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Comey Refuses To Answer Under Oath About Lynch Protection Of Clinton

This is one of the biggest headlines out of the hearing today with the FBI director, pointing out that the FBI had found an email was obtained by Russian hackers that indicated that former DOJ hack Loretta Lynch would do everything she could to protect Hillary from prosecution:

I am intrigued-----does anyone have the TEXT of that e-mail? Was it an e-mail
directly FROM Lynch to Hellcat?-------sheeeeesh------"HACKED" by Russia? ----
ya think they could be hacking me too?
btw your title is a lie. Even though the GOP Rep. tried to get him to break the law, the FBI Director took him to school.
No, much like your last sentence, your assessment that the title of this thread is a lie is your biased OPINION. Comey 'took no one to school' - he refused to answer a question that did not require a classified response. It required a 'yes' or 'no' response. DETAILS regarding the letter may be classified but NOT whether there is one or not.

Again, everyone knows Hillary was being protected.
Had there been no such email, then the subject would most likely not be classified. Why classify a subject about something which is nonexistent?

BINGO. By refusing to say anything, everything was said. :p
There is no other reason to refuse to answer the question 'is there an e-mail or not' except

.......the law about classified information. At least according to the FBI director, who also told us that congressional leaders were briefed and presumably since Republicans control Congress, if there was something there they would have taken action.

It was inappropriate of the Rep. Grassley, and I feel a partisan line to leave open an uncertainty, a vague doubt that can be exploited for propaganda, where none actually exist.
No, but this from Comey

And this from the NYT's, back in April-
The Times found that this go-it-alone strategy was shaped by his distrust of senior officials at the Justice Department, who he and other F.B.I. officials felt had provided Mrs. Clinton with political cover. The distrust extended to his boss, Loretta E. Lynch, the attorney general, who Mr. Comey believed had subtly helped play down the Clinton investigation.

His misgivings were only fueled by the discovery last year of a document written by a Democratic operative that seemed — at least in the eyes of Mr. Comey and his aides — to raise questions about her independence. In a bizarre example of how tangled the F.B.I. investigations had become, the document had been stolen by Russian hackers.

This is one of the biggest headlines out of the hearing today with the FBI director, pointing out that the FBI had found an email was obtained by Russian hackers that indicated that former DOJ hack Loretta Lynch would do everything she could to protect Hillary from prosecution:

I am intrigued-----does anyone have the TEXT of that e-mail? Was it an e-mail
directly FROM Lynch to Hellcat?-------sheeeeesh------"HACKED" by Russia? ----
ya think they could be hacking me too?
Again, stating that such a letter exists or not is not 'classified'. This is just another example of hiding the truth from the American people

Comrade EasyRed, I'll go with the FBI Director assessment, thank you.

"I’m not confirming there was an email, sir. I can’t — the subject is classified and in an appropriate forum I’d be happy to brief you on it. But I can’t do it in an open hearing."

btw your title is a lie. Even though the GOP Rep. tried to get him to break the law, the FBI Director took him to school.
Had there been no such email, then the subject would most likely not be classified. Why classify a subject about something which is nonexistent?

Who said it was nonexistent? Didn't the Director say "I have briefed leadership of the intelligence committees on that particular issue, but I can’t talk about it here."

So there was something, it had already discussed. Grassley damn well knew that Comey couldn't answer the question.
.......the law about classified information....

Democrats have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt they don't know the 1st damn thing about laws regarding classified information.

In defense of Hillary Clinton theytried to claim that giving access to highly classified information to your MAID so she can print the information out for you is NOT a crime.

How would you know if there is something damning if they are classified?
There is no other reason to refuse to answer the question 'is there an e-mail or not' except to hide the fact that there is such a letter, and Obama and his crooked AGs were protecting Hillary...which, again, everyone knows he was.

The DNC rigged their own primary, engaged in election fraud in their own primaries, and helped her cheat during debates in order to make sure she got the nomination. Obama and his SGs did their part, as well. Comey even declared it to be so under oath, making it clear the lame excuse used to keep her out of jail was that she was too stupid' to know she was breaking the law and endangering national security (like that would work with anyone else / any 'regular' citizens).

Denying Hillary was being protected is like denying people breathe air.
he's not going to give any leaker of classified info any glory.... by verifying anything the leaker or fake leaker claims.
Again, stating that such a letter exists or not is not 'classified'. This is just another example of hiding the truth from the American people

Comrade EasyRed, I'll go with the FBI Director assessment, thank you.

"I’m not confirming there was an email, sir. I can’t — the subject is classified and in an appropriate forum I’d be happy to brief you on it. But I can’t do it in an open hearing."

btw your title is a lie. Even though the GOP Rep. tried to get him to break the law, the FBI Director took him to school.
Had there been no such email, then the subject would most likely not be classified. Why classify a subject about something which is nonexistent?

Who said it was nonexistent? Didn't the Director say "I have briefed leadership of the intelligence committees on that particular issue, but I can’t talk about it here."

So there was something, it had already discussed. Grassley damn well knew that Comey couldn't answer the question.
When the question is "Does such a letter exist?" Then a nonanswer like Comey gave is an answer for thinking people. So the answer is, yes it does exist. Otherwise Comey could have said that he had no knowledge of such a letter (which would not be classified information if it didn't exist).
Grassley is a slivering creature and always has been going back to the Franklin Coverup Scandal...he was the leaker to the right wing media in the Clinton email server investigation with all kinds of bullcrap stuff that all turned out to be not true...
Grassley is a slivering creature and always has been going back to the Franklin Coverup Scandal...he was the leaker to the right wing media in the Clinton email server investigation with all kinds of bullcrap stuff that all turned out to be not true...
Grassley asked the right question, forcing Comey to give an answer that proves there is such a letter, eliciting a personal attack from the left. Funny...
No, but this from Comey

And this from the NYT's, back in April-
The Times found that this go-it-alone strategy was shaped by his distrust of senior officials at the Justice Department, who he and other F.B.I. officials felt had provided Mrs. Clinton with political cover. The distrust extended to his boss, Loretta E. Lynch, the attorney general, who Mr. Comey believed had subtly helped play down the Clinton investigation.

His misgivings were only fueled by the discovery last year of a document written by a Democratic operative that seemed — at least in the eyes of Mr. Comey and his aides — to raise questions about her independence. In a bizarre example of how tangled the F.B.I. investigations had become, the document had been stolen by Russian hackers

James Comey Avoids Testifying on Dem Doc Reportedly Showing AG Lynch Protecting Hillary

“Okay, moving on to another subject, the New York Times recently reported that the FBI had found a troubling email among the ones the Russians hacked from Democrat operatives. The email reportedly provided assurances that Attorney General Lynch would protect Secretary Clinton by making sure the FBI investigation ‘didn’t go too far.’ “How, and when, did you first learn of this document? Also, who sent it and who received it?”

“That’s not a question I can answer in this forum, Mr. Chairman, because it would call for a classified response. I have briefed leadership of the intelligence committees on that particular issue, but I can’t talk about it here.”

"What steps did the FBI take to determine whether Attorney General Lynch had actually given assurances that the political fix was in no matter what? Did the FBI interview the person who wrote the email? If not, why not?"

"I have to give you the same answer. I can’t talk about that in an unclassified setting."

"Okay, then you can expect me to follow up on that. I asked the FBI to provide this email to the committee before today’s hearing. Why haven’t you done so and will you provide it by the end of this week?"

"Again, to react to that, I have to give a classified answer and I can’t give it sitting here."

"So that means you can give me the email?"

"I’m not confirming there was an email, sir. I can’t — the subject is classified and in an appropriate forum I’d be happy to brief you on it. But I can’t do it in an open hearing."

BULLSHIT. Saying "There is an e-mail' or saying "There is no such e-mail" is not classified and does not require a 'classified' answer. It's a simple 'Yes' or 'No'.


"Last month, the New York Times reported on the alleged document. The newspaper described “a document written by a Democratic operative that seemed — at least in the eyes of Mr. Comey and his aides — to raise questions about [Lynch’s] independence.”

The newspaper further described the reported document:

During Russia’s hacking campaign against the United States, intelligence agencies could peer, at times, into Russian networks and see what had been taken. Early last year, F.B.I. agents received a batch of hacked documents, and one caught their attention.

The document, which has been described as both a memo and an email, was written by a Democratic operative who expressed confidence that Ms. Lynch would keep the Clinton investigation from going too far, according to several former officials familiar with the document."

So why exactly are you demanding that Comey break the law?

"I’m not confirming there was an email, sir. I can’t — the subject is classified and in an appropriate forum I’d be happy to brief you on it. But I can’t do it in an open hearing."

And why are you lying about Comey- again?

Comey didn't refuse to answer under oath- he clearly said he was prepared to answer the question in an unclassified setting.
“That’s not a question I can answer in this forum, Mr. Chairman, because it would call for a classified response. I have briefed leadership of the intelligence committees on that particular issue, but I can’t talk about it here.”

You Trumpsters- if you couldn't lie- you wouldn't be able to post.
Grassley is a slivering creature and always has been going back to the Franklin Coverup Scandal...he was the leaker to the right wing media in the Clinton email server investigation with all kinds of bullcrap stuff that all turned out to be not true...
Grassley asked the right question, forcing Comey to give an answer that proves there is such a letter, eliciting a personal attack from the left. Funny...

You started this whole thread based on a lie- typical contard Trumpster.
Why was he trying to bait the FBI director into breaking the law by revealing classified information? What a fucking asshole. Isn't that some kind of ethics violation.
'Is there an e-mail which possibly infers the US AG was never going to allow the Clinton investigation go too far'' is NOT classified...unless it has been deemed 'classified' to ensure no one could ever see it / know about it..

How would you know it is not classified?

Why did you start this thread with a lie about Comey?
Why was he trying to bait the FBI director into breaking the law by revealing classified information? What a fucking asshole. Isn't that some kind of ethics violation.
'Is there an e-mail which possibly infers the US AG was never going to allow the Clinton investigation go too far'' is NOT classified...unless it has been deemed 'classified' to ensure no one could ever see it / know about it..

How would you know it is not classified?

Why did you start this thread with a lie about Comey?
it's simply what he does...?
he's paid to do it?

those are my two guesses... :D
  • He managed Millions for The Clinton Foundation while at HSBC.
  • He looked the other way when Holder ran his illegal gun running operation to Mexican Drug Cartels.
  • He looked the other way when Holder perjured himself in front of Congress.
  • He looked the other way when Clapper lied about Americans being under surveillance.
  • He looked the other way when Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi.
  • He looked the other way when Susan Rice lied and perjured herself about Benghazi.
  • He looked the other way when IRS head Koskinen perjured himself in front of congress and used The IRS as a weapon.
  • He looked the other way when Lois Lerner lied in front of congress, and also claimed all her emails were destroyed along with her hard drive.
  • He gave her and the IRS a month to scrub the backup tapes, and the Email server before handing over the emails requested that were claimed to be "gone forever."
  • He looked the other way when Hillary Clinton lied about her server, the number of devices she had, and the fact she emailed classified information to unauthorized people.
  • He looked the other way when allowing Hillary Clinton to scrub her server of so called 33,000 emails about YOGA Pants, and still found evidence of felony Espionage and Treason, and refused to recommend prosecution because she was a dumb bitch too dumb to know how to handle classified information, and was a apparently the dumbest attorney in the country because she was unaware she was breaking the law.
  • He looked the other way when Loretta Lynch secretly met with Bill Clinton while both he and Hillary were under criminal investigation.
  • He gave all of Clinton's staff immunity and then sealed their testimonies.
  • He looked the other way when The Obama Administration illegally spied on the Trump Campaign Team.
  • He looked the other way when The Obama Administration committed felonies by releasing classified information on President Trump's phone calls with Mexico, Thailand, and Australia.
  • He looked the other way when a felony was committed by someone in The IRS when President Trump's tax returns were illegally released.
  • He looked the other way when Susan Rice again perjured herself, and then admitted that she was the one illegally unmasking members of the Trump Campaign team who were under illegal surveillance.
  • He looked the other way when Evelyn Farkas admitted she was still seeing classified information, and was engaged in a plot to disseminate illegal unmasked intel to as many people as The Obama Administration could "on the Hill".
  • He continued to pretend to be investigating so called "Russian Collusion" despite having to admit there was none, as did the CIA, NSA, Treasury and NHI.
  • He looked the other way while the Democrats violated RICO when they hired thugs to bloody and intimidate Republican voters.
Why does Comey stilll have a job?
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How would you know it is not classified? Why did you start this thread with a lie about Comey?

I have spent 30 years working with classified information. The question asked was a 'yes' or 'no' question. The answer did not require anything classified to be said and was not 'classified'. There was no lie, despite your liberal propagandist claims t the contrary. It is just a 'tactic'...your OPINION.

Relax - it's over and done with now. Comey revealed there IS such an e-mail by the way he DID answer the question. Everyone already knew Hillary was being protected anyway. Nothing 'secret' was revealed.

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