Comey thinks he was fired because of the Russia investigation

The far right, many of them, are now ill with TDS.

I would be fine with Pence. In fact anything but a goddamned mother fucking Dimocrat who would right now be working to weaken instead of strengthening our borders, adding sanctuary cities, instead of dismantling them, working for amnesty, instead of deportation, adding refugees from Islamic hellholes, instead of decreasing them, growing government and adding more handouts, instead of asking for personal responsibility.
Comey can think anything he wants as to why he was fired he can think he was fired because there was a full moon the night before it doesn't make it true.
Comey is saying that he was fired likely because Trump was feeling pressure from the investigation into Russia.

He said he made those notes because he thought Trump would lie about it.

Trump is going down!

Do you guys ever report the news as it is not as you want to see it or others to perceive it?

Couldn't be farther from the truth.
Rubio busted Comey's and MSM conjectures and narrative spin.
After Oregon Democratic Senator Ron Wyden who sounds like Deputy Dog,
used this questioning for politicizing the event with more demonizing off the mark rhetoric.
That's what these hearings are used for by Dems, a constant jabbing bashing job in the limelight like the campaign is still going on for Dems who have not come to grips that they lost. Just like in these forums, you checkmate someone where they have trapped themselves in their own argument so that they have no way out to win their argument, and they still go on with the same topic as if they never lost.=kid throwing the chess board to the ground in rage of losing.
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Comey is saying that he was fired likely because Trump was feeling pressure from the investigation into Russia.

He said he made those notes because he thought Trump would lie about it.

Trump is going down!
...because of what Comey thinks and feels? You people are off the charts stupid.
The hearing was over in the first 5 minutes of questioning when the Chair asked if the president had asked Comey to stop the investigation and Comey answered that he did not. The rest is political show.
The far right, many of them, are now ill with TDS.

I would be fine with Pence. In fact anything but a goddamned mother fucking Dimocrat who would right now be working to weaken instead of strengthening our borders, adding sanctuary cities, instead of dismantling them, working for amnesty, instead of deportation, adding refugees from Islamic hellholes, instead of decreasing them, growing government and adding more handouts, instead of asking for personal responsibility.
You haz a sad. Yes, I would be fine with Pence.
Once again, the word Hope is not a word of ordering someone, pressuring someone otherwise the Dems and MSM and especially Deputy Dog there Senator Ron Wyden, Schumer, Pelosi, and the gang are guilty of Obstruction for saying
"I HOPE you find something"
and to the FBI;
"I HOPE They find something"

Bill Clinton to Loretta Lynch "I hope you drop investigating my wife for sake of our party"
Comey is saying that he was fired likely because Trump was feeling pressure from the investigation into Russia.

He said he made those notes because he thought Trump would lie about it.

Trump is going down!

Trump isn't going anywhere. Likely isn't a reason for impeachment. Smoke but no fire, is not impeachable.
It's likely that Comey's "notes" were made the night he got fired. With an axe to grind. And yet, still no Russian collusion.
"Nobody asked me to stop Russian probe." ~ Comey.
"Nobody asked me to stop the Flynn investigation." ~ Comey

Soros liberals are reeking with desperation. It's getting painful to watch the flailing around. He may not be your president, but he is America's president. And he's staying.
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Testimony by Comey gives the committee fertile ground to cover and the intel agencies more courage to go forward.
Comey is saying that he was fired likely because Trump was feeling pressure from the investigation into Russia.

He said he made those notes because he thought Trump would lie about it.

Trump is going down!

Do you guys ever report the news as it is not as you want to see it or others to perceive it?

Couldn't be farther from the truth.
Rubio busted Comey's and MSM conjectures and narrative spin.
After Oregon Democratic Senator Ron Wyden who sounds like Deputy Dog,
used this question for politicizing the event with more demonizing off the mark rhetoric.
That's what these hearings are used for by Dems, a constant jabbing bashing job in the limelight like the campaign is still going on for Dems who have not come to grips that they lost. Just like in these forums, you checkmate someone where they have trapped themselves in their iwn argument so that they have no way out to win their argument, and they still go on with the same topic as if they never lost.=kid throwing the chess board to the ground in rage of losing.
The far right, many of them, are now ill with TDS.

I would be fine with Pence. In fact anything but a goddamned mother fucking Dimocrat who would right now be working to weaken instead of strengthening our borders, adding sanctuary cities, instead of dismantling them, working for amnesty, instead of deportation, adding refugees from Islamic hellholes, instead of decreasing them, growing government and adding more handouts, instead of asking for personal responsibility.
Those evil fucking Democrats. Clinton balanced the budget. Bush took that & left with the worst recession in 80 years, Obama brought us back with a record number of months with positive job growth. Trump is trying hard to fuck everything up with support from his feeble minded base. I see a theme.
Comey is saying that he was fired likely because Trump was feeling pressure from the investigation into Russia.

He said he made those notes because he thought Trump would lie about it.

Trump is going down!

Trump isn't going anywhere. Likely isn't a reason for impeachment. Smoke but no fire, is not impeachable.
It's likely that Comey's "notes" were made the night he got fired. With an axe to grind. And yet, still no Russian collusion.
"Nobody asked me to stop Russian probe." ~ Comey.
"Nobody asked me to stop the Flynn investigation." ~ Comey

Soros liberals are reeking with desperation. It's getting painful to watch the flailing around. He may not be your president, but he is America's president. And he's staying.

Nobody said " Stop the _______ investigation".

But they did say - "You like your job? Do you want to keep your job? I hope you end the investigation?"

Hey, that is soooooooooo different.
Once again, the word Hope is not a word of ordering someone, pressuring someone otherwise the Dems and MSM and especially Deputy Dog there Senator Ron Wyden, Schumer, Pelosi, and the gang are guilty of Obstruction for saying
"I HOPE you find something"
and to the FBI;
"I HOPE They find something"

Bill Clinton to Loretta Lynch "I hope you drop investigating my wife for sake of our party"

Let me know when either testifies to that.
Comey is saying that he was fired likely because Trump was feeling pressure from the investigation into Russia.

He said he made those notes because he thought Trump would lie about it.

Trump is going down!
...because of what Comey thinks and feels? You people are off the charts stupid.
Police can kill people because they "feel" threatened, dipshit,. So don't think "feel" does not mean anything.
Comey is saying that he was fired likely because Trump was feeling pressure from the investigation into Russia.

He said he made those notes because he thought Trump would lie about it.

Trump is going down!

Trump isn't going anywhere. Likely isn't a reason for impeachment. Smoke but no fire, is not impeachable.
It's likely that Comey's "notes" were made the night he got fired. With an axe to grind. And yet, still no Russian collusion.
"Nobody asked me to stop Russian probe." ~ Comey.
"Nobody asked me to stop the Flynn investigation." ~ Comey

Soros liberals are reeking with desperation. It's getting painful to watch the flailing around. He may not be your president, but he is America's president. And he's staying.
Nixon did not order the break in but the cover up did him in. Trump is trying to cover this up. He's been caught lying about it.

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