Comey thinks he was fired because of the Russia investigation

Striking when he said he made notes on his meetings with Trump because he feared Trump would lie about them.

He never that either. He said he wrote notes because it was an unusual conversation that he felt he might need later.

Unless you watched the whole thing he said both of realdave said and what you said. Seems like all questions were very close to each other but only paraphrased different as to trip him up.
like the Soros/Clinton connection.
like the Putin/Clinton connection.
like the Lynch/Clinton/Comey connection.
like the Obama/Clinton/uranium/flexibility connection.
like the Obama/Mexico/gun running connection.
I could go on for 8 years...
Yet another ignorant Trumpette & the Uranium shit.
What Putin Clinton connection? When did they meet & then lie about a meeting?
Yes Clinton, Comey & Lynch were connected because they were all in office together. OMG OMG OMG
And we are all sure Obama ordered Fast & Furious............

That's not Trump leaning in for a Russian kiss:

And the Uranium is a BIG deal. Google what uranium is used for, you dumbass. Iran was thrilled with our uranium and our planeloads of money. < That should be the next investigation.

Clinton was one of a 9 person panel who had to approve it. Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), on which the U.S. Secretary of State sits.

The company is a Canadian mining company which is 51% owned by a Russian company. They purchased uranium reserves in the US. You are claiming Iran got that uranium?

You people love Iran. You want to cancel the deal that prevents Iran from getting a nuke.

I know exactly who purchased our uranium thanks to Obama. Russia, who will gift it to Iran.
And I know about the secret planeloads of our hard earned cash that Obama gifted to Iran.
You have us confused with Obama. We consider Iran a terrorist country. Obama considered them Muslim brothers...
Testimony by Comey gives the committee fertile ground to cover and the intel agencies more courage to go forward.
No it doesn't. The only thing fertile is your post because it's pure bull shit.
Poor TDS boy. Can you say President Pence?

Pence is in seclusion practicing putting his right hand on the bible and saying, I do.
He might want to hold off on that unless he plans on getting married again.
Because Comey says so??
Comey lied. Comey leaked. So long Comey. Trump is still president. :)
Comey is saying that he was fired likely because Trump was feeling pressure from the investigation into Russia.

He said he made those notes because he thought Trump would lie about it.

Trump is going down!
...because of what Comey thinks and feels? You people are off the charts stupid.
Police can kill people because they "feel" threatened, dipshit,. So don't think "feel" does not mean anything.

Feelings means nothing:
Me: "Hello Police? I feel like RD is going to kill me".
Police: "Do you have any proof he wants to kill you"?
Me: "No, I just got that feeling when I fired him".
Police: "You should be arrested for wasting our time. Good-bye".

Officer: Why did you shoot that man.
2aguy: He was charging my door & I thought he was going to attack my family.
2aguy: You know the Castle Doctrine "when the actor reasonably fears imminent peril of death or serious bodily harm to him or herself or another"
Officer: OK because you FELT your life was in danger.
...with cause. You can't just be a snowflake.
like the Soros/Clinton connection.
like the Putin/Clinton connection.
like the Lynch/Clinton/Comey connection.
like the Obama/Clinton/uranium/flexibility connection.
like the Obama/Mexico/gun running connection.
I could go on for 8 years...
Yet another ignorant Trumpette & the Uranium shit.
What Putin Clinton connection? When did they meet & then lie about a meeting?
Yes Clinton, Comey & Lynch were connected because they were all in office together. OMG OMG OMG
And we are all sure Obama ordered Fast & Furious............

That's not Trump leaning in for a Russian kiss:

And the Uranium is a BIG deal. Google what uranium is used for, you dumbass. Iran was thrilled with our uranium and our planeloads of money. < That should be the next investigation.

Clinton was one of a 9 person panel who had to approve it. Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), on which the U.S. Secretary of State sits.

The company is a Canadian mining company which is 51% owned by a Russian company. They purchased uranium reserves in the US. You are claiming Iran got that uranium?

You people love Iran. You want to cancel the deal that prevents Iran from getting a nuke.

And yet the Clnton Foundation did receive large donations at the time as well. Something the SOS failed to report to her superiors and strangely there is no documentation in the US records......but there IS in Canda

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.
Deflections will not help Trump's defense in the slightest.

Trump doesn't need a defense. He hasn't done anything wrong. According to Comey, Trump wasn't even investigated. Nothing to defend against. If Comey sways from that, you're going to hear an awful lot of this lawyer catch phrase:
"So which is it? Were you lying then or are you lying now?"
Trump has indeed done plenty of things, and now the investigations get fast and furious. heh
Comey is saying that he was fired likely because Trump was feeling pressure from the investigation into Russia.

He said he made those notes because he thought Trump would lie about it.

Trump is going down!
Both Comey and Trump need to go down. and Karma is a bitch
like the Soros/Clinton connection.
like the Putin/Clinton connection.
like the Lynch/Clinton/Comey connection.
like the Obama/Clinton/uranium/flexibility connection.
like the Obama/Mexico/gun running connection.
I could go on for 8 years...
Yet another ignorant Trumpette & the Uranium shit.
What Putin Clinton connection? When did they meet & then lie about a meeting?
Yes Clinton, Comey & Lynch were connected because they were all in office together. OMG OMG OMG
And we are all sure Obama ordered Fast & Furious............

That's not Trump leaning in for a Russian kiss:

And the Uranium is a BIG deal. Google what uranium is used for, you dumbass. Iran was thrilled with our uranium and our planeloads of money. < That should be the next investigation.

Clinton was one of a 9 person panel who had to approve it. Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), on which the U.S. Secretary of State sits.

The company is a Canadian mining company which is 51% owned by a Russian company. They purchased uranium reserves in the US. You are claiming Iran got that uranium?

You people love Iran. You want to cancel the deal that prevents Iran from getting a nuke.

And yet the Clnton Foundation did receive large donations at the time as well. Something the SOS failed to report to her superiors and strangely there is no documentation in the US records......but there IS in Canda

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

Do you people EVER quit lying?

What did the other members of that committee get to allow this sale? Or are you claiming the Russians on bribed one of 9 people?

The Clintons take no money from the Clinton Foundation.

The Canadian donations you are lying about were indeed reported. The issue was the individual donations were not listed as that is the way Canadians do it & this was corrected when asked.

I can't believe anyone who voted for Trump has the gull to talk about these false Clinton issues. Trump is a proven business cheat. He has leveraged the Presidency to personally profit. And you run in circles " OMG OMG OMG Clinton Foundation".


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