Comey thinks he was fired because of the Russia investigation

Deflections will not help Trump's defense in the slightest.

Trump doesn't need a defense. He hasn't done anything wrong. According to Comey, Trump wasn't even investigated. Nothing to defend against. If Comey sways from that, you're going to hear an awful lot of this lawyer catch phrase:
"So which is it? Were you lying then or are you lying now?"

So Comey was truthful when he said Trump wass not under investigation but is lying when he said Trump tried to get him to drop the Flynn investigation.

It is YOU who is playing both sides.

Whether El Cheeto was under investigation or not is irrelevant to the fact he tried to get the FBI to drop an investigation into Flynn.

I bet you wrre proud when Trump was referred to as a liar multiple times from a past FBI director under oath.

If El Dunpster is saying that is not true, he needs tell it under oath or Shut The Fuck Up.
RealDave, if and when Trump and or his associates are indicted, "but Hillary" and "but Clinton" are not defenses only whining.
like the Soros/Clinton connection.
like the Putin/Clinton connection.
like the Lynch/Clinton/Comey connection.
like the Obama/Clinton/uranium/flexibility connection.
like the Obama/Mexico/gun running connection.
I could go on for 8 years...
Yet another ignorant Trumpette & the Uranium shit.
What Putin Clinton connection? When did they meet & then lie about a meeting?
Yes Clinton, Comey & Lynch were connected because they were all in office together. OMG OMG OMG
And we are all sure Obama ordered Fast & Furious............

That's not Trump leaning in for a Russian kiss:

And the Uranium is a BIG deal. Google what uranium is used for, you dumbass. Iran was thrilled with our uranium and our planeloads of money. < That should be the next investigation.

Clinton was one of a 9 person panel who had to approve it. Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), on which the U.S. Secretary of State sits.

The company is a Canadian mining company which is 51% owned by a Russian company. They purchased uranium reserves in the US. You are claiming Iran got that uranium?

You people love Iran. You want to cancel the deal that prevents Iran from getting a nuke.

I know exactly who purchased our uranium thanks to Obama. Russia, who will gift it to Iran.
And I know about the secret planeloads of our hard earned cash that Obama gifted to Iran.
You have us confused with Obama. We consider Iran a terrorist country. Obama considered them Muslim brothers...

You are quite the ass.

You claimed the uranium went to Iran & now you claim it will. What a lying fuck you are.

The "planeload" of money was money owed to Iran for quite some time.

Obama is not a Muslim. He never considered Iran as a Muslim brother.

My God, you are not fooling anyone. Your lies are easily debunked yet you continue. How did you get this fucking stupid?
The far neo-con right has no sense of right or wrong, no moral center, no commitment to eternal goodness.
Those evil fucking Democrats. Clinton balanced the budget.
The Republican congress balanced the budget. You're full of shit.
Clinton + Republican Congress = balanced budget
Bush + same basic Congress = deficits & debt.

What changed? Without Clinton to stop them, Your Republicans voted rto slash revenue through unfunded tax cuts, deregulated, put in a huge unfunded expansion to medicare, launched two quagmire wars - one based on lied. Clinton would have vetoed those things. released them to nearly kill America.

Bush pushed therm.

So yes, Clinton balanced the budget. Bush nearly killed America.
Comey is saying that he was fired likely because Trump was feeling pressure from the investigation into Russia.

He said he made those notes because he thought Trump would lie about it.

Trump is going down!

Comey admitted that Trump wasn't under investigation, there was no obstruction, hoping isn't a crime.
Comey is saying that he was fired likely because Trump was feeling pressure from the investigation into Russia.

He said he made those notes because he thought Trump would lie about it.

Trump is going down!

Comey admitted that Trump wasn't under investigation, there was no obstruction, hoping isn't a crime.

Do you like your job. Do you want to keep your job? I hope you can let this Fluyynn thing go.

Yep, that's not a threat or anything. Nooooooooooooo.
Those evil fucking Democrats. Clinton balanced the budget.
The Republican congress balanced the budget. You're full of shit.
Clinton + Republican Congress = balanced budget
Bush + same basic Congress = deficits & debt.

What changed? Without Clinton to stop them, Your Republicans voted rto slash revenue through unfunded tax cuts, deregulated, put in a huge unfunded expansion to medicare, launched two quagmire wars - one based on lied. Clinton would have vetoed those things. released them to nearly kill America.

Bush pushed therm.

So yes, Clinton balanced the budget. Bush nearly killed America.
Your history is as sharp as your often displayed rapier wit. First, I'm not a party member but I know your toggle switch doesn't have a setting for that. But the last two years Bush had a Democrat congress, look up Pelosi and Reid as majority leaders.

In '94 Republicans won with the Contract with America, and set about it, hardly Clinton's idea or doing.

You are just a brainwashed moppet repeating your teachings with no real curiosity for the real world.
Comey is saying that he was fired likely because Trump was feeling pressure from the investigation into Russia.

He said he made those notes because he thought Trump would lie about it.

Trump is going down!

Comey admitted that Trump wasn't under investigation, there was no obstruction, hoping isn't a crime.

Do you like your job. Do you want to keep your job? I hope you can let this Fluyynn thing go.

Yep, that's not a threat or anything. Nooooooooooooo.
And that was said by whom and when? You wouldn't lie to us?
Comey is saying that he was fired likely because Trump was feeling pressure from the investigation into Russia.

He said he made those notes because he thought Trump would lie about it.

Trump is going down!

Comey admitted that Trump wasn't under investigation, there was no obstruction, hoping isn't a crime.

Do you like your job. Do you want to keep your job? I hope you can let this Fluyynn thing go.

Yep, that's not a threat or anything. Nooooooooooooo.

He didn't ask him if he wanted to keep his job you fucking liar.
Striking when he said he made notes on his meetings with Trump because he feared Trump would lie about them.

Simple question, Dave...if Comey thought what Trump was asking him was so improper that he needed to take notes to protect himself...then why didn't he A) inform Trump that saying he "hoped" Comey could see his way to letting Flynn off the hook was improper...and B) inform the Attorney General's office about the alleged improper suggestions?
What Comey did in response to Trump's suggestions does not remove Trump's suggestions.
Comey is saying that he was fired likely because Trump was feeling pressure from the investigation into Russia.

He said he made those notes because he thought Trump would lie about it.

Trump is going down!

Comey admitted that Trump wasn't under investigation, there was no obstruction, hoping isn't a crime.

Do you like your job. Do you want to keep your job? I hope you can let this Fluyynn thing go.

Yep, that's not a threat or anything. Nooooooooooooo.
And that was said by whom and when? You wouldn't lie to us?
So, you did not hear Comey yesterday.

He testified under oath that rump had asked him those questions about his job & ask him to lay off his & Vlad's buddy Flynn.

You you people ever get the news, watch events, etc?

If El Dumpster wants to refute Comey, have him it under oath or just STFU.
Until Trump releases his tapes, his supporters have no ground on which to stand.
Comey is saying that he was fired likely because Trump was feeling pressure from the investigation into Russia.

He said he made those notes because he thought Trump would lie about it.

Trump is going down!

Comey admitted that Trump wasn't under investigation, there was no obstruction, hoping isn't a crime.

Do you like your job. Do you want to keep your job? I hope you can let this Fluyynn thing go.

Yep, that's not a threat or anything. Nooooooooooooo.
And that was said by whom and when? You wouldn't lie to us?
So, you did not hear Comey yesterday.

He testified under oath that rump had asked him those questions about his job & ask him to lay off his & Vlad's buddy Flynn.

You you people ever get the news, watch events, etc?

If El Dumpster wants to refute Comey, have him it under oath or just STFU.
Quote him. I heard him say that was his impression, not an order. Do you people ever tell the truth?
Comey is saying that he was fired likely because Trump was feeling pressure from the investigation into Russia.

He said he made those notes because he thought Trump would lie about it.

Trump is going down!

Comey admitted that Trump wasn't under investigation, there was no obstruction, hoping isn't a crime.

Do you like your job. Do you want to keep your job? I hope you can let this Fluyynn thing go.

Yep, that's not a threat or anything. Nooooooooooooo.
And that was said by whom and when? You wouldn't lie to us?
So, you did not hear Comey yesterday.

He testified under oath that rump had asked him those questions about his job & ask him to lay off his & Vlad's buddy Flynn.

You you people ever get the news, watch events, etc?

If El Dumpster wants to refute Comey, have him it under oath or just STFU.

If the best you've got is Trump telling Comey that he "hoped" Comey would see fit to lay off Flynn...then you've got nothing, Dave! I'm sorry but you can't find someone guilty of obstruction of justice for "hoping". The disturbing thing that came out of Comey's testimony is that Loretta Lynch pressured him to not bring charges against Hillary Clinton for her email scandal after meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac that day! You want "collusion"? There it SPADES!!!
The libs are flailing at this point, they've got nothing, so they're forced to spin Comey's "feelings" as evidence of wrongdoing. Sorry kiddos, that doesn't cut it in the court of law.
Comey is saying that he was fired likely because Trump was feeling pressure from the investigation into Russia.

He said he made those notes because he thought Trump would lie about it.

Trump is going down!

Comey admitted that Trump wasn't under investigation, there was no obstruction, hoping isn't a crime.

Do you like your job. Do you want to keep your job? I hope you can let this Fluyynn thing go.

Yep, that's not a threat or anything. Nooooooooooooo.
And that was said by whom and when? You wouldn't lie to us?
So, you did not hear Comey yesterday.

He testified under oath that rump had asked him those questions about his job & ask him to lay off his & Vlad's buddy Flynn.

You're a liar he did not ask if he wanted to keep his job provide that alleged quote from the transcript.
Striking when he said he made notes on his meetings with Trump because he feared Trump would lie about them.

Simple question, Dave...if Comey thought what Trump was asking him was so improper that he needed to take notes to protect himself...then why didn't he A) inform Trump that saying he "hoped" Comey could see his way to letting Flynn off the hook was improper...and B) inform the Attorney General's office about the alleged improper suggestions?
So, this is the same defense Trymp's buddy Corey used.

It's Comey's fault because he did not report this to DOJ?

If you actually had a job & the CEO asked you to say lie to a customer, I guess you'd go running to the board of directors right away? Or would you just ignore your request, document it, and only report it when that CEO does something again or implicates you when a problem arises?

If your wife caught you talking to a strange woman on the phone but doesn't say anything but brings it up later when she catches you making out with this woman a few weeks later. She says "AHA, I knew it from the day I caught you on the phone". You reply, "Well you should have said something then".

If El Cheeto wouldn't have started blaming Comey & calling him a liar, Comey likely would never had said anything, just blowing off the incident .

This idea you Trumpettes have that because Comey did not run to the DOJ is an excuse for Trump is ridiculous. Your orange POS hero broke the law, he knew it. Ryan basically admitted it when he tried to use the excuse Trump was new & naive.

If Trump wants to argue it, he needs to do it under oath because he is a proven liar.

Grtwat Presidenbt you voted for, right?

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