Comey likens trump to a "mob boss"

Well, the same mentality about megalomania and a demand for unfaltering loyalty, BUT most mob bosses were smarter than the orange buffoon.

Hey laughing a mob boss worth $10B and sitting in the Oval Office instead of in Sing Sing.....oh you can't? guess that makes you a stooge and dumb as bark.
Dark Money

In the age of Citizens United and unlimited campaign donations, the NRA has emerged as an important "dark money" hub in Republican politics. Under its tax code designation, the NRA is a "social welfare" organization, largely exempt from disclosing its donors. To skirt disclosure, other big-dollar political players – including a SuperPAC linked to Karl Rove and a "chamber of commerce" controlled by the Koch Brothers – have routinely steered money into the NRA, confident that the gun group's spending will advance the GOP cause.

It is illegal, however, for foreign money to be used to influence U.S. elections. According to McClatchy, the heart of the FBI investigation is whether the NRA became a conduit for Russian cash, linked to the Kremlin, that bolstered Trump.

The Banker and "Godfather"

The key figure in the NRA/Russia investigation, McClatchy reports, is Alexander Torshin. Torshin is a longtime Putin ally who previously served as a top Russian senator. He is now a deputy governor of Russia's central bank, where his purview includes cracking down on the outflow of dirty money.

That's ironic, because Torshin has been linked to money laundering. Bloomberg reported

Will the gun jumpers now become Putin lovers? If the NRA has become a Russian money tunnel...will the trump regime name it a terrorist organization?
Well, the same mentality about megalomania and a demand for unfaltering loyalty, BUT most mob bosses were smarter than the orange buffoon.

Hey laughing a mob boss worth $10B and sitting in the Oval Office instead of in Sing Sing.....oh you can't? guess that makes you a stooge and dumb as bark.

You still believe the $10 Billion lie? I bet you think his tax returns are still under audit also....WHAT A SUCKER!
name a mob boss worth $10B and sitting in the Oval Office

WOW.....FINALLY, someone got to see trump's tax returns??? (all those zeroes after Trump's earnings' statement must be a sight to see..........I believe that you and Sean Hannity (and maybe Mueller) are the only ones who got to see those

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