Comey Praises Dirty Cop Mueller Ahead of Testimony as ‘American Patriot with Principles’

Remember, he couldn't even get Clinton after she deleted 30K mails out of evidence.

That's because emails aren't used for sensitive government communications, because it's the most unsecure form of communication in the world. In the business world, people give access to their business email accounts to secretaries, assistants and other staff, who may or may not have clearance. It's also highly hackable, especially microsoft email programs.
Be honest, is there any part of you that cringes in embarrassment when the peppered hair penis goes on one of his rants?
"Truth tastes like poison for those in the dark."
Luke 17:36
Ok, what does 5 minutes of ranting Hannity lies taste like?
I for one want to see Comey before a judge, held accountable for obstruction of justice, conspiracy, and abuse of power. Never will happen but who knows:) what a pathetic joke.
Muller was a pawn, hoped to find evidence supporting the beltway Gang, left holding a bag of fabricated shit. Played for a fool by the media and swamp.
Muller was a pawn, hoped to find evidence supporting the beltway Gang, left holding a bag of fabricated shit. Played for a fool by the media and swamp.
Why did he have to ruin lives like 33 year Veteran Michael Flynn ?
Paul Manafort sitting in solitary confinement for who knows how long ....
Be honest, is there any part of you that cringes in embarrassment when the peppered hair penis goes on one of his rants?
"Truth tastes like poison for those in the dark."
Luke 17:36

Luke 17:36 King James Version (KJV)
36 Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
I was close for it being a completely wild guess.
It was the perfect demonstration for how you present your arguments. Thank you!
I thought we were talking about mueller? Why you posting comics of Comey and Clinton? Durp
If Trump hadn't fired Comey, Mueller would have never been appointed special counsel by Rosenstein.
Ok, there’s some truth. Nice work!
And how can it be obstruction if Mueller knew there was no collusion in 2017 ? Before the raid of Cohen's office and Roger Stone's home, and other ways to find anything he could.
It was the perfect demonstration for how you present your arguments. Thank you!
So we're talking about Sean Hannity ?
And you're arguing that us Hannity-watchers are all misinformed, right-wing, Bible-totin',, gun-slingin, lunatics who think Obama was the Antichrist and Trump is God's new messiah right ?

Now excuse me ....Dog the Bounty Hunter is on .
“Dirty cop Mueller”?? Really?! You saying that with a straight face?
Yes. Mueller is a disgrace. He's a tool of the deep state. If he was an honest man he would have ended his witch hunt a month after it started.

From what I've heard, Mueller wanted the AG job that Trump didn't give him. It's part of the reason he was chosen. If that is the case, he should have never taken the job in the first place.
just another LIE that President Trump made up, and you all for some bizarre reason, took as the word of god?

Mueller said in no way was he ever interested in the AG job or any job... he was called and asked to come in to advise the trump team on various areas of intelligence... he did not interview for any job in this administration according to Mueller.... if the choice is between trump or mueller being a liar.... 100 to 1, it is Trump that's lying about it imo.

Also Bannon said that he was never there to be interviewed for any job.

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