Comey, committed perjury to congress

Isn't the memo government work product....and therefore something that needs aproval from higher ups to put out to the public....

Has comey just admitted to a felony?
I think he is too smart for that. I am troubled that if he thought he was going to be fired if he didn't stop the Kelly investigation, he should have gone to a higher up, (AG) to alert tham of a possible obstruction of justice. And he did not.
He did not report to the AG because the AG was going to recuse himself.
There was 2 weeks before Sessions recused himself. He didn't know that for a fact. Also, there were others he could have gone to to express his concerns that Trump did something illegally. That excuse did not hold water.
Isn't the memo government work product....and therefore something that needs aproval from higher ups to put out to the public....

Has comey just admitted to a felony?
I think he is too smart for that. I am troubled that if he thought he was going to be fired if he didn't stop the Kelly investigation, he should have gone to a higher up, (AG) to alert tham of a possible obstruction of justice. And he did not.

No....I don't think he is that smart.......we would need to know if those notes are actually considered government work product, if they are, if leaking them is a felony...because comey just admitted leaking them to the press....
You may have a good point there. Thanks.
Isn't the memo government work product....and therefore something that needs aproval from higher ups to put out to the public....

Has comey just admitted to a felony?
I think he is too smart for that. I am troubled that if he thought he was going to be fired if he didn't stop the Kelly investigation, he should have gone to a higher up, (AG) to alert tham of a possible obstruction of justice. And he did not.
He did not report to the AG because the AG was going to recuse himself.

Wrong answer......Sessions recusing himself has nothing to do with comey reporting this discussion to him......sessions was not going to be asked to be involved in the investigation but he was still the A.G.....reporting and attempt to sway an investigation would be a completely separate issue.....comey is lying....
You are a nobody on this. What you think has no bearing on the reality of the situation.
LOL, than does this not apply to you as well? It applies to everyone on this board!
Isn't the memo government work product....and therefore something that needs aproval from higher ups to put out to the public....

Has comey just admitted to a felony?
I think he is too smart for that. I am troubled that if he thought he was going to be fired if he didn't stop the Kelly investigation, he should have gone to a higher up, (AG) to alert tham of a possible obstruction of justice. And he did not.

No....I don't think he is that smart.......we would need to know if those notes are actually considered government work product, if they are, if leaking them is a felony...because comey just admitted leaking them to the press....
He is clearly much smarter than you.

And yet he is a national disgrace, for all to see.....and may have just admitted to committing a felony.
I don't think he is a national disgrace. He made the wrong judgment and did not know how to handle this situation well. He should have stepped back and got counsel on the matter.

Don't get me wrong, I think Trump made mistaskes as well, but noyt to the limit of breaking the ;aw.

Trump personal attorney is supposed to be making a statement after this hearing. I am waiting to hear what it is!
Former FBI Director James Comey just confirmed his May 3 Senate testimony under oath contradicts his supposed February memo which the mainstream media claimed was a “smoking gun” against President Trump.
NYT debunked: Trump didn't directly order end of Flynn investigation

View attachment 131736

Confirmed: Comey Committed Perjury to Congress

All the BS lies that will be spun on this speech like COMEY thinks he was fired because of Russia man these Obama hicks and Clinton Hicks are so easy to sell bs lies to these dumb asses believe everything coming out the Democratic questioning and their lies as if questioning Comes on live tv is going to be the GODS honest't answers to these questions. Give me a break the only idiots that believe that are the democratic ass kissers and their sheep.
Quote what Comey said on May 3rd that shows perjury.
Can't do it, eh?
Hinting strongly, as President, that an investigation should be ended in a good way is obstruction.
How about Lynch ordering Comey to not call the Hillary investigation an investigation? She was telling him to not investigate it officially and rather call it a probe or "matter".
Hinting strongly, as President, that an investigation should be ended in a good way is obstruction.
How about Lynch ordering Comey to not call the Hillary investigation an investigation? She was telling him to not investigate it officially and rather call it a probe or "matter".
Hint: thehawk, this is about Trump and Comey.
There is a parallel from the Hillary investigation and this testimony.
Hinting strongly, as President, that an investigation should be ended in a good way is obstruction.
How about Lynch ordering Comey to not call the Hillary investigation an investigation? She was telling him to not investigate it officially and rather call it a probe or "matter".
Hint: thehawk, this is about Trump and Comey.

Hint: it's about Comey's testimony. The only person who ordered him to not "investigate" was Lynch.

I know all you care about is getting Trump, Hillary and the Hussein regime get a pass on everything.
Hinting strongly, as President, that an investigation should be ended in a good way is obstruction.
How about Lynch ordering Comey to not call the Hillary investigation an investigation? She was telling him to not investigate it officially and rather call it a probe or "matter".
Hint: thehawk, this is about Trump and Comey.
There is a parallel from the Hillary investigation and this testimony.
In no sane mind is there such a parallel.
Hinting strongly, as President, that an investigation should be ended in a good way is obstruction.

"As president I order you to......." Did not happen

Was not obstruction, just asking to clear the mess up so it would not be fodder interfering with running the country.

This nonsense has gone on too long.

OK, russia is always trying to get information about us, and no doubt we do the same to them.

Disinformation, probably, normal for those inside or outside the country in this day and age.

Was Trump and the russians working together to tip the election........NO

Will russia keep trying long after Trump is gone, no doubt.


We tap into and classify information from russia. How it gets used by the government is a different matter.

This is just russia, and us, not Trump. Let him get on without all this intent to impeach over non existing collusion.

I want healthcare reforms, the county desperatly needs them. I want lower taxes and business growth.

Let the government do their job, not chase shadows.

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