Comey Calls GOP-Led Probe On Russia A ‘Wreck’

Comey cost Hillary the presidency.

No, hilary cost hilary the presidency. She is arguably the least qualified candidate ever put forth, and is easily the most corrupt ever put forth. She was the lousiest candidate the world has ever seen. The fact that she lost twice is proof positive of that.
Trump was less qualified.

Not based on actual performance. The shrilary has been in and around politics for over 40 years. What exactly does she have to show for it? Name one accomplishment that she can claim completely as her own.
No, I'm a realist. I have witnessed far too many programs that didn't do what they were intended to do, but that invariably led to ever more government power. I am also a student of history and the parallels are obvious to anyone who cares to look. "Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it" is particularly appropriate in todays world. The fact that you ignore the past merely shows you either approve of what is happening, which makes you a progressive, or you're an idiot.
So you believe the whole government is corrupt and trump is the savior? :laugh: Trump is a bigger swamp than the one he is supposedly replacing.

If i thought the whole government was corrupt I wouldn't live here silly boy. But Congress exempts itself from laws that would see us go to prison. That is wrong on every level and that sort of illegal, and unethical behavior is committed by both sides. Politicians are in politics to line their own nests these days. That is very obvious.
Trump is on track for the most executive orders in 50 years and has passed every law the republican congress has put in front of him. Some reformer :laugh:

And the most important ones are those that rolled back obummers illegal EO's.
So far, that's all Trump has done.

Take your political whore blinders off and get back to us when you open your eyes.

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