try to use language to dehumanize their targets just as the Nazis did to the Jews.
Like what you are doing?
CHīld/youngster, little one, boy, girl; More
baby, newborn, infant, toddler;
cherub, angel;
schoolboy, schoolgirl;
minor, junior, preteen;
son, daughter, descendant;
informalkid, kiddie, tot, tyke, young ’un, lad, rug rat, ankle-biter;
derogatorybrat, guttersnipe, urchin, gamin, gamine;
literarybabe, babe in arms;
offspring, progeny, issue, brood, descendants
"a well-behaved child"
  • a son or daughter of any age.
  • an immature or irresponsible person.
    "she's such a child!"

Dictionaries define words, not people.
It's all pretty macabre if you ask me.

Well we ARE talking about killing children. It doesn't get more macabre than that.
"children" do you honestly not think that is a bit far-fetched?
I thought you were pro-life.
I am ok with abortion for many different reasons. But I don't appreciate what planned parenthood did or people that want to abort as the baby comes out. Crazy shit like that.
It's all pretty macabre if you ask me.

Well we ARE talking about killing children. It doesn't get more macabre than that.
"children" do you honestly not think that is a bit far-fetched?
I thought you were pro-life.
I am ok with abortion for many different reasons. But I don't appreciate what planned parenthood did or people that want to abort as the baby comes out. Crazy shit like that.

Just "reasonable" murder of babies. Yeah, I get it.
It's all pretty macabre if you ask me.

Well we ARE talking about killing children. It doesn't get more macabre than that.
"children" do you honestly not think that is a bit far-fetched?
I thought you were pro-life.
I am ok with abortion for many different reasons. But I don't appreciate what planned parenthood did or people that want to abort as the baby comes out. Crazy shit like that.

Just "reasonable" murder of babies. Yeah, I get it.
Technically, its not a baby until its born. There you go fear mongering while raping the meanings fo words again. Like leftists :lol:
Well we ARE talking about killing children. It doesn't get more macabre than that.
"children" do you honestly not think that is a bit far-fetched?
I thought you were pro-life.
I am ok with abortion for many different reasons. But I don't appreciate what planned parenthood did or people that want to abort as the baby comes out. Crazy shit like that.

Just "reasonable" murder of babies. Yeah, I get it.
Technically, its not a baby until its born. There you go fear mongering while raping the meanings fo words again. Like leftists :lol:


A human being has a heat, brain, nervous system, body but not a baby until it's born.

Like I said. Leftists use language to de-humanize their targets.
"children" do you honestly not think that is a bit far-fetched?
I thought you were pro-life.
I am ok with abortion for many different reasons. But I don't appreciate what planned parenthood did or people that want to abort as the baby comes out. Crazy shit like that.

Just "reasonable" murder of babies. Yeah, I get it.
Technically, its not a baby until its born. There you go fear mongering while raping the meanings fo words again. Like leftists :lol:


A human being has a heat, brain, nervous system, body but not a baby until it's born.

Like I said. Leftists use language to de-humanize their targets.
So you have a problem with using proper terminology? Why are you against self-improvement?
The FACT is liberals do not want to bury aborted babies because it humanizes them. If people start / continue to treat aborted babies like people then people might start buying into it. We can't have that now, can we?!

Remember that murder case several years ago when a pregnant mother and her un-born baby - her baby was along far enough to survive outside the womb - were murdered? Liberals fought like hell against the charge of a double-murder because it gave rights to an unborn child. Can't have that, now can we?
I thought you were pro-life.
I am ok with abortion for many different reasons. But I don't appreciate what planned parenthood did or people that want to abort as the baby comes out. Crazy shit like that.

Just "reasonable" murder of babies. Yeah, I get it.
Technically, its not a baby until its born. There you go fear mongering while raping the meanings fo words again. Like leftists :lol:


A human being has a heat, brain, nervous system, body but not a baby until it's born.

Like I said. Leftists use language to de-humanize their targets.
So you have a problem with using proper terminology? Why are you against self-improvement?

It's "self improving" to be ripped apart and killed because of words???

Thank you for proving me right. Liberals use terms to de-humanize their targets.
The FACT is liberals do not want to bury aborted babies because it humanizes them. If people start / continue to treat aborted babies like people then people might start buying into it. We can't have that now, can we?!
You make a good point!
"children" do you honestly not think that is a bit far-fetched?
I thought you were pro-life.
I am ok with abortion for many different reasons. But I don't appreciate what planned parenthood did or people that want to abort as the baby comes out. Crazy shit like that.

Just "reasonable" murder of babies. Yeah, I get it.
Technically, its not a baby until its born. There you go fear mongering while raping the meanings fo words again. Like leftists :lol:


A human being has a heat, brain, nervous system, body but not a baby until it's born.

Like I said. Leftists use language to de-humanize their targets.
That is the way it has been since Biblical times..
Texas abortion provider says fetal tissue burial rule is 'offensive'
The president of an abortion provider told a federal court on Tuesday a proposed Texas regulation requiring facilities to dispose of aborted fetal tissue through burial or cremation is unnecessary and "offensive."

1. Offensive? Give me a break dude
2. Come on Texas, wtf? Bury fetal tissue?

IMO, it sounds like nothing more than ridiculous costly regulations to curve the application of it. Like the left and guns.

Wow, I mean after dragging a baby out and killing him/her, they can't get a decent burial?

Maybe they are trying to prevent the selling of human body parts that Planned Parenthood was engaged (and still engaged) in.

Read the law. It is not a baby, it's a fetus, which is the biological name for an evolved embryo, oh "poorly educated" Trumpster.

A law just as bad as the laws that said slavery was legal.

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