Comey thinks he was fired because of the Russia investigation

And that was said by whom and when? You wouldn't lie to us?
So, you did not hear Comey yesterday.

He testified under oath that rump had asked him those questions about his job & ask him to lay off his & Vlad's buddy Flynn.

You're a liar he did not ask if he wanted to keep his job provide that alleged quote from the transcript.

"The President began by asking me whether I wanted to stay on as FBI Director, which I found strange because he had already told me twice in earlier conversations that he hoped I would stay, and I had assured him that I intended to. He said that lots of people wanted my job and, given the abuse I had taken during the previous year, he would understand if I wanted to walk away."

Comey opening statement.

Now what?

You assholes keep calling me a liar & demand proof. I have news, your ignorance & stupidity makes you stupid & does not make me a liar.

Well, Asshole, this is proof.

Now where is my apology????

That wasn't what you said which was that Trump threatened to fire him if he didn't back off Flynn. Those two statements aren't even from the same fucking meeting you god damn liar that's from the Jan. 27th dinner the Flynn conversation comes from the February meeting, telling Comey he would understand if he wanted to resign is not telling him to back off an investigation if he wants to keep his job as you claimed.

Wow,k nis there no end top your lies. I said this:

Do you like your job,. Do you want to keep your job.

That's from the Jan. 27 meeting.

I hope you can.....

And that's from the February meeting you are grouping together 3 statements from two separate conversations from 2 separate dates you lying piece of shit.
So, this is the same defense Trymp's buddy Corey used.

It's Comey's fault because he did not report this to DOJ?

If you actually had a job & the CEO asked you to say lie to a customer, I guess you'd go running to the board of directors right away? Or would you just ignore your request, document it, and only report it when that CEO does something again or implicates you when a problem arises?

If your wife caught you talking to a strange woman on the phone but doesn't say anything but brings it up later when she catches you making out with this woman a few weeks later. She says "AHA, I knew it from the day I caught you on the phone". You reply, "Well you should have said something then".

If El Cheeto wouldn't have started blaming Comey & calling him a liar, Comey likely would never had said anything, just blowing off the incident .

This idea you Trumpettes have that because Comey did not run to the DOJ is an excuse for Trump is ridiculous. Your orange POS hero broke the law, he knew it. Ryan basically admitted it when he tried to use the excuse Trump was new & naive.

If Trump wants to argue it, he needs to do it under oath because he is a proven liar.

Grtwat Presidenbt you voted for, right?
How is Trump a proven liar? I didn't see that in your maniacal diatribe.

So, you think he knows more than the generals about ISIS. Really? You are that God Damn stupid?

How about his record telling the truth during the campaign.

How about his lie about the number of coal jobs he has created?

These have been PROVEN to be lies.

The idea you are sofa king stupid to claim he never lies proves what an ass you are.
So you shifted gears to other issues. Go ahead and back those up then since you don't want to discuss Comey anymore.
Same issue. I apologize if my post went way over your head. You wanted proof that El Dumbster is a proven liar. I presented that.

Are you still claiming Trump is not a liar?
We were talking about Comey and you shifted gears so I asked you to back that one up and you can't.
You asked for proof that Trump is a proven liar. Now quit lying because that it we exactly what you posted.
Until Trump releases his tapes, his supporters have no ground on which to stand.

No obstruction Comey hung himself and committed perjury when he lied about when and why he leaked to the press. Comey claimed that he in self defense released the memo in response to Trumps tweet about tapes when in reality that tweet came a day after the NYTs reported on the memo.
Prove it. Show me the tapes. Put Trump under oath.

Hope is not a crime, the NYTs reported on the memos on May 11th the tweet didn't come until May 12th, cut and dry perjury.

Back to the hope thing I see. It is ion the context.

Only if you group together two separate conversations from two separate dates like you did.
Striking when he said he made notes on his meetings with Trump because he feared Trump would lie about them.

Simple question, Dave...if Comey thought what Trump was asking him was so improper that he needed to take notes to protect himself...then why didn't he A) inform Trump that saying he "hoped" Comey could see his way to letting Flynn off the hook was improper...and B) inform the Attorney General's office about the alleged improper suggestions?
So, this is the same defense Trymp's buddy Corey used.

It's Comey's fault because he did not report this to DOJ?

If there was obstruction then Comey committed a felony by not reporting it under 18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony, which states and I quote:

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 684; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(G), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony

Quoting Corey again. Arrest Trump to, he did not report his own crime. Arrest Kushner and all the Trump people that knew this.

Comey knew this was inappropriate and it would be up to the DOJ to file charges. So at that point, you would have to prove he knew it was a felony and not just suspected it.

Your argument sucks dick.

If it was obstruction then it was a felony are you telling me that the director of the FBI and a career prosecutor doesn't know obstruction of justice when he sees it? Go fuck yourself.

Look, asshole, in the statute you posted, it had to be a charged felony, not a suspected felony. The FBI does not decide when to press charges as you claimed

So your post was stupid & irrelevant & now you blame me because of it.

I have PROVEN you wrong ovef & over & over. So really, either come up with the truth for a change or STFU.
Until Trump releases his tapes, his supporters have no ground on which to stand.

No obstruction Comey hung himself and committed perjury when he lied about when and why he leaked to the press. Comey claimed that he in self defense released the memo in response to Trumps tweet about tapes when in reality that tweet came a day after the NYTs reported on the memo.
Prove it. Show me the tapes. Put Trump under oath.

Hope is not a crime, the NYTs reported on the memos on May 11th the tweet didn't come until May 12th, cut and dry perjury.

Back to the hope thing I see. It is ion the context.

Only if you group together two separate conversations from two separate dates like you did.
It is all part the conversations between Comey & Trump. Do you think Comey just forgot his earlier conversation? Really?
No obstruction Comey hung himself and committed perjury when he lied about when and why he leaked to the press. Comey claimed that he in self defense released the memo in response to Trumps tweet about tapes when in reality that tweet came a day after the NYTs reported on the memo.
Prove it. Show me the tapes. Put Trump under oath.

Hope is not a crime, the NYTs reported on the memos on May 11th the tweet didn't come until May 12th, cut and dry perjury.

Back to the hope thing I see. It is ion the context.

Only if you group together two separate conversations from two separate dates like you did.
It is all part the conversations between Comey & Trump. Do you think Comey just forgot his earlier conversation? Really?

You can't chop up two different conversations and stitch them together as if Trump said back off the Flynn investigation or you're fired.
Simple question, Dave...if Comey thought what Trump was asking him was so improper that he needed to take notes to protect himself...then why didn't he A) inform Trump that saying he "hoped" Comey could see his way to letting Flynn off the hook was improper...and B) inform the Attorney General's office about the alleged improper suggestions?
So, this is the same defense Trymp's buddy Corey used.

It's Comey's fault because he did not report this to DOJ?

If there was obstruction then Comey committed a felony by not reporting it under 18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony, which states and I quote:

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 684; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(G), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony

Quoting Corey again. Arrest Trump to, he did not report his own crime. Arrest Kushner and all the Trump people that knew this.

Comey knew this was inappropriate and it would be up to the DOJ to file charges. So at that point, you would have to prove he knew it was a felony and not just suspected it.

Your argument sucks dick.

If it was obstruction then it was a felony are you telling me that the director of the FBI and a career prosecutor doesn't know obstruction of justice when he sees it? Go fuck yourself.

Look, asshole, in the statute you posted, it had to be a charged felony, not a suspected felony.

That doesn't even fucking make sense, if the felony has already been charged there's no reason to report it moron.

The FBI does not decide when to press charges as you claimed

So your post was stupid & irrelevant & now you blame me because of it.

I have PROVEN you wrong ovef & over & over. So really, either come up with the truth for a change or STFU.

No you haven't the statute is crystal clear if Trump obstructed justice Comey was legally required to report it.
So, this is the same defense Trymp's buddy Corey used.

It's Comey's fault because he did not report this to DOJ?

If there was obstruction then Comey committed a felony by not reporting it under 18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony, which states and I quote:

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 684; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(G), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony

Quoting Corey again. Arrest Trump to, he did not report his own crime. Arrest Kushner and all the Trump people that knew this.

Comey knew this was inappropriate and it would be up to the DOJ to file charges. So at that point, you would have to prove he knew it was a felony and not just suspected it.

Your argument sucks dick.

If it was obstruction then it was a felony are you telling me that the director of the FBI and a career prosecutor doesn't know obstruction of justice when he sees it? Go fuck yourself.

Look, asshole, in the statute you posted, it had to be a charged felony, not a suspected felony.

That doesn't even fucking make sense, if the felony has already been charged there's no reason to report it moron.

The FBI does not decide when to press charges as you claimed

So your post was stupid & irrelevant & now you blame me because of it.

I have PROVEN you wrong over & over & over. So really, either come up with the truth for a change or STFU.

No you haven't the statute is crystal clear if Trump obstructed justice Comey was legally required to report it.
Whether Trump obstructed was not a Comey decision.
Trump: Disgruntled employee has no credibility


So, in firing Comey, you think that makes all his testimony meaningless.

You aren't too bright.

If you can't separate his lies from the truth, he turns into the boy who cried wolf. 0 credibility. That makes all his testimony meaningless.

And again, since you failed to address it the first time:

^Collusion caught on tape........

In that case, Trump is meaningless.

Citing more room to negotiate is working on a negotiation. Not a Collusion unless to call working for nuclear disarmament colluding.
If there was obstruction then Comey committed a felony by not reporting it under 18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony, which states and I quote:

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 684; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(G), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony

Quoting Corey again. Arrest Trump to, he did not report his own crime. Arrest Kushner and all the Trump people that knew this.

Comey knew this was inappropriate and it would be up to the DOJ to file charges. So at that point, you would have to prove he knew it was a felony and not just suspected it.

Your argument sucks dick.

If it was obstruction then it was a felony are you telling me that the director of the FBI and a career prosecutor doesn't know obstruction of justice when he sees it? Go fuck yourself.

Look, asshole, in the statute you posted, it had to be a charged felony, not a suspected felony.

That doesn't even fucking make sense, if the felony has already been charged there's no reason to report it moron.

The FBI does not decide when to press charges as you claimed

So your post was stupid & irrelevant & now you blame me because of it.

I have PROVEN you wrong over & over & over. So really, either come up with the truth for a change or STFU.

No you haven't the statute is crystal clear if Trump obstructed justice Comey was legally required to report it.
Whether Trump obstructed was not a Comey decision.

But it was a Comey requirement to report it to the DOJ.
OMG OMG OMG Clinton Foundation.

The Clintons take no money from the Clinton Foundation
I didn't bring it up as an excuse for your orange buddy.

Trump would not have been my first choice for president, but the screeching harpy was yours. It's why Trump is president, you're a loser, and Hitlery is drunk....
Hillary lost partly because your party spent years running investigation after investigation about Benghazi & emails. Finding nothing. Trump was probably the first candidate to pursue the racist/bigot vote.

But here you are defending Trump. Why is that. Maybe you love his tweets? his lies?

How can you support a man that looks you in the eye & lies all the time. I don't get it. What do you think he will do for you?

Find out what the mainstream media won't tell you about the Comey hearing
Quoting Corey again. Arrest Trump to, he did not report his own crime. Arrest Kushner and all the Trump people that knew this.

Comey knew this was inappropriate and it would be up to the DOJ to file charges. So at that point, you would have to prove he knew it was a felony and not just suspected it.

Your argument sucks dick.

If it was obstruction then it was a felony are you telling me that the director of the FBI and a career prosecutor doesn't know obstruction of justice when he sees it? Go fuck yourself.

Look, asshole, in the statute you posted, it had to be a charged felony, not a suspected felony.

That doesn't even fucking make sense, if the felony has already been charged there's no reason to report it moron.

The FBI does not decide when to press charges as you claimed

So your post was stupid & irrelevant & now you blame me because of it.

I have PROVEN you wrong over & over & over. So really, either come up with the truth for a change or STFU.

No you haven't the statute is crystal clear if Trump obstructed justice Comey was legally required to report it.
Whether Trump obstructed was not a Comey decision.

But it was a Comey requirement to report it to the DOJ.

So, you are saying it was a felony? Did Comey say it was a felony? That has not yet been decided.

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